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Topic: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter (Read 8574 times) previous topic - next topic
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Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter


I know that I will be asking a rather impossible and helpless question, but please hear me out.

I've been recently into surround audio, and I want to make sure that my 5.1 surround set-up is calibrated properly, but here's the thing. I don't have an audio meter to check the loudness of each (and I also don't know how loud each speaker should be--I could solve that using a quick Google search, though.) What I do have is my laptop, my laptop's microphone, a gaming headset with microphones, Adobe Audition, a DVD burner, and skills.

I can use Adobe Audition to make audio samples, like white noise and mix surround audio. I can convert those to surround AC3 audio, and burn that onto a DVD-R for playback on the home theater. I can also set up my laptop to record either from its own built-in (low quality) microphone, or connect my (not expensive but far from crappy) gaming headset to record from its microphone. I can use Adobe Audition to analyze the audio that I have recorded.

How do I make the best of what I have to calibrate my home theater as best as what my tools allow?

Thank you very much for your answers!

P.S.: I think this is on the right forum category, but if it isn't, I apologize in advance.

Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #1
Most folks have smartphones, so:,107949.0.html

For SPL only, I'd guess there might be a free app somewhere and the phones built in mic should suffice.


Loudspeaker manufacturer

Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #3

I know that I will be asking a rather impossible and helpless question, but please hear me out.

I've been recently into surround audio, and I want to make sure that my 5.1 surround set-up is calibrated properly, but here's the thing. I don't have an audio meter to check the loudness of each (and I also don't know how loud each speaker should be--I could solve that using a quick Google search, though.) What I do have is my laptop, my laptop's microphone, a gaming headset with microphones, Adobe Audition, a DVD burner, and skills.

If your skills are really up to a little technical learning, and as the others have pointed out, its time to spend a few pennies on some test gear. The recommendations - an USB measurement mic ( Dayton Audio UMM-6 or MiniDSP UMIK-1 ) and free/shareware Room Eq Wizard are IME right on.

I've got a hot button about audiophiles who spend $100s and $1,000s on gear, but are big scardy-cats about less than $100 for a mic.

You can read about the difference between inexpensive measurement mics and high end measurement mics here:

While the UMM6 and UMIK-1 (which some think are actually the same product under different names) is not mentioned in Ethan's article, it is as least a good as say the  ECM-8000 that they did test.  The big plus is that you don't need a mic preamp with them - that function is already built in.

Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #4
Thank you very much for your responses!

I certify, that I am indeed an audio enthusiast (I dunno, calling myself an "audiophile" might be accurate, but I'm also technically inclined, so I know that 98kHz 24bit audio doesn't make much difference and that mastering matters most, so I'm not the typical consumer either) but I really do not have money to buy stuff XD Sure, I do have a 5.1 surround set-up, but it's just an LG mini home theater, and not a set of monitor speakers XD I'm all for getting the best sound quality with what I have but I just can't buy a proper microphone.

Anyway, I will be trying to use the various stuff that you guys suggested. REW seems useful--I'll try that :D

Thanks again!

Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #5
If you just want to set/match the levels from the 5 speakers without tweaking equalization/frequency response, you don't need anything calibrated.  All you need is something with a level meter that makes repeatable measurements.    You might need to run a recording application on your laptop or phone to get a meter on the screen.  

Then, run your white noise or pink noise test files.  Noise is harder to measure because it's "unstable", but a single-frequency tone will be affected by reflections in unpredictable ways and your overall volume-balance may be off.

But if your home theater speakers are matched or were sold as a set, you shouldn't need to adjust the balance/levels.

And, you might want to adjust the subwoofer to your taste.

Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #6
...But if your home theater speakers are matched or were sold as a set, you shouldn't need to adjust the balance/levels.

I do not wish to hijack the OP's thread, but my query may also assist him. The above quote from DVDdoug stirred me to post here in this thread.

I have a 7.1 AV amp (Yamaha DSP-AX757SE) with 5 matching speakers (4 x Mission 751, and Mission 75C centre) hooked up so it is a 5.0 setup. My room is far from ideal. I never bothered setting up the calibration mic, and left everything flat/default with regard to timings and levels. My experience is satisfactory. Seating is not arranged as a theatre, so there is no sweet spot. My thought was that if I am sitting nearer to left rear, it would be quite natural that I should hear a bit more of the left rear than if I was say sitting nearer front right.

Is this a reasonable view to take with matching speakers, or would I and the OP really benefit from doing some room calibration?

Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #7
If you just want to set/match the levels from the 5 speakers without tweaking equalization/frequency response, you don't need anything calibrated.  All you need is something with a level meter that makes repeatable measurements.    You might need to run a recording application on your laptop or phone to get a meter on the screen.  

Then, run your white noise or pink noise test files.  Noise is harder to measure because it's "unstable", but a single-frequency tone will be affected by reflections in unpredictable ways and your overall volume-balance may be off.

But if your home theater speakers are matched or were sold as a set, you shouldn't need to adjust the balance/levels.

And, you might want to adjust the subwoofer to your taste.

If it were only true. :-(

Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #8
...But if your home theater speakers are matched or were sold as a set, you shouldn't need to adjust the balance/levels.
I do not wish to hijack the OP's thread, but my query may also assist him. The above quote from DVDdoug stirred me to post here in this thread.
I have a 7.1 AV amp (Yamaha DSP-AX757SE) with 5 matching speakers (4 x Mission 751, and Mission 75C centre) hooked up so it is a 5.0 setup. My room is far from ideal. I never bothered setting up the calibration mic, and left everything flat/default with regard to timings and levels. My experience is satisfactory. Seating is not arranged as a theatre, so there is no sweet spot. My thought was that if I am sitting nearer to left rear, it would be quite natural that I should hear a bit more of the left rear than if I was say sitting nearer front right.
Is this a reasonable view to take with matching speakers, or would I and the OP really benefit from doing some room calibration?

Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #9
Well, it was indeed sold as a set (DVD player + speakers).
If I'm getting you correctly, is it enough to set the speaker volumes to the default zero?

I don't have any control over the frequency response anyway so I guess I might just try to run Adobe Audition, analyze the audio that my external mic receives, and try to set the volumes so that they have the same LUFS loudness.

Thanks for the answers! I really appreciate it.

Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #10
This closely resembles the classic Radio Shack SPL meter used by many do-it-yourself home audio calibrators (including yours truly)

It's $40 bucks.


Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #11
As I said, I honestly do not have even $1. I also said that I'm all for getting the best sound but unfortunately, I just don't have enough money to buy anything. And if you're asking, "Well, you have a 5.1 setup, you should have at least a bit of money to spare." Well, truth is, I don't. It'd get complicated if I explain why, but really, please just take my word for it :D

Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #12
Find the money for the measurment mic. Mow 5 lawns. Wash 10 cars. Come one man. Do it right. :)

Remeber that if you use a "App dB meter", or any dB meter as a matter of fact - it always needs to be the same distance from each speaker when you are matching levels.

Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #13
For SPL only, I'd guess there might be a free app somewhere and the phones built in mic should suffice.
As I said, I honestly do not have even $1.


Free, but not overly accurate ~
also ~
better / not free ~
or ~
free ~
and another ~
also ~

- coffee powered ;~)
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  ;~)

Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #14
Thank you very much for the replies! ^_^

Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #15
Most folks have smartphones, so:,107949.0.html

For SPL only, I'd guess there might be a free app somewhere and the phones built in mic should suffice.



I downlaoded some apps for slp measurements and they need a calibration. I had to use my umik-1 first. Pretty useless IMO, but it can gives a general idea.

+1 on umik-1.

 I first felt that spending 80$+ for something that will end in a drawer after a couple of use was not a great idea.

Finally I spent over 2 months testing and experimenting with it (and REW). No more dollars were spent, I learned a lot about acoustic and I gain a good sounding room.

My next step will be DSP or EQ, but I still have things to test for passiv EQ.

Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #16
Maybe there's a folk near where you live that can help.

Re: Best Way to Calibrate Home Theater Without An Audio Meter

Reply #17
I downlaoded some apps for slp measurements and they need a calibration.
For HT interchannel levels as the OP wants, absolute SPL isn't necessary. only relative. Modern smartphone  mics will suffice.
Loudspeaker manufacturer