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Topic: foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7 (Read 947790 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1075
no. you can choose it to ignore tracks if they are not monitored as part of your library. or you can mess around with title formatting so it ignores tracks based on their tags or other properties but not on playlist names.

OK, thanks for your answer. I guess I'll make copies of the tracks I have on the training playlist outside my library folder, that's not too hard.

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1076
For some reason audioscrobbler likes to scrobble "ReVamp - Here's My Hell" mostly after long tracks and rarely after shorter tracks.
Long = about +15min tracks (most of Beardyman's lives exceed that limit).
I tried to actually listen to Here's My Hell to fix the glitch but the next day I had some extra scrobbles already.

I found out that the problem was "Simple Scrobbler" for android. I apologize for blaming foo_audioscrobbler for the mess.

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1077
(...) or you can mess around with title formatting so it ignores tracks based on their tags (...)

You mean I can configure current audioscrobbler to omit some tracks based on title formatting? how? where?

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1078
(...) or you can mess around with title formatting so it ignores tracks based on their tags (...)

You mean I can configure current audioscrobbler to omit some tracks based on title formatting? how? where?
Audioscrobbler need a value in %title% for it to scrobble.
You can use the field remappings to your advantage.

It works, Audioscrobbler: Skipping track due to missing artist or title info.
I haven't tried this, but theoretically this should work:
Maybe you've a tag called SKIP_LASTFM and if it has a value, following will make it not submit it.
Code: [Select]
Notice the 2 commas. First comma is if the tag has a value which we don't want, instead we put it after the second so it's fired only when the tag is null.

Use it in Audioscrobbler's Title field.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1079
Thanks, it works !!!

After adding said tag to file and suggested title formatting string in Title config of Audioscrobbler 1.4.7., console shows:

Opening track for playback: "M:\Lekka lipenia\Cheesfest\Wiksa\Svenson & Gielen – Twisted (Original Mix).mp3"
Audioscrobbler: Skipping track due to missing artist or title info.

Opening track for playback: "M:\Lekka lipenia\Cheesfest\Wiksa\Baauer - Harlem Shake (2012)\01 Harlem Shake.mp3"
Audioscrobbler: Skipping track due to missing artist or title info.

In fact both files have every required tags  . This is how it works  . Nice trick  . Again foobar's tagging ability and possibility of adding said tag as a standard tag in Properties Window makes foobar the best music player in the world

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1080
I had a version 2.3.1 installed that apparently works with the lastfm client.
I was trying to clean up my foobar installation and used the diagnose option --
it claimed that 2.3.1 had been associated with crashes, though I'd never experienced

It gave me a link to follow that took me to foo_audioscrobbler 1.47 from 3 years ago as an
update for 2.3.1.  Well, I tried it... that was on the 27th of july... I can tell, because once
I installed it there was no more scrobbling after that date (until today when I switched
back to 2.3.1).

1.4.7 -- claimed to be configured -- it had my user name configured maybe the
proxy was wrong...but when I chose a menu option on the player to goto my profile,
(lastfm../astaras), the player crashed.

So ... I'm just reporting that 1.4.7 of foo_audioscrobbler crashes more often for me
than 2.3.1....  So I wouldn't recommend upgrading from a 2012 dated V2.3.1 to a
2010 V1.4.7.  Maybe the diagnostics page needs updating?

Thought I'd mention it here, since the diag page pointed to this as the discussion place
for this extension.  I found out it wasn't scrobbling due to the crash -- that was due to
trying to look up the artist of a playing song to see if it was one I knew (it was).

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1081
You've got everything wrong.
This is a completely different component, and it should not crash, never had for me.
How is it crashing? What I know it doesn't have a feature to lookup an artist.

Check the Console what it says and why it can't submit your scrobbles.

It doesn't have anything to do with the official component, which you need the client to use anyway.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1082
You've got everything wrong.

I'm sorry, I was going by the's troubleshooter, which

Where it says:
foo_audioscrobbler.dll : Audioscrobbler 2.3.1
Reason: Repeated crash reports.
Download the latest version...

I.e. it claims the component, here, is an update for 2.3.1.

If that is wrong, perhaps you want to take it up with the ones who provide
the link from the official plugin (2.3.1) to this plugin's update
page.  It's a bit confusing, at the very least.
This is a completely different component, and it should not crash. 
How is it crashing?

What should?  I get "foobar2000 has stopped working"...
What I know it doesn't have a feature to lookup an artist.
Check the Console what it says and why it can't submit your scrobbles.

It was a feature to pull down recent plays by favorites or most listened
to or recently from your history.  To look up the artist
name, I tried to pull up my recent history, which would tell me
what songs I played and likely point me to the artist -- so it was
a rather indirect means of looking up an artist...

I'm not sure what component "owns" those menu items...

under Library, the top 3 entries are for top tracks,
loved tracks and recent.

They are still there even with the extension removed.  So now
I'm confused...Don't know where those came from -- I do know that
they used to work. (I have some playback lists
based on my listening history).
It doesn't have anything to do with the official component,
which you need the client to use anyway.

Maybe those menu items belong to the official component and it
got removed in some way that the menu items didn't?

It crashes on those menu items, now, no matter which lastfm
scrobbler I have installed.  Though the lastfm scrobbler
has had the advantage that it scrobbles.

I thought this one did too, but maybe I had the previous official version
installed before this...I do know it didn't need a client..which the new one
does -- something I found annoying at first, but now, not so much, since it's
handier than going to my lastfm home page to look up artist for currently
playing selections...

But those menu items are the killers, and they used to work...

Another thing to add to my investigate list... (way too long!)  ;-(

The message on the diagnostics page seems to be a bit confusing,
saying this extension is an upgrade for the official one.


foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1083
those options on the Library menu causing foobar to crash are provided by foo_softplaylists. development has stopped but another forum member (romor) has provided a fixed version here:

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1084
Unfortunately they both share the same name, which make it very confusing indeed.

This is the unofficial component, the one most of us here use: [ Florian's foobar2000 stuff ]
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1085
Unfortunately they both share the same name, which make it very confusing indeed.

It doesn't take alot of AI to have some smarts that if the current version is >2 and the "updated version is <2", then it is likely they are talking about 2 different products that could be handled differently.

Going forward, one or the other or both of the plugins could add some other item of identification.  I was surprised the fm plugin wasn't named foo_fm or something similar...but they've also been using the audioscrobbler verb a while as well.  But is clearly a branded product -- is there anyone else that uses an audioscrobbler???... 

Does the from florian have any menu items that I might be seeing?  Or...howcan I track down those mysterious menu entries on the Library menu??...(sigh)...

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1086
The menus are from foo_softplaylists, as marc2003 wrote.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1087
those options on the Library menu causing foobar to crash are provided by foo_softplaylists. development has stopped but another forum member (romor) has provided a fixed version here:

Awesome -- then neither foo-audio scrobbler is at fault?
It's something completely unrelated....!?  Oi.

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1088
the plugin is still being developed? It would be nice to add icon/bar that says if track is scrobbling/scrobbled/not scrobbling (time to 'scrobbled' status would be very cool too ).

...or is there already way to tell that without lastfm app? it's the only reason why i still use lastfm's desktop application. Aztek92

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1089
given how long it's been since we've seen the devleoper/had any updates, i don't think development is active any more.

as for time to scrobble, that's easy. for a track less than 8 minutes long, just divide the length by 2. anything over 8 minutes will be scrobbled after 4 minutes of play. you're not one these people who listens to as little of a track as is possible for it count as a scrobble before skipping to the next one? 

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1090
Divide %playback_time_remaining% by 2 is not a solution. Time will depend on track lenght, not how long song is playing.

Anyway, I was thinking about Playback Statistics:
It can tell, that song was played more that 50% and add +1 to play count.
Is there a way to use this function to create an icon, that can tell if track was counted?

you're not one these people who listens to as little of a track as is possible for it count as a scrobble before skipping to the next one?
Maybe yes, maybe no. I just skip some parts of songs sometimes or jump back to some point. Aztek92

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1091
Why would you presume he was talking about the time remaining? I imagine logically that he meant one of the %length%-type mappings, in conjunction with another for the elapsed time if you want some kind of countdown to scrobbling.

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1092
i suppose using the length as a rough guide is no use if you add seeking into the mix.

the only way i know of to keep track of the real time elapsed is by writing a script for WSH panel mod. i'll knock up a quick bodge job.

edit: add this panel to your layout:

then put this script in it.

it's only plain text. sue me.


foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1093
there was a tiny little bug in  my script. it didn't update the display when playback stops. now fixed - same link as above.

i should also mention it will show "Not playing" if you close the script editor and foobar is playing. it obviously has no way to track how much time has elapsed so you need to start a new track for it to show anything.

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1094
Nicely done, thanks a lot for your time 
Here is how i used it (for your info ), above the cover Aztek92

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1095
the only way i know of to keep track of the real time elapsed is by writing a script for WSH panel mod. i'll knock up a quick bodge job.

edit: add this panel to your layout:

then put this script in it.

Thanks for this useful script! It could come handy some time.

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1096
Has anyone else been having trouble with foo_audioscrobbler?

My Foobar will scrobble the first song in a playlist, then throw the rest in the cache, and when I click "Submit cache", it says
Code: [Select]
Audioscrobbler: Previous submission still in progress

When I restart foobar, it'll tell it to submit the cache again and it gives me...
Code: [Select]
Audioscrobbler: Submitting 10 of 295 cached tracks...

It never submits anything and it just stays there, with any further attempts to scrobble giving me "previous submission still in progress".

I found a quick fix for a while in where I would delete my foo_audioscrobbler.dll.cfg file in an attempt to clear my cache, but that no longer works.

The only reason why I haven't moved back to the official Scrobbler desktop tool is because I use several complex conditional %artist% remappings. 

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1097
Is it me or the plugin doesn't work anymore?! It's been five days since the last update was made on the site.

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1098
it's working fine for me. have you checked the console for messages?

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #1099
It's the third time I have uninstalled and re-installed everything in my foobar setup and still it's not working. By console do you mean the lastfm profile where it shows what's playing?
L.E. I figured through the console that the time was way off according to it; re-set it through windows time; made sure that the correct time and location was set into the lastfm site and it worked. Thanks a lot marc for opening my eyes to use the console!