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Topic: Text to speech component (Read 80313 times) previous topic - next topic
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Text to speech component

Reply #50
Yes, its currently for 667. I'll make one for 7 very soon and release the sources also.

Text to speech component

Reply #51
There's now a version of the revised plugin for 0.7. Here are the links (also in 1st post)

text to speech for foorbar 0.667: tts plugin

and for foorbar 0.7: tts plugin

Text to speech component

Reply #52
ahaa superb

thx Paulski

"If you cannot read this, please ask the flight attendant for assistance."
- United Airlines Flight Safety Brochure

Text to speech component

Reply #53
two words    B)  great work - i love this plugin

Text to speech component

Reply #54
Anybody know where I can get more or possibly even better quality voices for my system???

All I have is Microsoft Sam and LH Michael and Michelle.

EDIT: I got Mike and Mary from Anything else?

Text to speech component

Reply #55
 It can speek only English.I wonder if it's possible to speek non-English language?

Text to speech component

Reply #56
Never tried it.

Text to speech component

Reply #57
just something i noticed, when i set foobar volume to say -25 dB and have lower volume on speaking ticked in the tts settings, when it speaks it actually raises the volume of the music for a few seconds.

Other than that its working great.

"If you cannot read this, please ask the flight attendant for assistance."
- United Airlines Flight Safety Brochure

Text to speech component

Reply #58
Oops. Sorry about that.
I've updated the plugin (only for 0.7 though) so that it always reduces the volume by 13dB. You can download it from the usual link.

Text to speech component

Reply #59
I have to say this is one of the greatest but most pointless (for me) plugins ever. It's excellent, i've had it uttering all manner of filth for *certain artists.*

One thing would make it useful would be an option to  divert the speech to another directsound device (not to foobar) which means I could divert the speech to a satellite speaker in the living room which I could turn off if I didn't want to be talked to by my computer. I've not looked at the recent foobar sdks, and assume the engine is build round a single output stream, which would need the plugin to talk to directsound directly. I might be wrong though.

Good work by the way!


Text to speech component

Reply #60
Anybody know where I can get more or possibly even better quality voices for my system???

ye who knows some better voice (sam works like sh...  )

Text to speech component

Reply #61
VTR said in an earlier post the he was in the process of getting those AT&T natural voices. They would be cool, but they're commercial.

BTW. I've uploaded a new version of the plugin for 0.7 that can announce the song also at the end of play.


Text to speech component

Reply #62
Anybody know where I can get more or possibly even better quality voices for my system???

ye who knows some better voice (sam works like sh...  )

I think there are a few voices on the MS webpage that you can download, though none of them are really very good either =(.  But atleast you can choose one besides sam.

Text to speech component

Reply #63
Anybody know where I can get more or possibly even better quality voices for my system???

ye who knows some better voice (sam works like sh...  )

I think there are a few voices on the MS webpage that you can download, though none of them are really very good either =(.  But atleast you can choose one besides sam.

ye but i'm looking for something else then microSHIT  & should be freeware:P

Text to speech component

Reply #64
ye but i'm looking for something else then microSHIT

While ignoring your childish spelling of Microsoft, what exactly is wrong with using their stuff? If it doesn't fit the job then fine, but why discount their stuff purely because of who makes it?

And for all their faults, i'm sure Microsoft have as much experience with speech as the rest of us.

Ok don't tell me, you're 13 years old, right? 

Text to speech component

Reply #65
While ignoring your childish spelling of Microsoft, what exactly is wrong with using their stuff?

one word - everything  !!  !!
Ok don't tell me, you're 13 years old, right? 

[span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%']no[/font][/span] (!)
don't tell me, you work for M$   
don't tell me, you like using their stuff 

Text to speech component

Reply #66
Will you two relax?????

You're both acting like kids, so there is no winner.

Again, if anybody spots good quality voices, such as the ATT natural ones, please inform us on this thread.

Text to speech component

Reply #67
Will you two relax?????

OK i finish

You're both acting like kids, so there is no winner.


Again, if anybody spots good quality voices, such as the ATT natural ones, please inform us on this thread.

good idea


Text to speech component

Reply #68
I'm getting hold of some AT&T natural voices today but they're only the 8khz version. I'll let you know what they're like.


P.S. If you missed my earlier post (LOL), there's a new version for 0.7 that can announce at the end of a track as well (you can then get it to say "that was ..... by ......").

Text to speech component

Reply #69
Hey, as long as it's better than Microsoft Sam, Mike and Peter, count me in.

Edit: The voices do sound MUCH better than the Microsoft ones, its a shame that you can only get the 8 khz ones. The British "Audrey" voice sounded VERY real. I think I can get these voices if I look in the...ahem...right places.

Text to speech component

Reply #70
Cool. I'd be interested to know if you get any hits.

Text to speech component

Reply #72
Mazy, whats the filesize for the engine, 8khz or 16khz, and where did you obtain it if you dont mind me asking? You may PM me if you'd rather not disclose on the public forum.

Text to speech component

Reply #73
Ooh. Wow.

I'm going to try out foo_tts with the following sentences: Bother. Father caught hot coffee in the car park. I teach Ferdinand the calm cat to fetch cold cups of coffee. Who knows more about tasting things? He's used the book.

Text to speech component

Reply #74
Mazy, whats the filesize for the engine, 8khz or 16khz, and where did you obtain it if you dont mind me asking? You may PM me if you'd rather not disclose on the public forum.

8 and 16, I think. The product he speaks of is two CDs, at least from what I can find. Extra 16k voice sets are about one CD per voice. Feel free to grab it if you have lots of bandwidth and/or time, and don't mind killing a few GBs of hard drive space for realistic voice synthesis.