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Topic: Migrated to a new forum system (Read 88745 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #250
The forum started logging me out every time I restarted my browser (despite me selecting the option to stay logged in permanently). I went to wipe the site's cookies to try and fix it and found it had created 150 cookies (basically one for each thread I had been on). Is that really necessary? Anyway, I wiped all the cookies and now it is remembering my login state properly.

The forum change broke all existing passwords due to incompatible password hashing methods.
Did it really break all passwords? I'm still logging in with the same one.

Yes. Yes, it did. Remember, kode54 had to first convert IPB 2.x to PHPBB3 SMF to even make it work. Then he had to convert it over to ElkArte. Probably because the converters recognized the hashes and were able to convert them correctly and didn't for those it didn't recognize, in addition to what kode54 said in his post about that.

The only way to fix it permanently is to force a password-change e-mail to be sent out to everyone on the forum even if you already changed your password... in my opinion, anyway. It'd be the fastest and easiest way to fix the issue permanently.


Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #251
*SMF. But I think he gets the idea.

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #252
Did it really break all passwords? I'm still logging in with the same one.

Me too.

The most important audio cables are the ones in the brain

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #253
I see. It has a huge collection of migration addons that check the database's password length, and the presence of a salt, and generate alternate hashes to verify against. If it passes, it replaces the database entries with newly generated password and salt based on the correct password.

Did any of you whose accounts failed have leading or trailing whitespace on your passwords? Invision would have trimmed that off before hashing and storing the hash. I've added a workaround that trims passwords as well before generating a hash that's IPS Board 2 style.

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #254
Bumping this topic with another news bulletin. One of the importers, be it SMF's or Open Importer, managed to litter 10921+ accounts worth of password salts with backslashes to escape characters that presumably would need to be quoted before insertion. Unfortunately, the way they were inserted, escaping wasn't necessary, so the backslashes went in with the salts.

Since IP Board 2.x salts are not meant to contain backslashes, and in fact they automatically become ASCII 93, a right square bracket, I safely fixed the 10921 remaining accounts by stripping out the backslashes. Those accounts should be able to log in now and upgrade their security, without requiring the email based recovery system.

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #255
There seems to be a problem with search. After you follow a search result, when try and go back, the page is expired. Tested with 2 browsers...

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #256
Are you using your browser's "back" functionality, or are you navigating using the website's links?

If the former, the reason is explained on the error pages: Local caches are not maintained for dynamic content (i.e., search results) when browsing SSL-enabled sites.

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #257
Yes, I used the back button. How else would you get back to the search results? This does not happen with IPB (previous forum software), google and too many other sites to list (all using https).

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #258
How else would you get back to the search results?
Keeping the search results in its own tab and open new tab(s) with the relevant hit(s)?

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #259
I could also refresh the page but that's not the point. If people can't see this is not normal then just forget it.

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #260
It was not my intention to offend, sorry.

Maybe a site admin will be able to shed some light on the matter.

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #261
I've got nothing.

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #262
I see that error page in Firefox. Opera 12 works as expected – the previous page of search results is retrieved from cache. Among other things, Opera also saves form input in case of (accidental) navigation back and forward, also on SSL sites. Opera is known for slightly more aggressive approach caching. It's a shame the browser got discontinued... Opening of the results in new tabs seems like the wise thing to do in general (in case the search results change, as a new page is retrieved, or the server goes down while reading).

I wanted to ask if the historical mirror of the Frank Klemm's site is gone for good? It used to be hosted here until the move to the new site.

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #263
Moved back to the live web root.

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #264
Bumping to report that we are currently using SendGrid to send email. This means we may reach more inboxes. The problem now is that I cannot whitelist a naked domain for web links, so all links in the messages end up decorated with addresses identifying the exact account that is sending the mail, and also get decorated with javascript and other junk to hide this. This may trip up some clients' scam detection algorithms.

It's the difference between using this and actually reaching inboxes, to using direct Postfix and mail silently being dropped by major providers like Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo.

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #265
The "@user" syntax naturally does not like spaces in usernames. Is there a way around that?
"I hear it when I see it."

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #266
The tab completion box, which only works from the full post page, completes recent poster to this, with the space on the end. Which presumably doesn't work at all.

@Thad E Ginathom

Oh, it does. The space is essential, as is the capitalization. If you need to do it manually, copy their user ID number, and use the member BBC tag. But using the tab complete box from a full submit page is what I did, and it completed it to their name, with a single space after it.

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #267
Bumping to report that we are currently using SendGrid to send email. This means we may reach more inboxes. The problem now is that I cannot whitelist a naked domain for web links, so all links in the messages end up decorated with addresses identifying the exact account that is sending the mail, and also get decorated with javascript and other junk to hide this. This may trip up some clients' scam detection algorithms.
I had trouble getting the confirmation email to activate my account. It seems the issue is solved for OpenMailBox users.

Thank you.
| QAAC ~ 192 kbps |

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #268
The tab completion box, which only works from the full post page, completes recent poster to this, with the space on the end. Which presumably doesn't work at all.

@Thad E Ginathom

Oh, it does. The space is essential, as is the capitalization. If you need to do it manually, copy their user ID number, and use the member BBC tag. But using the tab complete box from a full submit page is what I did, and it completed it to their name, with a single space after it.

It's a pity you chose me, as I detest this arbitrary use of @ in front of a name, especially mine! But, if the software actually recognises it, then I guess it is not so arbitrary, and my I don't use Twitter or Facebook is no longer a good reason to complain about it.  :))

While I'm here, and more seriously, could we have the basic CTRL key combinations for italic, bold, underline? Most of the forums I frequent use them and it is a strong habbit
The most important audio cables are the ones in the brain

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #269
@kode54 @Thad E Ginathom
test :P

edit: Okay, it does work. That's nice.

While I'm here, and more seriously, could we have the basic CTRL key combinations for italic, bold, underline? Most of the forums I frequent use them and it is a strong habbit
I sure hope there will be one for <blink>! :P
"I hear it when I see it."

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #270
There seems to be a problem with search. After you follow a search result, when try and go back, the page is expired. Tested with 2 browsers...
For what it's worth, the search results page currently sends the following headers (among amothers):
Code: [Select]
cache-control: private
pragma: no-cache
expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
Removing the pragma statement seems to fix the problem.

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #271
Is there a way to get the email notice to contain some of the recent posts?

Forum Suggestion: Show Post Count per Thread in the Topic List

Reply #272
Windows 7, 64-bit
Firefox v42

Forum Suggestion:  Show Post Count per Thread in the Topic List

When you look at the list of threads (topics) for any of the HA forums categories, there is no indication whether the thread is new (meaning it has never been replied to). The only indication, that I can see, is the "NEW" marker. But that only indicates there has been a new post added to the thread, NOT that the thread has no replies yet.

Is there a way to provide a "post count" for each thread? A "0" would indicate no replies. That way, you can tell if a thread needs a first reply or not.

(My apologies if this topic has already been addressed, I searched and couldn't find it.)

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #273
There is a posts and view counts column, but it's hidden if your browser window is not at least 1024 pixels wide.

Re: Migrated to a new forum system

Reply #274
There's an inconsistency in the way the blue 'New' icon is displayed: it's placed to the left of a thread title, but to the right of sub-forum title.  This can be confusing, especially since the sub-forums are listed horizontally so that the 'New' icon appears between sub-forum titles.  Also, perhaps the hyphen separator there could be changed to a | for greater clarity.