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Topic: foo_uie_lyrics3 (Read 938528 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #450
Thank you for very useful plugin.

There are some requests.

1. Can I use 'Manual Search Option'?
Whenever play music, it is not desirable to certainly access the Internet.

for example:
- excecute lyric search only when the lyrics show panel window is opened or lyrics show panel loaded.

2. please keep "Auto Save on OK or Apply" checkbox status in Lyric Editor dialog.(and Add Save Button in Lyric Editor dialog.)



Reply #451
Regarding #1, just move all the sources out of "search order" so that the internet is not searched when you desire so.  That's what I do, anyway.

Regarding #2, I believe the component automatically saves upon track change, if automatic saving is checked and a search result that meets your criteria is found, or you can right click and hit "save" at any time if any search results are found and you've loaded a result.

While not exactly what you are looking for, they seem very close.


Reply #452
happy new year to you too, The vern!

my last questions were unanswered here in this topic, so i'm writing them again and hope someone will have some time to answer.

- first question, is it normal, that internet search is taking 5-10 seconds? it's not that long, i'm only wondering if it's okay.

- second question is, sometimes, i accidentally drag synced lyrics and it automatically scrolls them and adjust offset. it's possible to disable this kind of behaviour? to be unable to drag the synced lyrics and adjust offset. to be able to drag only unsynced lyrics. (an option for this would be enough)

- third, i moved the local directory for lyrics, changed the path also in "lyric saving" tab and changed it in local file search/properties. but it won't load the saved lyrics (saving new lyrics is ok). when i copy lyrics to old directory, everything is working fine. but i already changed the path. do i have to change it elsewhere?

- and final question, in lyric search, i edited the artist and title fields and pressed "enter". i expected it to search for lyrics. instead, it's loading the selected lyrics as if i pressed load button. it's confusing. i want it to load the selected lyrics only when selected entry is focused, not when the artist and/or title form is focused.

thanks a lot for response.


Reply #453
what about an option to:

"Only query the next source if no synced lyrics is found"
in "Select how to query sources"

Should be great IMO.


Reply #454
1 and 2 will be rectified in the next release.

1 - Yes that's normal. If you don't want a particular type of lyric, then just disable those searches. It also depends on whether you have 'only query the next source' or 'query all' selected. Query next is much faster.
2 - No you can't disable it.
3 - Have you got the local file search at the top of your search order list? Can you PM me some more info about your settings please.
4 - I'll try and rectify this.

It already does this. Just select 'Prefer synced' or 'Only synced' as the type of lyric you want to display.


Reply #455

3 - you have to associate the lyrics new (in association, the old filepath ist stored)
    stored lyrics in file will be showed only, if associated correctly
    in your case, you better change the "lyrics3.xml" - replace "old filepath" with "new filepath"

@the vern:
great work - thx


Reply #456
yeah ! thanks for the new years update, finally timed lyrics work again !


Reply #457
Hi vern, thank you for the great plugin.

I'm missing one thing, as well:

thanks for great component. But I'm missing one thing from the v2. I'm saving my lyrics as %filename%, and there is no field for custom lyric name in the local file search, only directory.

Did you try fill title field with %filename% only but leave artist field blank?

Didn't work, and I also don't want to break the online search.

Is there any chance of integration %filename% in the local file search?


Reply #458
FINALLY! a lyric plugin that works. this is great and thanks for putting the effort into it. I only have 2 minor complaints:

- synced scrolling only sometimes works (not a big deal at all)
- searching for the song in the beginning can take a while (again, not a big deal)

I'm just happy the darn things works


Reply #459
How can I make it find lyrics for artists with & in their name?


Reply #460
1 and 2 will be rectified in the next release.

1 - Yes that's normal. If you don't want a particular type of lyric, then just disable those searches. It also depends on whether you have 'only query the next source' or 'query all' selected. Query next is much faster.
2 - No you can't disable it.
3 - Have you got the local file search at the top of your search order list? Can you PM me some more info about your settings please.
4 - I'll try and rectify this.

It already does this. Just select 'Prefer synced' or 'Only synced' as the type of lyric you want to display.

1 - thanks for confirmation. in fact, "query next" helped me with resolving my 3rd issue. i forgot i had selected "query all" and thought it was still searching in the old location although it was searching on the internet.
2 - i would be very grateful if you consider adding this feature in one of the future versions, an option to disable dragging of synced lyrics with mouse (thus having the ability to change the offset only manually with right click/adjust offset)
3 - resolved, as i stated in 1st issue
4 - many thanks

sorry for adding more questions, but i promise these will be the last ones:)

5- is it normal, when i do right click and choose "adjust offset", the base value is -1? it's not supposed to be 0? i'm just curious, i think i had 0 in lyrics1
6- and i wanted to ask something. since i changed the "query all" to "query next", when i do right click and choose "next lyrics", no more results are there. i know it's because only one lyrics are saved. but, would it be possible to add the 3rd option, for querying all, but only after the "query next" is loaded? for example i have "local search" in the 1st place. so it would immediately show the local lyrics (or 1st available) and automatically load all others in the background, so if i do right click and choose "next lyrics", i'll see next result. i hope you understand what i wanted to say. thanks a lot for your time and your responses.


Reply #461
Hello, The vern.

Thanks for your great work,
now I have 0.2.3 version and I love it so much.

Here're two tiny suggestions, to make your work perfect.
I think 'open file location' in context menu should be activated immediately when you save the online searched lyric.
And I prefer if there's a short-cut key for 'Synchronise selected line' button in Lyric Editor.

Thanks again for your work.


Reply #462
hello The vern and thanks for your plug-in

i want to ask something though, I remember I used to fix lyrics charset right from the panel, but now I can't find it anymore.. I can't remember if it's from lyric show 2 or 3 tho..
if it's a feature from lyric show 2, can you please add it to lyric show 3?
if it was a feature from lyric show 3, why you remove it and can you add it again?




Reply #463
Right click\Preferences\Advanced tab


Reply #464
hi again:) i have found one strange thing. i think it will be the best if i describe it on an example. i have saved lyrics for two songs. Ellie Goulding - Lights.txt and Ellie Goulding - Lights (Bassnectar Remix).lrc. when i play Ellie Goulding - Lights, it's always displaying the .lrc file for the remix one. it should display the correct one. and even when i remove Ellie Goulding - Lights.txt, it's displaying the .lrc file for the remix, but it should search for the lyrics online and not display the lyrics for the remix. i know i have "prefer synced", but it's completely a different song. hope this can be fixed, because i have lots of remixes of various songs. thanks!


Reply #465
It is taking a lot longer to find lyrics now (5-6 seconds) when before it was almost instantaneous.


Reply #466
you could add / remove sites in an effort to track down whether one particular site is troublesome. Might be of help to the developer.


Reply #467
Hi, when I use option "Save to tag" it not only saves lyrics but also album artist (in fact, it amends this field if there is something else already). Why is this? Is there any option to switch this behaviour off?


Reply #468
Right click\Preferences\Advanced tab

I believe you answering me, yes?
well, thing is, it assumes every lyrics use particular charset when my lyrics use different charset, some use S-JIS, some use BIG5, and many use unicode
I could set different charset for different lyrics before, but now I can't thus I'm asking here

sorry if I sound so selfish


Reply #469
Hi there, I haven't been able to see the association related command in the right-click menu, even after the latest update.

any idea how to fix this? Thanks!


Reply #470
You can also access the codepage directly from the panel right click context menu which I think is what you want. In common with many foobar2000 menu items, this item is hidden unless the shift key is held down. You can also assign a keybord shortcut to directly show the adjust codepage dialogue box.


Shift+right click


Reply #471
You can also access the codepage directly from the panel right click context menu which I think is what you want. In common with many foobar2000 menu items, this item is hidden unless the shift key is held down. You can also assign a keybord shortcut to directly show the adjust codepage dialogue box.


wow, so it always there.. never thought about shift+right click as it's not hidden before
thanks for your help WilB


Reply #473
Why when lyricshow doesn't find a lyrics, lyricshow create a file with this line: "<a href=>Find lyrics on</a>"?


Reply #474
A comment or further thought to this:

A variation of two seperated lists could be to go through the local search list and if and only if nothing is found to go through the online search list to show founded lyrics.
It is just an annoyence in the current state that the component searches for online sources although local lyrics exist.