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Topic: foo_upnp (Read 1715730 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #1475
Streaming over the internet worked a while and right now I can't get it working again. I don't know what I'm missing. Everything worked fine in the first place and apparently after my Router reconnected and I had to set up a new dynamic DNS Service it won't work again.. After that I changed ports, disabled my firewall and changed port forwarding of course. I even tried using my WAN IP instead of the dyndns hostname.

exit foobar2000 and delete foo_upnp.xml to reset the configuration just in case and remake it from scratch.

When using UPnPlay I can connect to my foobar server over the internet, browse through playlists, but playback won't start because of time-outs.

Are you are not trying to stream files that requires too much bandwidth without transcoding ?  I believe UpnPlay will use the default profile.

With BubbleUPnP I can't even access my foobar server. The console output tells me, foo_upnp blocked a WAN access. I double checked username & password (which work with UPnPlay though). After some more logging I found out it was blocked because username and password weren't submitted (401 unauthorized). I tried putting user + pw together with the server adress (http://user:pass@host:port). I almost tried all combinations I could think of, with no success.
need help with that please.

In BubbleUPnP you *cannot* access foo_upnp directly over the Internet. You must use BubbleUPnP Server for that like if it was any other Media Server.
In other terms, Android BubbleUPnP connects only to BubbleUpNP Server which in turn makes any Media Server accessible to it.


Reply #1476
the latest .38 plugin has problem! In the config, in Streaming Profile config, it won't let me Uncheck "lossless and" and "Internet connection" options. After I uncheck these 2 options, once foobar2000 is restarted, the settings become Checked again. The problem is with the 2 options always checked, it will always trancode to mp3 when playing over Internet, or other subnet.

There is no such problem in .35 version.

Also, I already has a foobar upnp running. Then I install a extra (in standalone mode) copy of foobar and upnp plugin, in the past (.35 version), it will prompt me that the server couldn't start because another server already used the default port 56923. But this .38 version won't give any prompt...


Reply #1477
Thanks for the quick reply!

Are you are not trying to stream files that requires too much bandwidth without transcoding ?  I believe UpnPlay will use the default profile.

I'd try to create a profile for UPnPlay, is that simply achieved by creating one called "UPnPlay"? Or does it depend on the app, which profile is used?

In BubbleUPnP you *cannot* access foo_upnp directly over the Internet. You must use BubbleUPnP Server for that like if it was any other Media Server.
In other terms, Android BubbleUPnP connects only to BubbleUpNP Server which in turn makes any Media Server accessible to it.

I was afraid this the case.. I'll give BubbleUPnP Server a shot then, althought I didn't want to use yet another tool.

Thank you again, I'll try it out as fast as possible and tell you the results. =)


Reply #1478
The more I think about those "never"/"always", together with "except"/"or"/"and" rules, just make my head hurt more!

I just want to NEVER trancode, under ALL condition! How should I set those options?

If I can NOT Uncheck BOTH "lossless and" AND "internet connection, then by the other way, should I select transcode "ALWAYS" (instead of NEVER), and put in ALL the file extensions (mp3,wav,aiff,m4a,flac,ape,wma,dff,dsf,aac etc etc), so that it will never transcode, no matter the "lossless and" and "internet connection" options checked or not?

I need to stop, my head hurt again...

btw, I found that it will let me Uncheck either "lossless and", or "internet connection", but not BOTH...


Reply #1479
Anyone get it working with Boxee Box? Running firmware

It tries to play the files. I hear sound but then it just quits.

It tries to play a file transcoded to mp3 but it fails because the Boxee Box emits seeking requests which is are not supported for transcoded streams.

Modify the BubbleUPnP streaming profile (seems it looks you trigger playback from BubbleUPnP) to decode to WAV or LPCM instead
for a possible fix.

What is the audio format of the file you are trying to play ?

Simple MP3 files. Settings make no difference it seems, tried every possible combination.

Looks like its another bug in BB firmware.
God Bless U.S.A


Reply #1480
the latest .38 plugin has problem! In the config, in Streaming Profile config, it won't let me Uncheck "lossless and" and "Internet connection" options. After I uncheck these 2 options, once foobar2000 is restarted, the settings become Checked again. The problem is with the 2 options always checked, it will always trancode to mp3 when playing over Internet, or other subnet.

There is no such problem in .35 version.

Also, I already has a foobar upnp running. Then I install a extra (in standalone mode) copy of foobar and upnp plugin, in the past (.35 version), it will prompt me that the server couldn't start because another server already used the default port 56923. But this .38 version won't give any prompt...

Thank you for reporting these 2 bugs which are regressions and that I fixed.
Wait for a fixed version probably tomorrow because as it is, some Streaming Profile options cannot be saved.


Reply #1481
thanks! and sorry for the shout!

oh and thanks for adding the 2.8Mhz option! foobar2000 upnp plugin now has really unique features!


Reply #1482
Again thank you for your help!

I'm now using BubbleUPnP with its server and it's working good, I dumped UPnPlay, since it isn't working anymore - for whatever reason..

Another issue I wanted to ask about: When I'm going to stream to my PS3, I first have to boot the PS3 and after that start foobar or restart the UPnP Server, otherwise it takes around twenty searches on the PS3 to discover the server. I saw an option in my router configuration for UPnP, which is disabled atm - is that related to LAN UPnP servers?


Reply #1483
v 0.99.39 is available fixing a bunch of regressions introduced in 0.99.36.

It is recommended you delete your foo_upnp.xml file in the foobar2000 profile dir, as v0.99.36+ has rewritten
some streaming profile parameters to default values.
If you delete this file and have some custom profiles, you will have to recreate them.


- (regression) fixed loading configuration always forcing certain parameters in streaming profiles to default values
- (regression) server: fixed server starting without error if its port was used
- (regression) server: fixed broken Internet authentication
- (regression) server: fixed returning large number of items making UI sluggish
- (regression) browser: fixed lagging UI when loading folder with huge number of items


Reply #1484
I'm now using BubbleUPnP with its server and it's working good, I dumped UPnPlay, since it isn't working anymore - for whatever reason..

It should be fixed in 0.99.39. Although with BubbleUPnP Server you have other advantages like improved security (https) and reduced bandwidth usage (compression).


Reply #1485
Thanks for the quick update, the UI doesn't stutter for me anymore.

I deleted foo_upnp.xml and noticed it didn't select the right profile when using PlugPlayer, changing "PlugPlayer (iOS)" to "PlugPlayer" fixed this. The user agent given in the console is
Code: [Select]
(User-Agent: iPhone/5.1, UPnP/1.0, PlugPlayer/4.1.0)

I also just noticed the stereo only option in rendering capabilities, does this apply to the Playback Stream Capture (it doesn't seem to)? It's a bit hard to test properly because sending wav/lpcm (using 2 channels) for the PSC doesn't give any audio, while transcoding to mp3 works. When using multichannel audio, PlugPlayer gives error 8.


Reply #1486
I'm now using BubbleUPnP with its server and it's working good, I dumped UPnPlay, since it isn't working anymore - for whatever reason..

It should be fixed in 0.99.39. Although with BubbleUPnP Server you have other advantages like improved security (https) and reduced bandwidth usage (compression).

Well... after I wrote this morning that everything is working fine I went outside and wanted to connect to foobar again, like I did yesterday afternoon, but I simply can't see the Media Server. I can connect to BubbleUPnP Server but there is no device to browse.
When I use BubbleUPnP in my LAN everything is working.

I found that the foobar Media Server is not listed on the configuration page of BubbleUPnP Server. I can access it from my Droid via LAN though... any suggestions? :/

Ok.. just forget what I posted... after a windows reboot everthing is back to normal -.-



Reply #1487
Am i the only one who gets
Error connecting to remote network Home: The remote server could be joined but failed authentication. Check that your login and password are correct
using fb2k 1.1.12 beta3 and foo_upnp 0.99.39 when tempt to connect with BubleUPnP?

EDIT: foo_upnp.xml was deleted but still cannot login outside my home wifi network


Reply #1488
Am i the only one who gets
Error connecting to remote network Home: The remote server could be joined but failed authentication. Check that your login and password are correct
using fb2k 1.1.12 beta3 and foo_upnp 0.99.39 when tempt to connect with BubleUPnP?

EDIT: foo_upnp.xml was deleted but still cannot login outside my home wifi network

You ***** CANNOT ******* connect to foo_upnp with Android BubbleUPnP (for Internet Streaming, not LAN streaming of course).
Android BubbleUPnP *** ONLY *** connects to BubbleUPnP Server. See this recent post:

Ah and sorry for the caps =).


Reply #1489
You ***** CANNOT ******* connect to foo_upnp with Android BubbleUPnP (for Internet Streaming, not LAN streaming of course).
Android BubbleUPnP *** ONLY *** connects to BubbleUPnP Server.

I wasn't aware of that because i used UPnPlay before and it was working - any chance to allow external connections again? I liked foo_upnp because i need no other program in order to stream my collection. For https i understand but what about those who can/will go without it and do not want to run additional apps and services? Please!

I hope you will change your ming and there wont be a need to wont fulfill my next wish - change the text in foo_upnp > Internet Access that states: "can be accessed from any browser or player using this URL:"


Reply #1490

Here's my setup:

> foobar 1.1.11 and foo_unp 0.99.39 on my computer, outputting music to my receiver. Just using the default playlist, no media library.

> foobar 1.1.11 and foo_unp 0.99.39 on my netbook, using the foo_unp upnp controller.

Here's my problem:

As long as I start playback on the computer, I can see the currently playing track via the netbook. I can pause and unpause the track, and even skip around backwards and forwards on the track.

However, I cannot skip to the next or previous track -- in the console log, it shows a "stop" command being sent. Once stopped, I cannot play remotely from the netbook, I must go back to the computer and press play.

Pressing "play", "stop", "next" and "previous" all send the dreaded "stop" command that prevents me from being able to play via the netbook.  Pressing the "playlist" button does nothing, and no command is logged on the computer side.

What am I doing wrong?


Reply #1491
Foo_upnp won't seem to use by streaming profile. I get the following in the console log:

Code: [Select]
foo_upnp: 593.593329: FbMediaServer::CheckAuthentication(362)/3296: INFO: received LAN request: [url=];convert=wav[/url] (User-Agent: WinampMPEG/2.8)
foo_upnp: 593.593329: PLT_HttpHelper::ToLog(481)/3296: INFO: FbMediaServer::ProcessFileRequest
GET /content/e153d8630a8d1a06316b0670ae6809f4.wav?profile_id=0&convert=wav HTTP/1.1
Icy-MetaData: 1
Connection: close Streaming
User-Agent: WinampMPEG/2.8
Accept: */*
foo_upnp: 593.593329: upnp_server_conf::get_profile(832)/3296: INFO: using profile 'PPPP', matching header (User-Agent:WinampMPEG/2.8)
foo_upnp: opened 'file://G:\Bigbopaloola\000test\05 Vendendo Saude & FeMod.mp3' for streaming, profile: Default, WAV / 44100 Hz / 16 bits / 2 channels, replaygain: on, DSP chain: off
foo_upnp: 593.593454: RendererController::OnActionResponse(127)/5416: INFO: <<<< X-SMC3/4: RET Play: res = 0
foo_upnp: 593.593547: RendererController::InvokeAction(88)/5092: INFO: >>>> CALL GetTransportInfo
foo_upnp: 593.593766: RendererController::OnActionResponse(127)/5944: INFO: <<<< X-SMC3/4: RET GetTransportInfo: res = 0
It seems to match the header for selection of my media renderer's profile (PPPP) and then in the next console log line shows that it proceeds to process the file according to the default profile.

Do I not understand how this is supposed to work, or is there a problem (mine or a bug)?

BTw: The option to always use the default profile is unchecked.


Reply #1492
What am I doing wrong?

The UPnP Controller controls playback (track advance) from the UPnP Controller Playback Queue. It is not meant to control playback of the current playlist in the remote renderer foobar instance.


Reply #1494
Hey, I see you've begun working on trying to get this working with Samsung DLNA TV's!! Just wanted to chip in my two cent, I have a Samsung UE37D5000 series TV, and figured I might be of help testing, etc. If it's any use to you, here's a log from earlier today when I was testing out the new upnp beta:

Can you state what exactly isn't working and post a log with INFO level instead ?

I have a Samsung UE37D5000 TV, and I'm trying to play music from my foobar library on it via your uPnP plugin, which as I understand is still a work in progress. The logs above were me trying to play one of my playlists, in which all the content & tags were read correctly, but the files don't play, yet also don't error. It seems like the user agent is changing as soon as the file starts playing, so I thought the logs from that might help.

In the mean time, I've gotten your newest update, and while it's still doing the same thing of changing user agent on playback, I know here the occasional second of music from songs before the TV skips to the next one, and the FINER logs tell me that there's a HTTP 416 error, the requested range is invalid. And the range is set to bytes=32768-. Really want to see this working on Samsung TV's, itching to stream my FLAC library to it, so if I can be of any help, I hope to try

Here's two logs for me trying to stream a short playlist of mine to the TV btw.

Info Level:
Finer Level:



Reply #1495
In the mean time, I've gotten your newest update, and while it's still doing the same thing of changing user agent on playback, I know here the occasional second of music from songs before the TV skips to the next one, and the FINER logs tell me that there's a HTTP 416 error, the requested range is invalid. And the range is set to bytes=32768-. Really want to see this working on Samsung TV's, itching to stream my FLAC library to it, so if I can be of any help, I hope to try

Yes it fails on this range request in the LPCM Stream (there's no reason for making a range request, yet it does).
Transcoded streams are not seekable thus this request fails.

You may want to try WAV instead of LPCM. But it is not guaranteed this TV supports WAV
as it is not a DLNA mandatory codec (unlike LPCM).


Reply #1496
In the mean time, I've gotten your newest update, and while it's still doing the same thing of changing user agent on playback, I know here the occasional second of music from songs before the TV skips to the next one, and the FINER logs tell me that there's a HTTP 416 error, the requested range is invalid. And the range is set to bytes=32768-. Really want to see this working on Samsung TV's, itching to stream my FLAC library to it, so if I can be of any help, I hope to try

Yes it fails on this range request in the LPCM Stream (there's no reason for making a range request, yet it does).
Transcoded streams are not seekable thus this request fails.

You may want to try WAV instead of LPCM. But it is not guaranteed this TV supports WAV
as it is not a DLNA mandatory codec (unlike LPCM).

I tried having the server force all clients to use the default profile, and set that profile to WAV, but no dice, the TV is still trying to connect using LPCM


Reply #1497
I tried having the server force all clients to use the default profile, and set that profile to WAV, but no dice, the TV is still trying to connect using LPCM

Yes my bad. From the log it seems that out of the 3 streams URLs exposed by foo_upnp for your .m4a file (in order: the profile URL, a WAV 44.1/16 URL, a LPCM 44.1 URL), the TV
pick up the LPCM URL which shows that it doesn't support WAV.

EDIT: I suspect that at least mp3 should play. Can you verify that ?


Reply #1498
I tried having the server force all clients to use the default profile, and set that profile to WAV, but no dice, the TV is still trying to connect using LPCM

Yes my bad. From the log it seems that out of the 3 streams URLs exposed by foo_upnp for your .m4a file (in order: the profile URL, a WAV 44.1/16 URL, a LPCM 44.1 URL), the TV
pick up the LPCM URL which shows that it doesn't support WAV.

EDIT: I suspect that at least mp3 should play. Can you verify that ?

Yeah, mp3 plays straight away


Reply #1499
bonjour bubbleguuum,

Is it possible to change the name of the playlist "Upnp Controller Playback Queue" ?
I use Tab playlist and this is a very loooooong name

hope it's a setting available in an xml file somewhere.