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Topic: foo_scheduler (Read 465452 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #450
What i want to achieve is following:

I want to play - let's say - 2 tracks, after these two tracks the next playlist is opened and two random tracks are plaes, then again the next playlist opens and again two random tracks from the current playlist are played. This continues until i stop playback or all playlists were picked.

So far i can't find a solution for this. Any help?


Reply #451
4.08 bug fix release. [...]

v4.08 now also pre-selects the Num tracks-field when editing a "Wait until N tracks played"-action, as asked for here.

Many thanks for this and for Scheduler's constant further development, Andrew.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.


Reply #452
What i want to achieve is following:
I want to play - let's say - 2 tracks, after these two tracks the next playlist is opened and two random tracks are plaes, then again the next playlist opens and again two random tracks from the current playlist are played. This continues until i stop playback or all playlists were picked.
So far i can't find a solution for this. Any help?

It seems that foo_scheduler needs scripting support... For now, it's impossible.


Reply #453
4.08 bug fix release.
Please recreate all menu item events! Sorry for inconvenience.

So, completely deleted and re created all the menu items but foobar keeps deleting my hotkeys.
In hotkey editor it says: action not found and some code

I do something wrong or its another bug?


Reply #454
Also recreate hotkeys, must work.


Reply #455
found out, if i change anything in scheduler it affects the hotkeys. so assign hotkeys should be the last step, than its ok.
Thanks for the fix!


Reply #456
Is there a way to make the scheduler play any one song at random from your library, or do I have to continually update a playlist manually as more music gets added? I use to be able to do that with the Browser plugin but that's not supported any more.


Reply #457
Also recreate hotkeys, must work.

It stops working after a while, just says Action not found (random ID).

Tried create everything new.
Same issue.

Please fix. 
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #458
I have keyboard shortcuts for scheduler "menu item events"

and whenever i fiddle with the scheduler menu like checking and unchecking things

then the keyboard shortcuts menu says "action not found"


Reply #459
Love foobar2000 and love the idea of foo_scheduler,but I can't get the scheduler to work.

First I create a event list for the morning, then I create an action to play track number 1,but when the time comes,nothing happens.The event just gets deleted.

CAn anybody help with this?Useing the latest versions on a Vista.Would love to get this to work.What am I not getting?!?!?!   


Reply #460
Did you assign an action to an event? If in the event list the column "action list" is empty then right click an event entry and rightclick to assign an action.


Reply #461
Did you assign an action to an event? If in the event list the column "action list" is empty then right click an event entry and rightclick to assign an action.

Hot dang,that was it.Thanks a load.


Reply #463
Works fine here now.

Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #464

I'm using an old version of foobar (v0.9.6.9... personal choice), and I'm looking for v3.55 of this plugin. Is there anywhere I can download it?



Reply #465
Hello there,
Is there a way to assign a keyboard shortcut to an event(ie activate shutdown at end of playlist) ?



Reply #466
Hello there,
Is there a way to assign a keyboard shortcut to an event(ie activate shutdown at end of playlist) ?


Yes, add a menu item event and assign it to an Action list.

Not sure if you can make that kind of action, though.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #467
i want to execute automatically the utitlity 'Fix MP3 VBR Header...' when a new track is added (on the newly added track).
I tried but in the actions is non possible to execute it or execute a keyboard shortcut.

Is there a way to do it with foo_scheduler?

Thank you.


Reply #468
It would be nice if there was an option to enable only 1 active delay.

I started using Scheduler with the pomodoro technique which is based on working for 25 minutes and then take a five minute break.
When I start playback I set a delay for 25 minutes, but if I skip song or stop it by accident I have to manually delete the newly created delay.

For those interested my action for the On playback start event is:
25 minutes delay.
Stop playback
Launch "rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation"

The last action locks your computer. "Forcing" you to take a break.


Reply #469
Hi Andrew. Thanks for your hard work--I've been a fan of this component for some time. Unfortunately, since getting a new Windows 7 laptop I've been unable to get scheduler to 'wake up' my computer at the start of events. It can run through scheduled events fine, but whether I put my laptop into hibernate, sleep, shut the lid or tap the power button, it will still not 'wake up' from this when the scheduled time comes.
I had it figured all out before! Please tell me there's something obvious and stupid I've missed when setting it up.


Reply #470
Feature Request:

Make volume fade logarithmic instead of linear, either by changing the current action or making a new one.
Current fade algorithm is not well suited for long fades (imo).

(Optional) An action to set system volume would be nice.


Reply #471
It seems that "Playback stop / Starting new track" event doesn't really work. As far as I understand it should happen when one track finishes playing and next track starts playing. I tried to use it for action like "Stop playback after current track and hibernate" - no success. The same goal could be reached by use "On new track" but if you will activate such an event when playback is stopped and then try to start playback... I prefer not to try
Magically yours


Reply #472
Hi Andrew. Thanks for your hard work--I've been a fan of this component for some time. Unfortunately, since getting a new Windows 7 laptop I've been unable to get scheduler to 'wake up' my computer at the start of events. It can run through scheduled events fine, but whether I put my laptop into hibernate, sleep, shut the lid or tap the power button, it will still not 'wake up' from this when the scheduled time comes.
I had it figured all out before! Please tell me there's something obvious and stupid I've missed when setting it up.

Enable an option in advanced settings of your current power profile to allow wake up using waitable timers.


Reply #473
hi there,

has someone recognized the following behaviour of foo_scheduler?

my fb2k performs any action up to 20 seconds later than the local system time shows.
it looks like the delay increases with the time foobar is up running. and in my case it's running 24/7 in a community radio station.

here's a screenshot of the foobar-gui with the scheduler events window open.
as you can see in the picture...
... WSHpanelmod shows the local system time of 09:00:14 (bottom right)
... there's a timed action to perform at 9:00:00 in the "scheduler status info"
... but nothing happened! the performed action was (in this case) performed at 9:00:20

i can't figure out, where the problem is. my system time is updated with NTPserver hourly.
the only thing left, not been checked, is the CMOS battery.
but if the CMOS would be almost empty, i would recognize this otherwise.

i did also test...
... if this behaviour changes when there are no other actions running in scheduler.
... to make a test-action performing a minute after creating it. and see... there's no delay!!!
... the delay only happens on actions not created a short time before the event. but my actions are all weekly-recurring events i never touched since creating.

to start actions accurate is essential for me. because i need to re-broadcast from a sat-rcv connected via line-in just in time.

does anyone have a clue of whats going on there? could anyone please help me? give any hint?

thanks a lot in advance, lots of greets, delusion