As you thought my suggestion about changing the code to use frames did not work, I am still getting ID3v2 tags coming out.
I thought I would try to create a seperate batch file without using REACT to achieve the same thing to see if that would help to pinpoint the problem
The code is below:
SET tools=C:\PROGRA~1\EXACTA~2\REACT2\Tools\
SET sourcecue="C:\Documents and Settings\Gordon\My Documents\My Music\EAC\After Forever - 2007 - After Forever.cue"
SET TrackDirMP3=C:\Documents and Settings\Gordon\My Documents\My Music\EAC
SET TrackName=$~A - $~T - $n - $~t
SET year=2007
SET genre=Gothic Rock
SET Comment_tag=Created on %DATE%
SET ver_lame=3.97
SET opt_lame=-b 320 --noreplaygain --nohist
SET opt_lame_tag=-b 320
SET cover=C:\Documents and Settings\Gordon\My Documents\My Music\EAC\After Forever - 2007 - After Forever.jpg
SET cover_tag=--frame $#x
SET Disc_MP3_acdir=--frame $qTXXX[setsubtitle]:DISC GSA$q
SET dest="%TrackDir_MP3%"
PUSHD %dest%
%tools%\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.mp3" --extra-opt "APIC{3}:%cover%" --pipe "TITLE $n/$N mp3 $#T & %tools%\lame.exe %opt_lame% $#o & %tools%\metamp3.exe --2 %Cover_tag% %Disc_MP3_acdir% --artist $#a --album $q@year@: $T$q --title $#t --track $n/$N --year $q%year%$q --genre $q%genre%$q --comment $q%Comment_tag%$q --frame TENC:$q%USERNAME%$q --frame TSSE:$qLAME %ver_lame% %opt_lame_tag%$q $#o" %sourcecue%
%tools%\metamp3.exe --replay-gain *.mp3
REM %tools%\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.mp3" --extra-opt "APIC{3}:%cover%" --pipe "TITLE $n/$N mp3 $#T & %tools%\lame.exe %opt_lame% $#o & %tools%\metamp3.exe --2 %Cover_tag% %Disc_MP3_acdir% --frame TPE1:$#a --frame TALB:$q@year@: $T$q --frame TIT2:$#t --frame TRCK:$n/$N --frame TYER:$q%year%$q --frame TCON:$q%genre%$q --comment $q%Comment_tag%$q --frame TENC:$q%USERNAME%$q --frame TSSE:$qLAME %ver_lame% %opt_lame_tag%$q $#o" sourcecue%
REM %tools%\metamp3.exe --replay-gain *.mp3
I have 2 methods in the file - method 2 is currently Remed out and uses the --frame commad for artist etc
When I run this it does not seem to create any files and I get a "Could not find file" error message after each file has been run through acdir and then the metamp3 line to RG the files just errors becuase it can't find the files
TITLE 13/13 mp3 "After Forever" & C:\PROGRA~1\EXACTA~2\REACT2\Tools\\lame.exe -b
320 --noreplaygain --nohist "After Forever - After Forever - 13 - Lonely.mp3" &
C:\PROGRA~1\EXACTA~2\REACT2\Tools\\metamp3.exe --2 --frame "APIC{3}:C:\Document
s and Settings\Gordon\My Documents\My Music\EAC\After Forever - 2007 - Afte
r Forever.jpg" --frame "TXXX[setsubtitle]:DISC GSA" --artist "After Forever" --a
lbum "@year@: After Forever" --title "Lonely" --track 13/13 --year "2007" --genr
e "Gothic Rock" --comment "Created on 02/11/2007" --frame TENC:"Gordon" --f
rame TSSE:"LAME 3.97 -b 320" "After Forever - After Forever - 13 - Lonely.mp3"
Could not find "After Forever - After Forever - 13 - Lonely.mp3"
metamp3 v0.92 beta 5 - Copyright (c) 2007 by Tycho
Usage: C:\PROGRA~1\EXACTA~2\REACT2\Tools\\metamp3.exe [options] [mp3files]
--artist <text> set artist
--album <text> set album
--track <text> set track[/total]
--title <text> set title
--year <text> set year
--genre <text> set genre
--comment <text> set comment
--frame <frame>[[descr]][{extra}]:<text>
set/add a T*, W*, COMM or APIC type frame
--extract <frame>[[descr]][{extra}]:<file>
extract a T*, W*, COMM or APIC type frame
--remove <frame>[[descr]] remove frame(s). accepts wildcards *,?
--1 add id3v1 tag only (default both v1 and v2)
--2 add id3v2 tag only (--1 --2 will add both)
--fit add id3v1 + id3v2 if tag does not fit id3v1
--replay-gain scan and set replay gain tags
--apply-gain [album|radio]<+dB|-dB>
apply gain to the the audio frames
--undo-gain undo previous apply-gain
--list-picture-types list possible picture type numbers
--list-frames list possible text and URL id3v2.3 frames
--list-genres list standard id3v1.1 genres
--info print detailed mp3/lametag info
--version show version info
--help show this help
Input <text> prefixed with '@' takes input from a following file name.
Any idea what I am doing wrong here?