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Topic: TAK 1.0.1 (Read 106482 times) previous topic - next topic
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TAK 1.0.1

Reply #25
is there a foobar output plugin planed?

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #26
foobar output plugins are a thing of the past.

All encoding is done by command line encoders, including the default presets.

NB: the 0.9 input component can be found here.
I'm on a horse.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #28
thanks synthetic,

didnt know that.

err, how to integrate TAK with the command line?
i always get an error when encoding.
i put the following line into settings:
-e %d

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #29
I use "-e -p3 %s %d". I believe the p3 stands for preset 3 (High), You can change that if you want.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #30
i put the following line into settings:
-e %d
I use "-e -p3 %s %d".
Stevie, you command has no source specified.

TAKC.EXE cannot yet accept input from STDIN, so you need to specify %s as the source (which means that foobar will create a tempory WAVE and then encode that file (%s).

As ChaosBladE has already stated, that means a syntax like:

Code: [Select]
-e -p3 %s %d

Take a look at the TAK wiki page for more info, including a full explanation of setting up foobar.
I'm on a horse.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #31
thanks a lot guys, youre helpful as always!

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #32
Good work.
Can you develop TAK filter for Adobe Audition?


TAK 1.0.1

Reply #33
Any news about TAK for non-Windows users?
Back in mid March you (TBeck] mentioned that generating binaries for *nix was on your internal to do list. I have heard nothing about it since then, and wonder if its still on this list or if its currently being worked on... 


TAK 1.0.1

Reply #34
TBeck, can you add the ability for TAK files to store CD TOC files? If you need more information spoon (dBpoweramp) can give you more details.

You are the first one asking for this. Which means a very low priority on my to do list...

Any news about TAK for non-Windows users?
Back in mid March you (TBeck] mentioned that generating binaries for *nix was on your internal to do list. I have heard nothing about it since then, and wonder if its still on this list or if its currently being worked on... 


What happened since mid of march:

- i wrote a SDK and its documentation
- i coded TAK 1.0.1 and released it mid of april
- then i had nearly no time to work on TAK, nevertheless i released some bug fixes for the SDK and the Winamp plugin.

What i want to say: There was no time to work on any new features. And support for other platforms is not at the top of my to do list... (as mentioned earlier: not, because i don't want to do it, but because it means very much work. Other important items on my to do list are easier to do).


TAK 1.0.1

Reply #35
What happened since mid of march:

- i wrote a SDK and its documentation
- i coded TAK 1.0.1 and released it mid of april
- then i had nearly no time to work on TAK, nevertheless i released some bug fixes for the SDK and the Winamp plugin.

What i want to say: There was no time to work on any new features. And support for other platforms is not at the top of my to do list... (as mentioned earlier: not, because i don't want to do it, but because it means very much work. Other important items on my to do list are easier to do).

Thanks for the fast reply!
I was hoping that you started looking into support for other platforms when TAK reached a stable stage (version 1.0.1). But I now understand that is belongs somewhere in the distant future... (2008 maybe?)

Until then.. Thanks!

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #36
Is it possible for you to release a static library version for decoding?

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #37
Is there a directshow splitter available?
This would be a good thing

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #38

TBeck, can you add the ability for TAK files to store CD TOC files? If you need more information spoon (dBpoweramp) can give you more details.

You are the first one asking for this. Which means a very low priority on my to do list...


I think that is largely because it is not widely implemented in other formats and people do not understand the benefits. The wiki lossless table should be expanded to show this feature. ATM only WMA supports this among lossless codecs. Hopefully, FLAC will soon support it as well. Basically it will make it much easier to go back and update metadata with this feature because most metadata services use the original CD TOC to find metadata. In addition, my understanding is that it should not be difficult to support, meaning that while maybe a low priority it should not take long.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #39
hmmm any chance of making a rockbox plugin?

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #40
hmmm any chance of making a rockbox plugin?

Good idea! I'd really appreciate it, if there would be some in the near future.
My used codecs and settings:
FLAC V1.1.2 -4 / APE V3.99 Update 4 -high / MPC V1.15v --q 5 / LAME V3.97b2 -V2 --vbr-new / OGG aoTuV V4.51 Lancer -q5

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #41
The header file "tak_dec_lib.h" should be modified like below:
Code: [Select]
#ifndef __TAK_DEC_LIB
#define __TAK_DEC_LIB

So I can include this header file in different position for serval times.

BTW: Is it possible for you to release a static library verson?
and, you can update the .h header file to support loading tak_dec_lib.dll by developers through "LoadLibrary()" so that we can put the .dll file into other folders other than the local working directory.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #42
I was hoping that you started looking into support for other platforms when TAK reached a stable stage (version 1.0.1). But I now understand that is belongs somewhere in the distant future... (2008 maybe?)

2008 seems to be realistic. 

Is there a directshow splitter available?
This would be a good thing

I agree. Possibly you will have to wait until somebody else writes one based upon the SDK. Currently i don't intend to do it myself. But maybe i get interested into doing it sometime (if i want to see, if i can do it...).

TBeck, can you add the ability for TAK files to store CD TOC files? If you need more information spoon (dBpoweramp) can give you more details.

You are the first one asking for this. Which means a very low priority on my to do list...


I think that is largely because it is not widely implemented in other formats and people do not understand the benefits. The wiki lossless table should be expanded to show this feature. ATM only WMA supports this among lossless codecs. Hopefully, FLAC will soon support it as well. Basically it will make it much easier to go back and update metadata with this feature because most metadata services use the original CD TOC to find metadata. In addition, my understanding is that it should not be difficult to support, meaning that while maybe a low priority it should not take long.

To be honest: When i had read your post i first had to google a bit to find out, what the embedding of the CD TOC would be good for. Now it looks as if i understood it right.

Is there a standard for APEv2 to put it into? This would be the easiest way (no work for me). Otherwises i would have to integrate a new meta data structure in the TAK container. This is always much work; even if it's easy to code it always involves a lot of testing.

hmmm any chance of making a rockbox plugin?

Good idea! I'd really appreciate it, if there would be some in the near future.

Probably not before a source code release, which means not in the near future (this year).

The header file "tak_dec_lib.h" should be modified like below:
Code: [Select]
#ifndef __TAK_DEC_LIB
#define __TAK_DEC_LIB

So I can include this header file in different position for serval times.

You are right. I often tend to forget this, because it isn't needed in Delphi Pascal...

and, you can update the .h header file to support loading tak_dec_lib.dll by developers through "LoadLibrary()" so that we can put the .dll file into other folders other than the local working directory.

Maybe someone else likes to do this for me? I am not too fast in C.

BTW: Is it possible for you to release a static library verson?

I doubt that it is possible. The library is written in Delphi Pascal and therefore using Delphi's runtime library. But sooner or later i will translate it to C, then no problem.


TAK 1.0.1

Reply #43

TBeck, can you add the ability for TAK files to store CD TOC files? If you need more information spoon (dBpoweramp) can give you more details.

You are the first one asking for this. Which means a very low priority on my to do list...


I think that is largely because it is not widely implemented in other formats and people do not understand the benefits. The wiki lossless table should be expanded to show this feature. ATM only WMA supports this among lossless codecs. Hopefully, FLAC will soon support it as well. Basically it will make it much easier to go back and update metadata with this feature because most metadata services use the original CD TOC to find metadata. In addition, my understanding is that it should not be difficult to support, meaning that while maybe a low priority it should not take long.

To be honest: When i had read your post i first had to google a bit to find out, what the embedding of the CD TOC would be good for. Now it looks as if i understood it right.

Is there a standard for APEv2 to put it into? This would be the easiest way (no work for me). Otherwises i would have to integrate a new meta data structure in the TAK container. This is always much work; even if it's easy to code it always involves a lot of testing.


I can have spoon email you the details. dBpoweramp is able to place raw CD TOC files into metadata, so he is a much better resource on what is required.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #45

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #46
Hi, TBeck:
  I'm using your tak decoder library for writing a decoder plug-in for a Media player.
  I found that the "tak_SSD_Seek" always returned the fatal error "tak_res_ssd_Undecodable" whenever I invoked it.
  Any idea about this situation?

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #47

In that case, I'll note that i have quite a few Hebrew albums, And am willing to help test Unicode when needed.

Thanks for your offer!

If you still need testers for this, I have a lot of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Thai albums.  Plus some of the Japanese ones use other characters from other Unicode ranges like

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #48
Here is two pieces of my code
the Open decoder function:
Code: [Select]
int QDecoder::Open(QMediaReader & mediaReader)
    TtakSSDOptions            opt  = { tak_Cpu_Any, 0 };
    TtakStreamIoInterface     sioi = { _CanRead, _CanWrite, _CanSeek, _Read, NULL, NULL, NULL, _Seek, _GetLength };

    m_Decoder = tak_SSD_Create_FromStream( &sioi, &mediaReader, &opt, NULL, NULL);

    int ret = 0;
    _pmr = NULL;
    if ( tak_True == tak_SSD_Valid( m_Decoder)) {
        // get audio info
        if ( tak_res_Ok != tak_SSD_GetStreamInfo( m_Decoder, &m_StreamInfo)) {
            tak_SSD_Destroy( m_Decoder);
            m_Decoder = NULL;
            ret = 0;
        } else {
            // allocate decoding buffer
            m_TAKBuf = new BYTE[m_StreamInfo.Sizes.FrameSizeInSamples * m_StreamInfo.Audio.BlockSize];

            // save media reader
            _pmr = &mediaReader;
            _seekable = mediaReader.CanSeek();

            ret = 1;
    } else {
        ret = (tak_res_ssd_Undecodable == tak_SSD_State( m_Decoder)) ? -1 : 0;

    return ret;

and the Seek function
Code: [Select]
int QDecoder::Seek(int ms)
    TtakResult ret;
    TtakInt64 spos;

    if ( tak_True != tak_SSD_Valid( m_Decoder))
        return 0;

    spos = (TtakInt64)(ms/1000.0 * m_StreamInfo.Audio.SampleRate);
    ret = tak_SSD_Seek( m_Decoder, spos);

    if ( tak_True != tak_SSD_Valid( m_Decoder))
        return 0;

    _pos = spos * m_StreamInfo.Audio.SampleRate * 1000.0;
    return 1;

P.S. My "mediareader" only support read, seek, getlength, getcurpostion routines. I think it is not important for a decoder to support write function.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #49
I know this has probably already been brought up by someone but... is any work being done to get Rockbox to play TAK files? I know TAK doesn't have the following of some of the other lossless codecs but man, it should. Anyway, just curious guys. Keep up the good work. Thanks.