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Topic: foo_uie_lyrics3 (Read 938527 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #850
Isn’t a tag a good place for lyrics because it is track-specific and you don’t have to care when moving your files around?
from the top of my head, not good for people who like to share music files via torrents (saving lyrics to tag means a tag change, means file change, means hash change, means torrent corruption, dead)
Sure, but who cares about people that need help for illegal activities?

B. Not Working Scenario ...
I know what you mean. The problem is: in the current concept that isn't solvable without introducing illogical behavior. That's why i suggested to seperate strictly local search from online search to at last throw over board the ballast from the previous versions.

To all: don't get me wrong! I am not against features. The vern introduced so many new useful things: lyrics editor or google search. It's just a shame that the component is NOT easy to understand in some parts: just ten posts before this one the associations had to be explained again. It's up to the vern to decide how much work he likes to put in save methods that aren't really necessary (associations) but it is my observance that exactly these parts are making trouble. And try to be honest: as long as you don't want to practice music piracy you don't have a real benefit from local files and especially associations - they just keep the vern busy. In fact all could be happy with just tags. But however, files are nice too!

@ the vern
I don't want to make a concrete suggestion but an appeal: what ever you do, please try to introduce a simplification in the component! The origin purpose should just be to save lyrics to show them then - no more, no less!


Reply #851
Isn’t a tag a good place for lyrics because it is track-specific and you don’t have to care when moving your files around?
from the top of my head, not good for people who like to share music files via torrents (saving lyrics to tag means a tag change, means file change, means hash change, means torrent corruption, dead)
Sure, but who cares about people that need help for illegal activities?

since when is sharing mp3 files illegal? you can share all the things you want (except copyrighted content ofc). so, next time, if you gonna say something like this, please, change at least your tone so you won't sound so ignorant. thank you.


Reply #852

Allthough I have "Local File search" at the top of the search priority list and auto saving of lyrics files enabled, howcome each time I restart the same song, the lyrics panel shows search in progress which takes some seconds until the lyrics reappear. In the end, it retrieves and shows the local lyrics file, which is exactly what I want, but why does it waste time searching (online?) each time, even if a local lyrics file is available?

Thanks for the help and for the component!
(Just upgraded from the no longer working foo_uie_lyrics2 which I've been using for some years).



Reply #853
Thanks for reporting, it will be fixed in the next release.

As far as I can tell (based on the screenshots you sent me) your problems are occuring because the local file search is picking up a lyric for a song where the album name is the same as the track title of a different song. The reason it is searching that directory is because the plugin automatically searches the custom save directory (in case users forget to copy it across manually).  Is that correct?

I'm unlikely to change the how the search works - it's simple and logical as is. It is however possible for me to use the associations to force a lyric to display regardless of type if the user so desires. This would take the form of a right click menu item saying something to the effect of "Always display this lyric for this song". Would this be desirable?

You're looking at the wrong changelog, try control + enter.

Presumably because the lyric you've got saved is non-synced and your preferences are prefer synced? Try setting your preferred type of lyric to "no preference".


Reply #854
@the vern

that's correct.
the error has to do with the association-file.
after the track was played the plugin inserts a record to the association, though it was the wrong lyric that was displayed. (I've tested it)
that shouldn't be. (not at all automatically !!)

think about the autofillin of Local File Search - if the plugin wouldn't autofillin the lyric-folder, I think some issues will be solved immediately


Reply #855
since when is sharing mp3 files illegal? you can share all the things you want (except copyrighted content ofc). so, next time, if you gonna say something like this, please, change at least your tone so you won't sound so ignorant. thank you.
Come on, what do you like to say? That lyrics are available on net but the song is not copyrighted? If such lyrics at all exist: do they exceed 1% of all lyrics? Change your tone so you won't sound so hypocrit!

I'm unlikely to change the how the search works - it's simple and logical as is.
It may be logical but it isn't simple! Maybe it just depends how you define simple but the most annoying thing i mentioned several times: the ui-element doesn't provide any information from which source the lyrics are taken - you have to open an extra window.  Will that ever change?


Reply #856


Reply #857
since when is sharing mp3 files illegal? you can share all the things you want (except copyrighted content ofc). so, next time, if you gonna say something like this, please, change at least your tone so you won't sound so ignorant. thank you.
Come on, what do you like to say? That lyrics are available on net but the song is not copyrighted? If such lyrics at all exist: do they exceed 1% of all lyrics? Change your tone so you won't sound so hypocrit!

and may i point out that allmost all lyrics on the web are copyright protected. The only reason that they are still there, is the owner's don't care. The only one i know who is very strict about that is Tom Waits.

and sure.. let's share all the many CC-Music via torrents. this made my day.

what about: back to topic?


Reply #858
since when is sharing mp3 files illegal? you can share all the things you want (except copyrighted content ofc). so, next time, if you gonna say something like this, please, change at least your tone so you won't sound so ignorant. thank you.
Come on, what do you like to say? That lyrics are available on net but the song is not copyrighted? If such lyrics at all exist: do they exceed 1% of all lyrics? Change your tone so you won't sound so hypocrit!

not all songs are copyrighted, i don't know why are you saying that. and it's not your 1%. the same should apply on lyrics.


Reply #859
So you need textfiles for lyrics because you share non-copyrighted music which lyrics you have searched with lyrics show component?


Reply #860
the ui-element doesn't provide any information from which source the lyrics are taken - you have to open an extra window.

So it is possible to know the lyrics source? How? Which extra window do you mean?
Magically yours


Reply #861
right click -> about current lyrics ...

( I still believe that my idea was good to implement a toolbar where the name of source is displayed beside to next-,save and reload-button)


Reply #862
Thanks, I missed this. In my view, that's really enough - you don't need the info about lyrics source too often, do you? It may be useful for debug reasons, no more...
Magically yours


Reply #863
What might be useful is to add to the About current lyrics dialog Searched by field - to see by which search parameters this particular lyrics was searched and found. It would help to discover "Black Sabbath-like" issues I wrote above or to test custom search parameters.
Magically yours



Reply #864
Thanks, I missed this. In my view, that's really enough - you don't need the info about lyrics source too often, do you?

What if you don't like automatics saving and you wants to save manually? You are not able to recognize if lyrics are local or online.
What if you cycle through lyrics by next-command? You don't know the source.

In my eyes the missing of that little feature is still the greatest annoyment in the handling of the component. It doesn't really matter where the info is displayed: in a toolbar or in ui-element itself. In latter case why not a simple text in dui highlight color followed by the scrolling lyrics:

Run DMC - "Walk this way"
Tag Search: %UNSYNCED LYRICS%             



Reply #865
What if you don't like automatics saving and you wants to save manually? You are not able to recognize if lyrics are local or online.
What if you cycle through lyrics by next-command? You don't know the source.

I always save manually. Furthermore I check every single text synced or unsynced and eventually correct when needed (i.e. pretty often)


Reply #866
Manual saving and all the more editing lyrics is Sisyphean toil in my view. You listen to music, not reading it; foo_uie_lyrics3 helps you to understand the song's lyrics - after a few times reading you'll understand it yourself, without any help. So I don't see clearly whom is all such efforts (taking much time!) for.
When I was younger (much younger... 10 years ago... 15 years ago) I spent my time exactly this way. I still have the CD with Elton John mp3 collection where there's a lyrics text file for every song - created manually, with love and carefulness, with the look I invented myself. But... where is this CD now? It's on the shelf - stored for sentimental reasons. 'Cause once, when I thought "Why don't listen to Elton?", instead of looking for this CD I just downloaded all his albums from torrent tracker - a few mouse clicks, 2 hours to download, lossless quality. That's life.
Magically yours


Reply #867
I’m sure Elton would really appreciate the “love and carefulness” that you devoted to the task of acquiring his material.


Reply #868
Do you allude to the source of this lossless collection? Maybe you're right. Maybe. There was a time when I was "copyright disciple", too. Things seem to be so clear - I was younger .
Magically yours


Reply #869
To me the way of listening music has nothing to do with my age.
If the songs you are listening to aren't the same language as yours and you are going to share foobar with your friends/familiars etc...


Reply #870
If the songs you are listening to aren't the same language as yours and you are going to share foobar with your friends/familiars etc...

Oh yeah this is the argument I used myself when I prepared that CD. I don't want to say that you'll never share your lyrics collection - but it is unlikely that you'll do: it's easier and quicker for your friends to use the Internet to get the (almost) same lyrics, and I bet most of them won't care that lyrics from the Internet is "worse" than the one edited by you. That's life, again. It's better to spend the time for learning the language your favourite artist sings than for editing the lyrics. Nothing personal, just an advice from the person who was like you once. Maybe my English would be better than it is if I got this advice on time .
Magically yours


Reply #871
I'm unlikely to change the how the search works - it's simple and logical as is. It is however possible for me to use the associations to force a lyric to display regardless of type if the user so desires. This would take the form of a right click menu item saying something to the effect of "Always display this lyric for this song". Would this be desirable?

true, its simple and logical as it is but that's maybe because the foo_uie_lyrics2 source is not well commented.
but won't it be more logical to bind the lyric preference setting to the downloading part only?
like... you know, while checking the online databases for the lyrics, it should indeed go as per the lyric preference setting but when it comes to simply loading the lyrics, it should be free of the lyric preference settings.

anyways... Associations are fine but i stopped actively using it once i moved from foo_uie_lyrics2 to your refined work on foo_uie_lyrics3.
currently it still automatically manages association and in retrospect, Associations Search is the second priority as per my settings and obviously the online database come after this but i still seem to face the problem.
PS: i checked the associations and it does have the entry for unsynced lyrics.

i reverted back to foo_uie_lyrics2 v0.3.5 (beta) since the User Defined Directory method broke


Reply #873
Maybe the following search parameters would be useful for somebody.

My music library is organized in the following way (example for Queen):
Code: [Select]

Under "..." I mean a subtree of folders with arbitrary names and depth.
There are files in FLAC format with empty tags in my collection. Only Title column isn't empty for such files and contains filename without extension, like "01 - Party". Therefore with default settings no lyrics could be found for such files 'cause there's no Artist data and invalid Title data (maybe the last thing isn't important, I'm not really sure).
The following search parameters analyzes Artist and Title columns. If Artist is empty and Title meets above condition (contains " - " and only numbers before it) then they takes Artist data from the path to the file being played and Title data as "right" substring of filename after " - ".

Code: [Select]
$if($or(%artist%,$or($greater(1,$put(`seppos,$strstr(%title%, - ))),$not($greater(1$put(`tracknr,$left($get(`seppos),%title%))0,1$get(`tracknr))))),%artist%,$substr($put(`partpath,$substr($put(`fullpath,$directory_path(%path%)),12,$len($get(`fullpath)))),,$sub($strchr($get(`partpath),\),1)))

Code: [Select]
$if($or(%artist%,$or($greater(1,$put(`seppos,$strstr(%title%, - ))),$not($greater(1$put(`tracknr,$left($get(`seppos),%title%))0,1$get(`tracknr))))),%title%,$substr(%title%,$add($get(`seppos),3),$len(%title%)))
Magically yours


Reply #874
Hello, I've been using this plugin for a long time, but I noticed today that it won't load lyrics anymore. Then updated to newest version and when that didn't help I installed beta. I can't say where is the problem, can you help me out?

E: Finds lyrics well, but just won't load. "Load failed."
E2: It's a problem with an lyrics server which is apparently only one which finds lyrics. Added more sources to download and now works fine.

Ps. I'd love to see one day a chance to spam higlighted lyrics as like AMIP works, you know, just to let my IRC channel know what I'm listening

You're doing good job with this plugin!