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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4723907 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI

Reply #6700
For display of Genre tag info in the Genre column:

Go to:    File->Preferences->Display->Columns UI->Playlist view->Columns->Column: Genre - Column Details/Scripts tab/Display tab

Enter this in the 'Display' field:    $ifequal($len(%genre%),0,'%genre%',$if2($trim(%genre%),'%genre%'))

Click Apply

Columns UI

Reply #6702
makuab: If you mean the background of the menu and playback controls, I imagine that is dependent upon your visual configuration in Windows and nothing to do with foobar2000.

Columns UI

Reply #6703
makuab: If you mean the background of the menu and playback controls, I imagine that is dependent upon your visual configuration in Windows and nothing to do with foobar2000.

How do foobar skins change it then?

Columns UI

Reply #6704
How do I get the control buttons to be displayed at 32x32px?

I see that's the max size you have for them in the foo_ui_columns.dll

Also, if I use my own and decide to go with something larger (48x48 etc), will changing them one at a time result in them all being 48x48px when I'm done changing them all, or should I just edit the foo_ui_columns.dll and use my own?

Thanks, and thanks for the awesome plugin.

Columns UI

Reply #6705

I've been strugling with Columns UI recent days and I have one problem - in 'blank' foobar type-find on playlist view allowed me to configure fileds to search in, but in Columns UI these settings don't work and it search only in by artist. I cannot find where to change it.


Columns UI

Reply #6706
Surprisingly I couldn't find an answer upon searching so here's my question:

Is it possible to use more than one field for a filter?

I'm trying to create a filter using the ARTIST and ARTISTSORTORDER tags in my files. What I want is for an artist to be separately listed twice. For example, I'd like Django Reinhardt to be listed as "Django Reindardt" and "Reinhardt, Django".

(Before someone asks 'why?', the reason is simple: it would allow anyone skimming the filter to easily find the artist regardless of whether they're looking for the first or last name.)

I tried using "artist; artistsortorder" (among others) in the Field column in the Filter configuration dialog, but it only returned the first value. Then I assumed that maybe it'd look for the first value in a file, and upon not finding it, would look for the second. I was incorrect.

If it isn't currently possible to use multiple fields for a filter, then my questions for the component's developer are thus: (1) Would he consider adding the ability to use multiple fields? (2) Or failing that, would he consider adding the capability for a filter to look for an ordered list of fields one by one until it finds a field in the list? I would much rather have (1) than (2). Yes, I know that (2) can currently be accomplished using title formatting but those scripts can be become rather long/complicated. It would simply make filter configuration easier for the end-user.

Any relevant response is appreciated, and thanks beforehand.

Columns UI

Reply #6707
Is it possible to use more than one field for a filter?

I'm trying to create a filter using the ARTIST and ARTISTSORTORDER tags in my files. What I want is for an artist to be separately listed twice. For example, I'd like Django Reinhardt to be listed as "Django Reindardt" and "Reinhardt, Django".

I like that idea. I just wanted to use this functionality with %album artist% AND %artist% (if they differ), but I don't think this is (currently) possible. Would be really nice.

Another thing that's been bothering me for quite a while now (and almost driving me nuts):
I use the "Artwork view" and "Item properties" UI elements to show some information on the current track (besides title and status bar). But sadly the "Automatic" tracking mode for both of them doesn't work as expected.

What I want is the "tracking" to be like this:
Current selection -> Playing item -> None (or "All of the current playlist"; I don't need that one but maybe others do)
And I have no idea how to achieve this or whether this is even possible with CUI.

The current "Item properties"'s "Automatic" mode behaves like Playing item -> Current selection -> None. (I just found that after hours of research - this is not documented anywhere.)
The current "Artwork view"s behaves exactly the same. Even though it displays the option "Automatic (current selection/playing item)" in the desired order this is not represented by functionality.
Furthermore, the "Preferences -> Display -> Selection viewers" option has no effect at all. I think this might be used for DUI, but I'm on CUI and I think this should be considered.

Maybe this is just a bug or code regression, but this issue is not new (other people expecting the tracking to work like this).
Reference here, here, somewhere here (Ctrl-F for "automatic") and at least 2 other postings I don't remember. (I told you that I did some research.)
Unfortunately, not a single of these posts recieved an answer.

In conclusion I request to add consideration of the "Preferences -> Display -> Selection viewers" option for both, "Item properties"'s and "Artwork view"'s "Automatic" tracking so I can see some tag information again of my currently playing track without having to re-select it every time and without being unable to inspect or edit any other track's metadata while playing.
Thanks for reading.

Columns UI

Reply #6708
I managed to disable inline editing in the playlists, but the filters are still editable inline.  This makes my paranoid to let friends use Collumns UI for fear of mass id3 mishaps.

Columns UI

Reply #6709
I am using columns UI and trying to change the color of the play cursor (don't know if this is the right term). I can change the color of the selection cursor but not the play cursor. Anyone know how to do that?
I use Columns UI

Columns UI

Reply #6710
HI,i have a problem here.
It seems that i have no right to start a topic under column foobar2000.
So I  came here for your help.
I have used the foo_ui_columns  component,but i cannot  display my  Albums  in the screen.

How can i solve it?(My version is the latest beta)

Columns UI

Reply #6711

I want to know how to change the color of all text in a specific ColumnsUI column. 
I assume that one could achieve this through 
Preferences > Display > Columns UI > Playlist View > Scripts > Style 
but I can't seem to figure out the necessary coding.  Any help?


Columns UI

Reply #6713
It's easy to export and load themes with Columns UI but I was wondering if there was a way to do this quickly, say with a keyboard shortcut.

My goal is to be able to press a button or shortcut and have foobar switch over into a "minimal" mode similar to the one in iTunes.  It would be great if the window size could also be automatically downsized as well to fit the new style.

Is this possible to accomplish?

Columns UI

Reply #6714
on the layout tab in the columns UI display preferences, you can add a new layout. each layout is then available via the main view menu. these menu items can be bound to shortcuts/buttons to make switching much faster.

unfortunately, it won't resize the window for you. that requires more complex scripting with the panel stack splitter component. it does take a lot more effort to get into.

Columns UI

Reply #6716
on the layout tab in the columns UI display preferences, you can add a new layout. each layout is then available via the main view menu. these menu items can be bound to shortcuts/buttons to make switching much faster.

unfortunately, it won't resize the window for you. that requires more complex scripting with the panel stack splitter component. it does take a lot more effort to get into.

Once again, thanks for the help.  I feel kind of stupid for not figuring this one out on my own. 

Columns UI

Reply #6717
Problem: My genre filter box in columns_ui is treating multiple genres as one genre
Programs involved: i used MusicBrainz Picard to tag my content. It; separates; multiple; genres; like; this. Foobar treats it all as one genre (i.e. "It; separates; multiple; genres; like; this" is a single genre).
No need for a separate plugin or anything. Assuming that Picard is tagging multiple genres properly (i.e. $meta(genre) will return the genres separated with commas) then you Columns UI Filter needs to be "Genre" (without the quotes). If you do %genre% you'll get "multiple; genres" returned all in one string.

Is it possible to use more than one field for a filter?

I'm trying to create a filter using the ARTIST and ARTISTSORTORDER tags in my files. What I want is for an artist to be separately listed twice. For example, I'd like Django Reinhardt to be listed as "Django Reindardt" and "Reinhardt, Django".

I tried using "artist; artistsortorder" (among others) in the Field column in the Filter configuration dialog, but it only returned the first value. Then I assumed that maybe it'd look for the first value in a file, and upon not finding it, would look for the second. I was incorrect.

If it isn't currently possible to use multiple fields for a filter, then my questions for the component's developer are thus: (1) Would he consider adding the ability to use multiple fields? (2) Or failing that, would he consider adding the capability for a filter to look for an ordered list of fields one by one until it finds a field in the list? I would much rather have (1) than (2). Yes, I know that (2) can currently be accomplished using title formatting but those scripts can be become rather long/complicated. It would simply make filter configuration easier for the end-user.

Any relevant response is appreciated, and thanks beforehand.
To answer your first question, sort of.

My artist filter is "ArtistSortOrder;Album Artist;Artist" and in my experience, it looks for the first value, if it finds one it stops, otherwise it goes to the next. So I'd just see "Reinhardt, Django" no matter what else was in the tags. Since you'll always have an Artist tagged you'd need ArtistSortOrder to come first otherwise it'll never show up in your filters.
AFAIK, the only way you can do what you want would be to add both "Django Reinhardt" and "Reinhardt, Django" to your Artist field (just separate them with semi-colons). If you do that, you'd either have to remove ArtistSortOrder from the columns filter, or never tag ARTISTSORTORDER for those files which you want to be displayed both ways.

Columns UI

Reply #6718
I am using columns UI and trying to change the color of the play cursor (don't know if this is the right term). I can change the color of the selection cursor but not the play cursor. Anyone know how to do that?

I mean the bar that moves  down in the list when going to a new song
I use Columns UI

Columns UI

Reply #6719
To answer your first question, sort of.

My artist filter is "ArtistSortOrder;Album Artist;Artist" and in my experience, it looks for the first value, if it finds one it stops, otherwise it goes to the next. So I'd just see "Reinhardt, Django" no matter what else was in the tags. Since you'll always have an Artist tagged you'd need ArtistSortOrder to come first otherwise it'll never show up in your filters.
AFAIK, the only way you can do what you want would be to add both "Django Reinhardt" and "Reinhardt, Django" to your Artist field (just separate them with semi-colons). If you do that, you'd either have to remove ArtistSortOrder from the columns filter, or never tag ARTISTSORTORDER for those files which you want to be displayed both ways.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. One can enter a number of fields for a filter (as I found out and you demonstrated here) which will search for them according to their order and stop upon finding the first it encounters. This works fine in most scenarios, but doesn't do what I need. It appears to be currently impossible to populate a filter with more than one tag which is what I'm wanting to do. Hopefully the developer is at least considering adding the ability to do this.

I mean the bar that moves  down in the list when going to a new song

If you're simply talking about changing the background color of the row of your currently selected item, then go to:

File > Preferences > Display > Columns UI > Colours and Fonts, then click on the Colours tab. There you will find the ability to change the color to what you want at Selected item. Foreground is the text color, and Background is the background color (obviously). I suggest you select "Global" in the Element dropdown list and select "Custom" in the Mode dropdown list before setting your colors. After you've selected your colors, click "Apply" if necessary, then select "NG Playlist" in the Element dropdown list and select "Global" in the Mode dropdown list. Click "OK" and you should have what you want.

Now, if that isn't what you're asking, and you're wanting to change the background color of the currently playing song so that it can be more readily located, then that is slightly more complicated to explain but fairly easy to do. I won't go into it now in case what I've written above explains what you needed. Reply to this post if it isn't, and I'll explain how to change the background color of the playing song.

Columns UI

Reply #6720
Thanks Ben, yes what I'm asking is how to change the  background color of the currently playing song. Since I like a grey background in my play list, its hard to make out the slightly darker grey selection of the currently playing song.
I use Columns UI

Columns UI

Reply #6721
Hey guys,

You know the alternating lines inside the playlists? (see circle in picture)

Is it possible to remove those there and add it to the NG Playlist?

Here's the picture:

Thanks for any help.

Columns UI

Reply #6722
Hey guys,

You know the alternating lines inside the playlists? (see circle in picture)

Is it possible to remove those there and add it to the NG Playlist?

It is possible to remove them.

The first option is to switch to the "Themed" mode in Preferences > Display > Columns UI > Colours and Fonts.
If you don't like that you can edit the code in Preferences > Display > Columns UI > Playlist View > Globals (Tab).
I think it's pretty straight forward but you may just delete it (since it can be restored with Tools > Reset style string) and the alternating colours will disappear.

And, you want to add these lines to the playlist list? No idea.

Columns UI

Reply #6723
I am having a weird issue with columns UI. I am new, but my custom columns (Mood, PR, and Tag fields) do not show their respective values when I show the columns. One could say I have a syntax problem, but if I perform an inline edit on each cell, the correct values then show up as highlighted. When the cell is not highlighted it appears blank (track line highlighted or not)

The standard fields show fine (#, Title, Date, Length, etc). Any idea what is wrong here?

Columns UI

Reply #6724
Is it possible to get rid of this dotted outline (with follow cursor):