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General - (fb2k) / Friendly formatting of frequency
Last post by ManniX -
Got annoyed by the simple display of sampling frequency in Hz, especially with DSD it's hard to read and messes up the layouts.
I thought there was a nice helper function but I couldn't find one and neither a one-liner shared somewhere so that's what I came up with.

Hope you find it helpful, if you snatch a bug or have suggestions for improvements let me know.

Default UI status bar:
Code: [Select]
%codec% | $ifgreater(%__samplerate%,999999,[$div(%__samplerate%,1000000).[$substr($mod(%__samplerate%,1000000),0,1)]] MHz,$ifgreater(%__samplerate%,999,[$div(%__samplerate%,1000).[$substr($mod(%__samplerate%,1000),0,1)]] KHz,))$ifgreater(1000,%__samplerate%,%__samplerate Hz,) | $if($strcmp(%__encoding%,lossy),%bitrate% kbps mp3 |,$ifgreater(%__bitspersample%,0,%__bitspersample% bit |,)) %channels% | %playback_time%[ / %length%]

Default UI status bar:
Code: [Select]
%codec% | $ifgreater(%__samplerate%,999999,[$div(%__samplerate%,1000000).[$substr($mod(%__samplerate%,1000000),0,1)]] MHz,$ifgreater(%__samplerate%,999,[$div(%__samplerate%,1000).[$substr($mod(%__samplerate%,1000),0,1)]] KHz,))$ifgreater(1000,%__samplerate%,%__samplerate Hz,) | $if($strcmp(%__encoding%,lossy),%bitrate% kbps mp3 |,$ifgreater(%__bitspersample%,0,%__bitspersample% bit |,)) %channels% | %playback_time%[ / %length%]

Columns UI, Playlist View, Columns, Codec (Custom)
Code: [Select]
[%codec% $ifgreater(%__samplerate%,999999,[$div(%__samplerate%,1000000).[$substr($mod(%__samplerate%,1000000),0,1)]] MHz,$ifgreater(%__samplerate%,999,[$div(%__samplerate%,1000).[$substr($mod(%__samplerate%,1000),0,1)]] KHz,))$ifgreater(1000,%__samplerate%,%__samplerate Hz,)$ifgreater(%__bitspersample%,0, %__bitspersample% bit,)$if($strcmp(%__encoding%,lossy), %bitrate% kbps) %channels% ]

Columns UI, Status Pane
Code: [Select]
%artist% – %title%
%codec% | $ifgreater(%__samplerate%,999999,[$div(%__samplerate%,1000000).[$substr($mod(%__samplerate%,1000000),0,1)]] MHz,$ifgreater(%__samplerate%,999,[$div(%__samplerate%,1000).[$substr($mod(%__samplerate%,1000),0,1)]] KHz,))$ifgreater(1000,%__samplerate%,%__samplerate Hz,) | $if($strcmp(%__encoding%,lossy),%bitrate% kbps mp3 |,$ifgreater(%__bitspersample%,0,%__bitspersample% bit |,)) %channels% | %playback_time%[ / %length%]

General Audio / Re: AAC vs. Musepack: which encoder do you think is better?
Last post by salpro -
Which of these two encoders do you think would produce a better sounding and more transparent audio file
when encoding a song from WAV format: Fraunhofer FhG AAC encoder at 130 to 145 kbps, or Musepack encoder at 170 to 190 kbps?
Musepack produces high-quality files (stereo field, etc.). You can find the codec almost everywhere, and with Foobar, it is very easy to compress files.

On the other hand, to produce high-quality AAC, you must use the Apple codec after installing iTunes and compress through frontends.

Although I am a huge fan of Musepack, I suggest using Apple AAC because the portability of Musepack is not guaranteed in the long term.
foobar2000 for Mac / Re: foobar2000 for Mac: bugs
Last post by NateHigs -
Just tried this layout, but still doesn't crash for me when exiting full-screen. Guess there are other factors involved that I am not aware of.

Yup, managed to change the layout to default and it had no affect.

Around 1/20 times I open Foobar, it is responsive. However, when I try to exit fullscreen it freezes and uses 200GB RAM

Is there any way I can provide more data for this issue? I've used the MacOS system thing to report the issues every time
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by Defender -
Uploaded 0.10.0.
Almost the entire component got some update. Enjoy!
Thanks for this. And happy to assist in testing.

In this build the ghost taskbar entries after fullscreen per instance of VU are gone.

I also did some comparisons between a JSplitter wrapped VU and a PSS wrapped VU:

1) JSplitter definitively needs a kick every track change to update it's background. This results in a flicker.
2) JSplitter. Upon resizing it's dark theme background is shown before restoring transparency. This repeats itself several times during a resize. Also resize is slow.

1) PSS does not need the kick every track change to show the correct background. Therefore no flicker. And also no flicker on Pause/Play.
2) PSS does not have issues showing transparency during resize. Also resize is a lot faster.

All other behavior is the same.

Therefore in my skin I changed all 5x VU 2024 to be wrapped in PSS instead of JSplitter. I also dropped 3x VU 2013 wrapped in JSplitter (leaving only 1x VU 2013 in PSS for test purposes somewhere).
BTW. I had to drop milkdrop first. CUI in layout mode crashes on applying changes when milkdrop 0.3 is present. I guess that will be sorted when you apply the same changes you made in VU also in milkdrop. After finishing the layout changes I reinstalled milkdrop 0.3.

Which leaves only 1 final issue:

I want to get rid of the wrapping of VU 2024 in a (PSS) wrapper altogether, which would reduce the numbers of PSS panels with 5 more.
I tested this construction. It works fine except when resizing and coming back from fullscreen, when VU 2024 seems to forget where it should display itself and displays itself from parent 0,0 coordinates. Which is only corrected after a trackchange or after resize.
The PSS wrapped version probably has similar behavior, but here it does not matter since VU is supposed to use the whole of the PSS parent area and has to display itself from 0,0 anyway. Still wonder why here during resize here a small intermediate version of VU is not displayed, which I accept gratefully.

I attached a video to show the issue, maybe it gives you an idea what and why it happens.
The upper VU (unwrapped) has a fixed set of coordinates and is the non-wrapped version and has a thin blue line that displays the coordinates VU has been given.
The lower VU (wrapped) has no coordinates set and is supposed to use the full area of it's PSS parent. In this case the blue line depicts the whole area of the PSS parent wrapper.
In text I also display all relevant coordinates.

I also attached a set of transparent BIN's with different L and R (to get rid of too much space in the middle). I also made a full set of opaque and gradient versions.

Anyway, happy camper here.

EDIT: The unwrapped version of VU 2024 even makes a ghost appearance in the parent. I changed the skin for the unwrapped VU and it displays itself as a small version although it should be hidden. And does show itself as a miniature whatever plugin I select. I can even doubleclick it to go fullscreen and back.
Support - (fb2k) / Re: BUGs: High CPU when starting on removed audio device and persistent .fb2k-dsp
Last post by Case -
I can't replicate either issue.

When the chosen playback device is missing, attempt to start the playback will fail and the player will open the preferences dialog and ask you to pick a device that actually exists. CPU usage is effectively zero as the player does nothing.

Are you perhaps using some third party components that alter the process somehow? I know there are some scripts to Spider Monkey Panel that try to handle device changes automatically. Are you perhaps using something like that? I'm not saying this is the cause, but I suspect a bug in such automation scripting could possibly cause problems.
Another possible scenario could be that some component just notices that playback didn't start and keeps bombarding the core with "Play" command as fast as possible.

For the DSP bug, do you perhaps have Playlist Attributes installed? I believe it has been reported to change DSP settings on its own since some version. Note that the existence of the config file doesn't mean that DSP is in use. It will be created when DSP gets used the first time and it will never be removed, just altered.

Remember that you can easily verify if the problem is in the player itself by installing a clean portable player to a new location and see if the issue is reproducible there. If it is, you have found a bug in the player and Peter will be happy to hear about it so it can be fixed.
Support - (fb2k) / BUGs: High CPU when starting on removed audio device and persistent .fb2k-dsp
Last post by ClintRuin -
Hello, got two bugs to report. Version 2.24.1 x86.

First is the locked ui and one maxed out cpu core when starting foobar if a device that was previously selected in output combobox was removed in the meantime. In my case its a sony wh-1000xm4 via bluetooth. The device selection dialog pops up and seems like in a refresh loop, ignoring any input, only process kill fixes it and replugging the device before startup.

Second one is persistent config.fb2k-dsp file; When you set a DSP manually it is immediately saved to the fb2k-dsp file but not removed from it if you remove the DSP before closing foobar. Next time you start foobar, even if you clear DSP list the last plugin gets loaded. Temp fix is a read-only config fb2k-dsp.

3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by oops -
Uploaded 0.10.0. Special thanks goes out to @Defender and @Majestyk for their detailed testing and continuous feedback.

Almost the entire component got some update. Enjoy!

The full and detailed changelog under the spoiler tag.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)