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Topic: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream) (Read 138703 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #125
I have fixed this issue.
The fixed file is here.
Use it at your own risk.
The known problem is, when disconneting from server,
the reconnect process would start a little bit late.
Thanks author Canar for sharing his github, so I could compile the src code and fix it.

Sorry that I found a bug that may cause fb2k stuck and no response when accidentally disconnected from server.
The bug is fixed, and newer version has been updated to the new link.

Changed the link in this post,
if you had downloaded the old file,
please use this fixed version.

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #126
Next time I get around to updating, I'll roll these changes in. Thanks again, georgemouse.

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #127
Next time I get around to updating, I'll roll these changes in. Thanks again, georgemouse.

You are welcome. XD

There is a minor adjustment in the file.
The reconnet-checking timer is lengthened to 30s, relieving the burden of streaming server.
On some old computers, the reconnection process need above 5 seconds to complete...

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #128
thx for this great plugin.

sadly the playback in browsers is interrupped when the track changes... ist no continuous stream.

In vlc player ist works fine but browsers...

Any ideas? I had an older streaming plugin in foobar 0.95 and that time, it worked fine without that problems.

Greeds & thx

@ Canar:

what about this problem?
why did you never response questions about this topic? or am i just too sick to find it?
fg, dls

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #129
@ Canar:

what about this problem?
why did you never response questions about this topic? or am i just too sick to find it?
fg, dls
Could not reproduce. The streams emitted by the component validate as proper Vorbis streams. I suspect that the browser part that plays the streams is bugged.

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #130
thx for response! fg, dls

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #131
Exist any instruction what i must to do, to share my stream to my friends.
I download vorbis streamer and found only this settings
Also I download icecast server and i think i must manual connect in icecast config this 2 programs. Any guides or FAQs?

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #132
I started using your plugin and i have the same issue as Hancoque.
Using IceCast 2.3.2.

VLC Gives this:
ogg debug: end of a group of logical streams
ogg debug: File length is 0 bytes
ogg debug: found vorbis header
ogg debug: will reuse old stream to avoid glitch
ogg debug: beginning of a group of logical streams
main error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
main debug: Buffering 0%
main debug: Buffering 0%
main debug: End of audio preroll
main debug: Buffering 29%
main debug: Buffering 57%
main debug: Buffering 90%
main debug: Stream buffering done (1221 ms in 0 ms)
main debug: Decoder buffering done in 0 ms
main warning: PTS is out of range (-9959), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (-12834), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (-15722), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (-28770), dropping buffer
main debug: audio output is too slow (76362 us):  trashing 50000 us
main debug: audio output is too slow (26362 us):  trashing 50000 us
main warning: audio output out of sync, adjusting dates (235608 us)
main warning: not synchronized (235608 us), resampling
main warning: buffer way too late (238511), dropping buffer
main warning: buffer way too late (215291), dropping buffer
main warning: buffer way too late (192071), dropping buffer
main warning: buffer too late  (168851), up-sampling

Also the time counter in vlc resets

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #134
You are right, with mplayer played well!
Thanks for the help.


Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #135
Any eta on Lame streaming?

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #136
Any eta on Lame streaming?
Nope, but thanks to this post, it'll be one month longer before I even consider it.

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #138

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #139
I've got an issue with audio skipping that's been happening since before streamer release 1.1.. basically for more than a year, and probably longer..  The trigger has been to pause the track currently playing track and then to press play again.  This happens only when the Vorbis streamer DSP active.

I'm using the following:
Foobar2000 1.2.4
foo_vorbisstream 1.1

Active DSP's (in order):
Hard -6dB limiter
Convert 5.1 to stereo
Vorbis Streamer
Skip Silence
Skip Track
Resampler (PPHS)

My Vorbis streamer samples at 44.1k while Resampler is 48k (ultra mode).  All the audio on my system going to this DAC (an RME Audio HDSP9632; output is ASIO to the RME Hammerfall DSP with the foo_out_asio 2.1.2 ASIO plugin), and it's all set to 48k.
The vorbis plugin is configured as follows:
Quality: 5, Sample Rate: 44100, Channels 2, Server Type: Icecast2, Server Address: localhost

The streaming server is Icecast 2.3.1.

This problem is so severe that I can't just pause/resume playback and I have to instead stop the track and start playing new, or by stopping and continuing to the previous or next track, simply using skipping forward and back doesn't fix it, as it doesn't interrupt playback.

I guess that this is a resampler bug and the fixes to this DSP plugin over the past two years with respect to resampling don't address it.  Connectivity to Icecast is never an issue.  What else would cause this to happen?  When I change the sample rate to 44.1k the problem goes away entirely, as it does also when removing the streamer DSP plugin.  Any thoughts or ideas?  How can I troubleshoot skips to the stream, which I can hear both in the ASIO playback and on the vorbis stream?

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #140
Thank you for the detailed bug report. I'll look into it when I have a chance. I presently don't even have Visual Studio installed on my PC! Looks like I'll have to change that.

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #141
My first post here 

This is the same fix as gerogemouse's post,but this fix should be more complete.

When this server is fully down (power off or disconnected from the internet), this plugin will stuck when trying to connect to the server.
Because it uses blocking socket, it will need to wait TCP connection timeout (according the timeout & max retry settings on your computer).

I just recoded the connection part,replace with async socket (put the connection in background).
It should be fine when connection fails.

I've tried with 3 invalid host at the same time and foobar2k runs smoothly as usual as well as other valid vorbis streamers emit streams correctly.

Here's the plugin dll file & source code:

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #142
My first post here 

This is the same fix as gerogemouse's post,but this fix should be more complete.


Here's the plugin dll file & source code:

It seems the pervious binary is a little buggy, and makes the stream to be viewd as abort sometimes (while the stream is actually playing).

After updated libraries & recompiled, it seems to be fixed.
The link is the same (updated with google drive).

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #143
Hello everybody!

Well this seems to be the only issue with vorbis streamer plugin I located.
Me and some of my friends have set up a radio station with music, and while they all use SAM Broadcaster which streams just fine to Winamp, I have decided to use Foobar2000 as it seems a better choice. However, some of the listeners reported that playing the file (.m3u) in winamp, doesn't work for them while I stream music.
I can't locate the problem so I decided to ask here. Maybe somebody has a clue what I'm talking about.

If you need more info please ask I'd be glad to provide it.



Edit: The server is Icecast2

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #144
Sadly, this component is now deprecated, as Windows 8 has driven me off of Windows into the chaotic waters of Linux. I intend to take the above fixes and release one final build with them all (and maybe a few other tweaks as I see fit; I really can't resist sometimes). However, this component is now looking for a new maintainer.

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #145
Sadly, this component is now deprecated, as Windows 8 has driven me off of Windows into the chaotic waters of Linux. I intend to take the above fixes and release one final build with them all (and maybe a few other tweaks as I see fit; I really can't resist sometimes). However, this component is now looking for a new maintainer.

Sadly, it's the only shoutcast / icecast streaming plugin in foobar2k...
Windows 8 is really annoying  , so i'm still using Windows 7 now 

I'm maintaining my own version of foo_vorbisstream which fixed some problem i meet  .

Hoping the final version would release ASAP. 

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #147
Thank you, Danny. Your fork of georgemouse's fix is pretty much the "final" version I was going to release.

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #148
The fix3 
Fix the incorrect disconnecting when uploading too fast ~~~

  There is always second fix for my "fix"es...
fix the logic error which makes infinite loop when connection fails...

The same GD link

Re: [Old] Vorbis Streamer (foo_vorbisstream)

Reply #149
Excellent plugin ^^
It does have a problem where it causes Foobar to slow down enormously (as if the CPU is at 100%, which it isn't) when the DSP is enabled but the Icecast server isn't running though...  Are you still supporting this project? Or is there an updated alternative somewhere?

Edit: the patched version I just saw fixes that issue though  Very nice