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Topic: TAK 1.0.1 (Read 106895 times) previous topic - next topic
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TAK 1.0.1

Final release of TAK 1.0.1 ((T)om's lossless (A)udio (K)ompressor)

It consists of:

- TAK Applications 1.0.1
- TAK Winamp plugin 1.0.4. Updated 2007-05-15.
- TAK SDK 1.0.3. Updated 2007-04-28.
- TAK Decoding library 1.0.4. Updated 2007-04-25.


The main archive and the tools can be downloaded from the upload section: TAK 1.0.1 Final

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #1
What's new in the Applications


- Some speed optimizations of encoder and decoder. Depending on the preset and your cpu you may see improvements of 2 to 10 percent (if your hard disk is fast enough). Most affected: Encoding and decoding of presets Turbo and Fast, decoding of presets High and Extra.
- Removed the access to internal encoder options. Reintroduced the additional evaluation level EXTRA as compensation.
- Added a dynamic comparison table to illustrate the effect of presets and evaluation levels on compression efficiency, encoding and decoding speed.
- Added a meta data structure to hold encoder version, preset and evaluation level used for compression. Because of rounding errors the addition of this handful of bytes can cause 0.01 percent worse compression be reported (compared to TAK 1.0).
- Added a new command to show selected information about a compressed file.
- The command line version now indicates errors via the exit code. I always thought i already had done this...
- Even better error tolerance of the decoder.


- GUI: When compressing/decompressing the selection of a drives root directory as user specified output destination caused an error.
- It was theoretically possible, that when decoding some verify or source io errors had not been reported properly.
- One tester send me a very special file which could not be encoded; the encoder stopped with an error message. The fact, that nobody before reported such problems, confirms, that this file generated a very special conndition. Fortunately TAK still contains much self check code (which is slowing it down a bit), which detected this error condition and throw the error message. This bug affected only the encoder; if your files have been encoded without the encoder reporting an error, they are fine.

What's new in the Winamp plugin and the SDK (compared to 1.0.1)


- The APEv2 tag reading functions are a bit more tolerant when reading invalid tag headers not following the official APEv2 specification.


- When playing high resolution audio, plugin and SDK reported wrong values for the current compressed bitrate.


TAK 1.0.1

Reply #2
Are there any format changes from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1?

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #3
Are there any format changes from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1?

No. V1.0.1 added a medata item to hold information about the encoder, but this will be ignored by V1.0.0, hence it's backwards compatible.


TAK 1.0.1

Reply #4
When is decoder for foobar2000 expected?

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #6
I have a problem with Winamp plugin using last (beta) version 5.34 build 1239.
Shortly, I cannot play any tak file, the Winamp error reporter generates the following:

Code: [Select]
Winamp client version: 5.34 build 1239 Beta
winamp caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module winamp.exe at 001b:00000000.

Exception handler called in Winamp.

It seems that it is a Winamp problem, because I don't have it with older versions (2.95 and 5.13).
Unfortunately, I deleted the old version of the plugin before testing the new one so, I could not confirm if this is common behavior with 1.0.1 and 1.0.2.

Does anybody have the same problem? Any hints for overcome it?
Could somebody send me the older version of the plugin?


TAK 1.0.1

Reply #7
I have a problem with Winamp plugin using last (beta) version 5.34 build 1239.
Shortly, I cannot play any tak file, the Winamp error reporter generates the following:

Code: [Select]
Winamp client version: 5.34 build 1239 Beta
winamp caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module winamp.exe at 001b:00000000.

Exception handler called in Winamp.

It seems that it is a Winamp problem, because I don't have it with older versions (2.95 and 5.13).
Unfortunately, I deleted the old version of the plugin before testing the new one so, I could not confirm if this is common behavior with 1.0.1 and 1.0.2.

Does anybody have the same problem? Any hints for overcome it?
Could somebody send me the older version of the plugin?


Do you have the audioscrobbler plugin? If so, removing it could help.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #8
Do you have the audioscrobbler plugin? If so, removing it could help.

Well, I tried a clean installation and it worked fine.
It appeared that in_zip plugin caused the problem. I should report it to Winamp forum maybe.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #9
The newest Mp3tag 2.37j Development Build now supports TAK tags.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #11
TAK 1.0.1 seems to run fine under WINE: WineHQ - AppDB

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #12
Looking at the 1.0 and 1.0.1 changelog, How goes the work on Unicode support?

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #13
Looking at the 1.0 and 1.0.1 changelog, How goes the work on Unicode support?

Unicode support is at position 2 of my current todo list, which can be found in TAK's Readme. Because i have very little experience with unicode, the implementation will need much testing. And because i have no access to systems running under foreign languages, i will have to ask others for helping me with the testing. Such an approach is always quite time consuming: code a bit - let the testers check it - wait for feedback - improve the code - and back to the beginning. Currently i have no time to do it. Please don't expect a new release next month. Possibly in june...


TAK 1.0.1

Reply #14
In that case, I'll note that i have quite a few Hebrew albums, And am willing to help test Unicode when needed.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #16
How do I determine the length of a TAK file in seconds? I tested the file with the TAK winamp plugin and for both the TAK and the WAV file it shows a file duration of 1:06 meaning 66 seconds. If I run takc -fi to get the file duration I get 67 secs. Why is there a difference of 1 second?

C:\Program Files\TAK>takc -fi 08-Within_Temptation-Intro.tak
=== 08-Within_Temptation-Intro.tak ============================

  File size:                    6.18 MB
  Header size:                  0.42 KB
  Compression:                  54.85 %
  Samples per channel:        2952936
  File duration:                67.00 sec
  Frame duration:                250 ms
  Seek point interval:          1000 ms
  Audio format:            PCM, 44100 Hz, 16 Bits, 2 Channels
  Encoder:                V 1.0.1, Extra + Max
  Wave file meta data:    Header 44, Footer 0 Bytes
  APEv2-Tag:              Yes / 6 Items / 0.19 KB
  Status:                  Ok

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #17
How do I determine the length of a TAK file in seconds? I tested the file with the TAK winamp plugin and for both the TAK and the WAV file it shows a file duration of 1:06 meaning 66 seconds. If I run takc -fi to get the file duration I get 67 secs. Why is there a difference of 1 second?

Rounding errors? Possibly Winamp is always truncating. Given your sample count and sample rate the correct length is 66.96 seconds. You may select the file in Winamp and open the file info dialog (provided by the TAK plugin). It should show you the fraction with 3 decimal places (digits) and should match this value.

Hm, TAK's file info function is reporting 67.00? Then i have done something wrong, this should be 66.96. I will look at it and fix it in the next version (I doubt, that it's urgent?).

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #18
No worries, I use shntool with the original wav files to create the file durations. but it would be nice to have the same results with takc.exe.

Is the format of TAK frozen?

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #19
No worries, I use shntool with the original wav files to create the file durations. but it would be nice to have the same results with takc.exe.

I agree. I will correct the output of the file info function.

Is the format of TAK frozen?

The container format is frozen, but new metadata structures may be added as happened with TAK 1.0.1, which introduced a metadata structure to hold encoder information.

But i plan to add new codecs in the future, for even more speed or higher compression. The container contains a numerical value which indicates the codec used for compression. A decoder has to check this value to select the appropriate codec; new codecs will require an update of the decoding library.

Codecs and container are clearly separated; even older decoders can scan for instance metadata and tags, but will not be capable to decode the audio data compressed with newer codecs.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #20
I know that at this stage of things bit comparisons aren't particularly interesting anymore, but I'm about 2/3rds of the way through transcoding my old FLAC archives to TAK and just wanted to note that I just let foobar do a bit-compare of about 107 hours of music (about 40 gigs) and everything came back as no differences found.  Going from FLAC 1.1.2 -8 to TAK -p5 has yielded some very impressive compression improvements as well, not surprisingly. 

I've said it before and here again - thanks for a great codec, TBeck.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #21
Will TAK have a Monkey's Audio's APL-liked metafile in the future?
I'd like to use metafile instead of cue files or writing tags directly to the compressed image in order to keep them clean and original.
Sorry for my English.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #22
Update 2007-04-25

TAK Decoding library 1.0.4 now is the officially recommended version. Users of foosions foobar plugin definitely should update to this version.

TAK SDK 1.0.2 still contains the Decoding library 1.0.2 but will be updated too soon. In the meantime it is recommended to manually replace the decoding dll in the SDK with the new version.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #23
Update 2007-04-28

Replaced TAK SDK 1.0.2 with 1.0.3, which contains the TAK Decoding library 1.0.4 (instead of 1.0.2). No other changes.

TAK 1.0.1

Reply #24
Update 2007-05-15

Repaced the Winamp plugin 1.0.2 with 1.0.4, which fixes a bug when using the in_zip plugin.