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Topic: foo_youtube (Read 558710 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_youtube

Reply #325
The metadata edits disappear when the song is played again.

Works fine for me. Also ''check for updates'' works..

I also asked if it would be possible to add a feature, that when its like 0.5 left of the song, that the program forces a "next song" keypressing. And that way the program will think it was done manually and that way the video would work without problems.

It's better to forse on 0.1

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #326
It's better to forse on 0.1

There must be a way to do this properly, without workarounds. However, this is not emergency and there are still left one (cool) thing related to audio sources.
About performing seeking on the end of the track - you can check component log activity, foobar starts next tract decoding a few seconds before the end of previous track (to buffer some data which prevents the pause between the tracks playback and makes possible gapless playback). Seek performing will probably result in huge delay between tracks (delay equal to the delay at opening track at stopped state).

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #327
Thank you for implementing %youtube_description% !
This is super useful when playing mixes that have the tracklist written in the description.

It showed up truncated so I went into the Foobar app data folder, edited LargeFieldsConfig.txt and changed
Now I can see most YouTube mix tracklists under <song> Properties menu option > Properties tab > YouTube Source group > YouTube Description. But the field is tiny and hard to reach.

Does anyone know how I can display it somewhere (multi-line)?
Like a panel, or some place easier to reach...?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #328
you can try foo_textdisplay if using default UI:

if you use columns UI, then the built-in item details panel should do. just add it your layout.

edit: i don't use the component so haven't tested this but i'd assume it will work.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #329
Does anyone know how I can display it somewhere (multi-line)?
Like a panel, or some place easier to reach...?

Text Display should do the job. If you are using Columns UI item details panel should also work.

Edit: changed the link to marc2003's as mine was pointing to an outdated version anyway (the developer's homepage).

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #330
New version 1.3

- additional audio qualities now available. Youtube has additional way to get media qualities with additional qualities there. Somehow I missed this :( Relating to the audio there additionally can be (depending of the clip) AAC 256kbps and 64kbps (MP4 AO aka M4A) and Vorbis 192kbps (WebM AO aka OGG). But note, AAC 256kbps is tricky, it appears even for the clips which definitely haven't such quality so I'd recommend to use option 'with bitrate of audio stream nearest to <192kbps>' in Preferred Quality -> Prefer a media file, it will use OGG if clip has it. OGG also preferred because it is seekable when seeking over dash mp4 (MP4 AO on Youtube) currently is not supported by FFmpeg
- video window background customization when no video is playing. See Video group in preferences Features tab to configure it
- fix for long play video synchronization. May not fix the problem completely but at least should fix it in some cases
- fixed video window show after program restart


Re: foo_youtube

Reply #331
New version. Nice nice...

Well I wrote it before in thread, that the auto updater in Foobar is not working for me. Last I Wrote that I got an reply that it worked for someone els, I have my doubts that it does work for him. But I guess I have to take his workd for it.

So because of it seem to work for some people and not for me, I recorded a really short video of it not finding 1.3 update thrue the FooBar Preferenses.

Downloaded 1.3 and did some fast tests, seems to work nice.
Only thing I found was that the "apply" button does not change the mono color or the image, you have to restart the Foobar for it to actually get it working.
No big deal at all, just letting all the other people know, if they dont get it working. Just do the settings close down Foobar and when you start it again the settings will work reguarind Mono-Color or the Image.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #332
So because of it seem to work for some people and not for me, I recorded a really short video of it not finding 1.3 update thrue the FooBar Preferenses.

Component is not the part of the official 3rd party components so it cannot be updated in this manner. People talked about 'Check for updates' from component preferences page or from menu Help -> Youtube Source.

Only thing I found was that the "apply" button does not change the mono color or the image, you have to restart the Foobar for it to actually get it working.

Background settings change takes effect at next video window show. So not need to restart the program, just reopen video window.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #333
Component is not the part of the official 3rd party components so it cannot be updated in this manner. People talked about 'Check for updates' from component preferences page or from menu Help -> Youtube Source.

Background settings change takes effect at next video window show. So not need to restart the program, just reopen video window.

"Check for updates."
Oki. Dint know. Cool.
Is there any way to get the plugin check for update by itself, like each week or each month, or something like that ?

"Change takes effect"
Ahh oki.
Since I want the You-Tube window to always be in "widescreen mode" and the only way to do that is to, have it set on "Manually and do not close" and inside the You-Tube window settings I have "Fix to current"
That way it is always same size (widescreen). And only time it closes is when I turn the program on/off.

Anyway, keep up the awesome job with the plugin.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #334
Also noticed that when it goes to next song, that it will automaticly play the video (no longer forced to press NEXT ).
I dont know how you fixed it, but awesome work ;O)

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #335
what does mean this message when opening a video Youtube?
Creating VSFilter: Classe non enregistrée

I found! I installed xy-VSFilter Installer (32-bit) for my Windows 7 64-bit.
It is in C:\Program Files (x86)\xy-VSFilter
I did not understand about:
replace this path with the directory of your choice

Should I move it else where?
Sorry, my english is so bad.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #336
I found! I installed xy-VSFilter Installer (32-bit) for my Windows 7 64-bit.
It is in C:\Program Files (x86)\xy-VSFilter
I did not understand about:
replace this path with the directory of your choice

Should I move it else where?

32-bit installer is exactly what is need. Bit depth of needed binaries depends of program when it need, not of your Windows bit depth. Component (and foobar2000) is 32-bit so need 32-bit VSFilter. If you installed it with Installer (i.e. not just copied its binary files somewhere), then the place where you istalled it does not matter.
If you still have problems, you can try _preconf version from Download page, however I'm not sure in libav codecs currently used in it (versus FFmpeg in manually configured decoding which I'd prefer and recommend).

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #337
Thank you 3dyd.
It seems quite perfect

I did not use _preconf version.

I opened Administrative Command Prompt and made:

regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\xy-VSFilter\VSFilter.dll".

Some videos give message STOPPED...
With others sound and video are jerky (I'm not sure it's the wright word, I mean is not fluid - it breaks).

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #338
Also I wrote before that I tought that playing next song without using NEXT song would still play the video. Not sure what it was, but it seemed to work when I wrote it. But does not seem to work now.
SO Im guessing that I must have been wrong about that. Sorry.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

I hav enoticed that a lot of songs have stutter in them.
I dont know why some songs have alot of stutter/lagg/delay problems

Did record, should be 1080p, with Task Manager "Networking" and "Performance" info in the video and also a "" test, during hte recording.
Also goes thru the options in FooBar You-Tube plugin settings
When I put ont he recording then the video in it is alot of stuttering, and also later in the video ==> 05:30 in the video at Beasty Boys - Fight for your rights to party

It prob could do a few tests on differnt settings on what video to priority and all that. Problem is that I really dont know what the differnt "Media files"
So if anyone els have some suggestions on what settings I could do to not have this stutter all the time ?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #339
I hav enoticed that a lot of songs have stutter in them.
I dont know why some songs have alot of stutter/lagg/delay problems

Yes, I've noticed the same thing and it's always AAC streams (at least for me), Vorbis seems okay.

PC = TAK + LossyWAV  ::  Portable = Opus (130)

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #340
For me the update to 1.3 broke the Seekbar (no seeking possible) and the green progress indicator in the taskbar has stopped working as well (it shows continual loading like when listening to radio).

Aside from that, if I may, a feature suggestion:
Subreddit Playlists!
Here is a thread about Reddit Players to get you started

Oh and thanks everyone for your help on displaying %youtube_description%!

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #341
Oh, so many problems :( Most of them I don't see so can only make assumptions, need more info. So lets do this.

@musikomaniak, @Wolfbane, @carpman, @onirwai
First of all general actions. Paste here your settings (Help -> Youtube Source -> Copy settings to Clipboard). If problems constantly appear on particular clips (using those pasted settings) then paste few links here. Any investigation of particular problem reasons is appreciated: when problem appears  currently playing format in case of audio can be viewed via View -> Youtube Source -> History (I remind that played audio marks with 'play' (▶) icon).

And here are few suggestions.
Breaks in playback can be because of too big source file so download speed is less than playback speed. If FFmpeg is not configured, for audio playback in default configuration is used best video which may be big enough to produce this problem. Active Internet usage (like torrents) also can make this possible. Playing a video with the audio is also may require big piece of bandwidth depending of video quality.

If video playback turned on, after seeking there can be silence in playback even up to 5-10 seconds which might be threated as delays. It required to provide accurate seeking (for audio+video synchronization). Seeking also performs automatically (and may produce this) at every Youtube track start (if video is enabled). So maybe this is threated as the problem in some cases.

>> Some videos give message STOPPED...
Looks like video synchronization problem, as @Wolfbane mentioned it is still opened.

>> Did record, should be 1080p, <....>
Not sure what you mean, by this url I see only one picture.

>> Yes, I've noticed the same thing and it's always AAC streams (at least for me), Vorbis seems okay.
As I mentioned, yours current settings can give some info (if this depends or particular clips). Also I wonder, is problem appeared only with the last version or it appeared previously with long time videos after some long playing time. At all, does long playing time has some problems or not.

>> For me the update to 1.3 broke the Seekbar (no seeking possible)
At least for this I probably have the solution. With last update it is possible to play 256kbps AAC streams. It is the best available audio quality so by default it will be used for playback. Audio-only AAC streams on Youtube are shipped within MP4 DASH format which currently is not seekable using FFmpeg. So you can disable it (add M4A to component preferences Decoder tab -> Formats to ignore) or more elegant way - set 'Prefer a media file' to "with bitrate of audio stream nearest to" ...180 kbps which according to currently available formats will use seekable OGG stream (OGG 192kbps and if don't have - OGG 128kbps) and only if don't have any of them then some of available AAC streams.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #342
>> Yes, I've noticed the same thing and it's always AAC streams (at least for me), Vorbis seems okay.
As I mentioned, yours current settings can give some info (if this depends or particular clips). Also I wonder, is problem appeared only with the last version or it appeared previously with long time videos after some long playing time. At all, does long playing time has some problems or not.

Okay, have been trying to reproduce this but it's a little tiresome; I've watched parts of old streams that were problematic but they tend to be very long and so far I can't reproduce. However, I know this is not a connection problem, because I've switched at the time to Vorbis and it's been okay. So I'll get back to you when I can find a hard and fast example.

In the meantime here are my settings. These have been played around with a little as I tried to solve the issue by adjusting settings. Any feedback on a better setup would be much appreciated. Thanks. Let me know if you need system spec or any other details.

Most of the streams I listen to (and now watch -- nice update) are lectures and documentaries so they tend to be between 10 mins up to 3 hours. So very long. On the surface this appears to be a buffering (/youtube buffering?) issue. Generally it'll start off fine and then a long stream may start to suffer drop outs after 5+ mins or longer.

Sorry I can't be more specific. Like I say, so far it's always been ~192 AAC streams.

Code: [Select]
Start: fast, quality: best, ignore:flv;m4a, priority: ogg;opus;webm;mp4;m4a, prefer-audio-only: no
Downloading: foo_youtube+ffmpeg, decode: mp4;m4a;webm;ogg;opus;3gp;flv, FFmpeg: no
Search-autocomplete: yes, album-art: no, proxy: no
Video: yes, resolution: 360p, subtitles: yes, ignore:mp4-vo, priority: , show: auto

Great component! It's so good to be able to use foobar2000's EBU 128 Compressor on YouTube (for non music material) since the volume levels even within streams are often so up and down. This sorts it all out.


PC = TAK + LossyWAV  ::  Portable = Opus (130)

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #343
I didn't know for EBU R128 Compressor - seems that this work in same way - as replay gain scan, but it work on the fly. Nice.
All my songs are now on the same level including youtube videos..
Thank you for mention this..

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #344
>> Did record, should be 1080p, <....>
Not sure what you mean, by this url I see only one picture.

Sorry must have had wrong link in the COPY+PASTE memory.

Here is the correct link.

Did record, should be 1080p, with Task Manager "Networking" and "Performance" info in the video and also a "" test, during the recording.
Also goes thru the options in FooBar You-Tube plugin settings
When I put ont he recording then the video in it is alot of stuttering, and also later in the video ==> 05:30 in the video at Beasty Boys - Fight for your rights to party

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #345
Oh, so many problems  Most of them I don't see so can only make assumptions, need more info. So lets do this.

@musikomaniak, @Wolfbane, @carpman, @onirwai
First of all general actions. Paste here your settings (Help -> Youtube Source -> Copy settings to Clipboard). If problems constantly appear on particular clips (using those pasted settings) then paste few links here. Any investigation of particular problem reasons is appreciated: when problem appears  currently playing format in case of audio can be viewed via View -> Youtube Source -> History (I remind that played audio marks with 'play' (?) icon).

>> Some videos give message STOPPED...
Looks like video synchronization problem, as @Wolfbane mentioned it is still opened.

I'm glad to announce you that I had no problem today.
I tested about 10 videos. No STOP messages, sound fluid. No errors shown in history.
My settings:
Start: fast, quality: best, ignore:webm;ogg;m4a;flv, priority: , prefer-audio-only: yes
Downloading: foo_youtube, decode: , FFmpeg: no
Search-autocomplete: yes, album-art: yes, remove-black: yes, limit: no, proxy: no
Video: yes, resolution: 720p, subtitles: yes, ignore:, priority: , show: auto

I can imagine that all problems were due to my computer Windows 7. I used a program to clean before making tests.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #346
You disabled 'Prefer audio-only' option from Decoder tab so video files are comparing with the audio-only files by the same rules. I.e. if some video file has better audio quality then it will be used instead of available audio-only files. AAC 192kbps quality on Youtube has only 720p video. It is usually ~10x larger than audio in it. In addition if you are watching video at this time then another big stream downloads at the same time. Maybe it is too much for the bandwidth. Btw, if you are using for example Waveform seekbar, it will download 3rd stream at the same time - to draw waveform basing on it.
Also I'd recommend to configure ffmpeg and use foobar2000 as downloader, foo_youtube as downloader was good alternative only before decoding through ffmpeg was added.

According to video problems - try set Features -> Video -> 'Priority of formats' to mp4, looks like decoding WebM VP9 (which goes in your case) has some problems in LAV Filters. Also unless you need to see media files sizes, also turn back Decoder -> 'Playback Start' to Fast, it will increase opening speed because will don't get filesize for any available media (btw because of known files sizes in your case was used WebM VP9 because it usually has smaller size than mp4 which used by default if filesizes are unknown and quality are equal). Mp4 also has much less problems with synchronisation.
About audio playback stutting - foobar has some problems at native decoding WebM AO (i.e. OGG in component). In your config decoding goes by foobar and ogg is preferred quality. So turn back ogg to 'Formats to ignore' or configure ffmpeg and select ogg to decode by it using Decoder -> 'Decode its own' field.

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #347
I have audio playback interruption only on AAC usualy on track end, VORBIS is ok.
From earlier explanations how component works, and how to set 'decoder preferences' , this is expected, not big problem..

3dyd, about video , on my system if i set video quality larger than 360p, then video have interruption and problem with synchronization, even if i manualy click play. I assume that this is because internet speed. My speed is 1.5mb, is possible to do something about that?

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #348

Thanks for your patience. Have adjusted settings and things seem better. I have a decent broadband connection - so to test I downloaded some stuff in background and watched an AAC based stream and it played fine (whereas prior to changing settings it was experiencing dropout problems).

Seems I didn't fully understand the settings' implications. So thanks for the clear explanation.

As for Waveform Seekbar, I use it, but not with this installation of foobar2000 - so that wouldn't be an issue for me -- but still good to know.

Settings now:
Code: [Select]
Start: fast, quality: best, ignore:flv;m4a, priority: ogg;opus;webm;mp4;, prefer-audio-only: yes
Downloading: foobar2000+ffmpeg, decode: mp4;webm;3gp;ogg, FFmpeg: no
Search-autocomplete: yes, album-art: no, proxy: no
Video: yes, resolution: 360p, subtitles: yes, ignore:mp4-vo, priority: , show: auto

Not sure why it says "FFmpeg: no" above in settings? I have FFmpeg installed and component points to the correct place and the component can see (Found = Yes) all the required *.dlls.

PC = TAK + LossyWAV  ::  Portable = Opus (130)

Re: foo_youtube

Reply #349
I am enjoying 1.3, especially as it now appears that most audio is now at AAC 256kbs.

However, I am confused by what the following means: "AAC 256kbps is tricky, it appears even for the clips which definitely haven't such quality".

So can the bitrates displayed in properties or status bar be relied upon as being correct; i.e. if it says its 254kbps the playing track is at this bitrate and not say 64kbps (setting is "Prefer a media file with best available audio")?

Incidentally one minor point is that in properties and status bar it always says 254kbps and not 256kbps (it is correct in youtube source history) - but may be that's due to foobar200 analysing the track for properties/status bar display and you have no control.

Another minor point is the priority with the setting "Prefer a media file with best available audio". It seems that audio at 48000Hz is always preferred to 44100Hz regardless of the bitrate. Thus Opus 48000Hz 160kbps is chosen instead of M4a 44100Hz 256kbps, while I thought the bitrate might have higher priority when the Hz aren't that different.

All the above applies to audio playback only. Video playback is not enabled.