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Topic: foo_httpcontrol (Read 982915 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #975
requests can seem extremely slow when processing thread crashes silently without invoking fb2k crash catch routines, I've had a couple of these some time ago. fb2k version shouldn't matter.
I need your complete data set to reproduce this, send me the config and description of all all steps leading to slow requests.


Reply #976
sorry for having posted too fast. It happened once after upgrading foobar, but that was coincidence, I guess.
If it happens again and I can reproduce it, I'll post more info. Atm it works flawlessly.


Reply #977
Would it be feasible to add the "send to playlist" command to the API? This essentially clears the playlist, loads the selected entries into the playlist, and starts playing the first one. It is also the default action when you press the enter key on an item in the media library in the default Foobar GUI.

I rarely use queues. In order to get a similar effect using foo_httpcontrol, I have to click the stop button, click the empty queue/playlist button (which doesn't work in the default template BTW), en-queue the selected items, click on the first item, and finally press the play button. All of this should just be one command, as it is in the regular Foobar GUI.


Reply #978
all you need is to modify your template for sending three commands consequently:
- clear playlist
- add items
- wait for all items to be added and start playback
I vaguely remember there were javascript examples of sending consequent commands somewhere up the thread. it's not exactly trivial but any javascript capable person is able to figure it out.

and empty playlist command seems to work for me in default template.


Reply #979
Thanks for info. I'll give it a try.

As for the default template, the empty playlist button on the main page works for me, but the link in the browse part does not.


Reply #980
ah, that one is a leftover from some previous experiments, you can safely remove it or add a javascript function it's actually calling.


Reply #981
I was looking at the command syntax on the wiki. It seems to imply that you can simply make an HTTP request to in order to start playing a song, but this only seems to work within the context of a template (i.e. Is this correct? is the address and port of this interface on my lan.


Reply #982
yes, the design assumes that commands are valid in (existing) template context only.


Reply #983
Thanks a lot, it's very usefull. I am testing it since a week and there were until now no problems or bugs (foobar1.1.7).

Actually this is the only thing which I really need much. I study in Vienna and do almost everything remotly, now I can listen to songs and control my player remotly. Before I used VLC for that purposes, which can not mess with foobar functionality as audio layer.

Only thing that I don't like are the colors of the theme. I already changed css and icons.



Reply #984
First install the component, restart foobar2000, and then add in your template. You do have to create the directory if it is your first time:
Extract archive contents retaining directory structure to %APPDATA%\foobar2000\foo_httpcontrol_data\ if foobar200 is installed in standard mode, or to path_too_foobar2000_folder\foo_httpcontrol_data\default\ if foobar2000 is installed in portable mode.
Essentially create "foo_httpcontrol_data" in "%APPDATA%\foobar2000 and extract the template there if you aren't using the portable mode. Afterwards you should be able to see your playlist in the browser.

I'm using a windows7 64 bits. I added the templates files in the C:\Users\AmbientWings\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\foo_httcontrol_data but in the browser they keep asking me for templates. What did i do wrong it used to work under XP 32 bits. Could someone help me out?


Reply #987
Hi, this plugin has been really userful for me, and I'm trying to do something more than controlling foobar. However, when trying to access some other files through the server(a .lrc file, for example), the foobar crashes...

I think there should be some problem on the mimetypes. Would you fix this in the next version?


Reply #988
d'oh, my fault completely. fixed.


Reply #990
I am using the fooDroid app.  It has crashed twice.

That is the crash log or whatever you call it.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.


Reply #991
I need crash dump file too. you can locate it in crash reports directory in fb2k user profile dir.

edit: these issues have been fixed in 0.97.11, why won't you update?


Reply #992
Hi, i have just started to http control and loving it but one thing i would like to do is make the password greyed out or shown as stars after i have set it up. To stop someone from changing it. If you have any idea for me to do this that would be great. Thanks Mike


Reply #993
Google download link is dead. 500 error.

is there a changelog some where?
God Bless U.S.A


Reply #994
download works for me. Changelog is in the readme html.


Reply #995
Indeed thanks, and its back up.
God Bless U.S.A


Reply #996
Hi there,
An annoying problem with foo_httpcontrol here.
By adding a few songs to the playlist with Android remote app (foobar2000 controller PRO 0.6) often only a part actually appears on the playlist. 
The foobar console view shows error "command browse failed" .
It looks like it has to due something with the speed of finding files on the computer harddisc.
By enabling windows indexing service  the issue plays now and then.
Has someone an idea where how to solve this issue?


Reply #997
Hello, I'm just discovering Foobar and I find it too good.
Now I would like to use it by http from other computers on the same local network.

I've installed foobar as a portable application. I installed foo_httpcontrol.dll in the components directory and the extracted files from ajquery archive in a new folder named foo_httpcontrol_data

On the computer where foobar is installed, I can control foobar on the browser on this adress:
But on other computers I can't connect to this page.

What do I have to configure? Thanks for helping.

I've got foobar2000 v1.1.7 + HTTP Control 0.97.12
Windows XP + Google Chrome


Reply #998
if I remember correctly, default setting for "Listen on" value in component preferences is it means component can be accessed only locally. replace it with your pc lan ip address or, apply and restart component server or fb2k.


Reply #999
Thanks, indeed I only used the ip of my pc and it works !