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Topic: foo_httpcontrol (Read 982925 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #375
My only step
Code: [Select]
%album artist% '['%date%']' %album%

Search via the text input right? well it lists all of my library anyway in the drop down menu
examples underlined

I dunno if they're suppose to work with each other or they're separate


Reply #377
I love you for making this plugin oblikoamorale 


Reply #378

yeah, it looks like there is something wrong with playing track indication when swiching playlists. strangest thing is that I've seen it working properly before
and no, there are no macro standing for playing playlist index, as there hasn't been any demand for it. anyways, fb2k state macros became a bit messy, I guess it's time to do a little cleanup.

If you feel so inclined something like [PLAYLIST_PLAYING] that has a value of the list index would be very useful for me.

On another note, your server will serve up any files in the foo_httpcontrol_data folder but the built in variables are only available in the 'control' and 'browser' template files. If the intention of allowing users own files to be served is to allow fully custom AJAX powered pages, it would be more powerful if the variables were also available in these files.


Reply #379
If you feel so inclined something like [PLAYLIST_PLAYING] that has a value of the list index would be very useful for me.
it is already done in unreleased yet version.
On another note, your server will serve up any files in the foo_httpcontrol_data folder but the built in variables are only available in the 'control' and 'browser' template files. If the intention of allowing users own files to be served is to allow fully custom AJAX powered pages, it would be more powerful if the variables were also available in these files.
I don't really like the idea of parsing every served file. I'm leaning towards the way of specifying template file in request itself instead. perhaps it will be a better solution.


Reply #380
Hi everyone.

Thanks again for all who are working so hard on this.

It has made my Foobar experience a pure dream.

I am trying out the Raven mod of Aurics config.  I am running into the same issue I had initially with the album art no refreshing.

Has this been address by anyone?

Also,  I am curious how I could only have the one page with full art?  Is this possible?  I dont want playlists or directory structures.  All I want is the main page with album art and basic controls (play forward, back)

Thanks again all!


Reply #381
it is already done in unreleased yet version.
good to hear, its really great to see a foobar plugin being so actively developed!

I don't really like the idea of parsing every served file. I'm leaning towards the way of specifying template file in request itself instead. perhaps it will be a better solution.
your right of course, parsing all files might be unnecessary. You could also define what to parse and what not to with the directory structure, just a suggestion of course, you know best what is easiest to implement.


Reply #382
pcstockton, I double checked [ALBUM_ART] and seems to work as expected. the problem most likely lies somewhere within the interface source. debugging what's happening in there should help you.

I don't really like the idea of parsing every served file. I'm leaning towards the way of specifying template file in request itself instead. perhaps it will be a better solution.
your right of course, parsing all files might be unnecessary. You could also define what to parse and what not to with the directory structure, just a suggestion of course, you know best what is easiest to implement.
the question isn't in what's the easiest way of doing that, but rather what will more convinient for async interface developers. I'm open for suggestions. I just don't want to parse all served files, that's it.


Reply #383
the question isn't in what's the easiest way of doing that, but rather what will more convinient for async interface developers. I'm open for suggestions. I just don't want to parse all served files, that's it.

I would vote for directory structure, but any way it works is fine for me, just as long as it works!


Reply #384
Is it possible to run 2 different servers?
The first is for controlling foobar from a desktop or notebook (full control and long playlist) and the second for controlling foobar from a phone (basic control and playlist separated on pages).
It would be nice if the different servers run on different ports like 8888 and 8889.

Thanks a lot for the plugin


Reply #385
fjdons, you'll be able to explicitly specify template in next version using request uri additional parameter, so virtually this will be similar to having two or more different servers.


Reply #386
Great plugin, would it be possible to have a mobile version too? (say Would be great to control foobar from my iPod Touch and HTC Magic


Reply #387
alright sounds good


Reply #388
pcstockton, I double checked [ALBUM_ART] and seems to work as expected. the problem most likely lies somewhere within the interface source. debugging what's happening in there should help you.


Thanks for the response.

What happens on the "now playing" page is:  When a song finishes, it goes to the next song on the playlist, and it refreshes the title, artist etc...  but the album art does not change.  If I manually refresh the page, the art then does change.  But it then dumps me back to the playlist page.  Then I must go back to the "now playing" page.

Is there a way for the album art to refresh without a manual refresh?  Why are only the title and artist etc, refreshing?

How do I "debug"?

Sorry for being a little dense here.

I really and truly appreciate the assistance.

Up until now, I have been using the soulruins skin.  It works great, but is not the best looking..... and the art is tiny.  Functionally it is fantastic and has no problem handling my 100,000 song playlist.  I have it set to 100 songs per page and I love it.  But the art is way too small.

I really like the "now playing" on Auric's config.  I just cannot figure out why the art isn;t refreshing with the rest of the data.

Thanks again,


Reply #389
I really like the "now playing" on Auric's config.  I just cannot figure out why the art isn;t refreshing with the rest of the data.
that's not really the component problem, but oh well, here's the quick&dirty fix for you: iphonenav.js

I should also mention that the way Auric's interface works is not very efficient in terms of cpu and network usage, which obvioulsy worsens battery runtime. it should be modified considering the new features of forthcoming component version.


Reply #390
I should also mention that the way Auric's interface works is not very efficient in terms of cpu and network usage, which obvioulsy worsens battery runtime. it should be modified considering the new features of forthcoming component version.


Thanks alot.  that worked perfectly. 

Any suggestions on what to use if not Auric?

thanks again,
Dumbass Patrick


Reply #391
Was going to post about the possibilty of getting a mobile verison of this, then realised it's not just me who's wanting this feature=). I've tried cutting it down so the playlist does not load as I'm guessing that's a big hit on a mobile device considering it has to display over ~20K songs

But the page still loads as it did with the playlist and still for some reason none of the functions work  As vassie already suggested, something like would do! All it would need to have is the buttons shown on default with this plugin, song details and also the possibilities to expand, so if someone has a really low end phone they could connect using GPRS to their computer adress (my.ip.address.12:8888/m) and voila! And for high end mobile devices which can process it or for whichever persons need is to select a song from a playlist but the default version of this doesn't work, then allow them to add to the playlist field so they can choose their song

I'm not sure if it needs a lot of working to get this to work on a mobile device or not... I'm guessing that the top and bottom line would be sufficant as the basic mobile structure? Probably without the time updating, just song?

If this feature will be implimented or as another plugin, then I will forever love you

Edit#; On a Nokia N95 over WLAN, using it's default browser, it doesn't work D:



Reply #392
pcstockton, can't think of any other variants. the thing is someone should do the dirty work. why not you, by the way?

vassie, Jac4593: my position is to provide backbone features that allow as much versatility as possible in (my) given conditions. stock template is not meant and never will be compatible with every single device browser in the world. its primary function is available features showoff, not usability or beauty. it suffices for my everyday use, but that is collateral.
making template compatible with your device (or writing a new one from the scratch) is the task I'm delegating to end-users, since this doesn't need any changes in component core. and when it does, I'll change whatever I can to make template developers life easier.


Reply #393
Yeah I understand, anyhow it works with my PSP so I guess I might as well use that! Thanks for making this plugin, still love you


Reply #394
pcstockton, can't think of any other variants. the thing is someone should do the dirty work. why not you, by the way?

I would love to!!!

Any ideas on where to start educating myself?  I can write html and took some C++ in college.

Otherwise this is all WAY beyond my understanding.

But if pointed in the right direction (book, class, website) i would learn in a week.  and have a iPod config perfected in 2.



Reply #395
Any ideas on where to start educating myself?  I can write html and took some C++ in college.

you say you have some programming experience, so you can start taking working things apart and see if you can figure out how they are put together. use the internets as technical details reference, google is our best friend. that's about it


Reply #396
you say you have some programming experience, so you can start taking working things apart and see if you can figure out how they are put together. use the internets as technical details reference, google is our best friend. that's about it


Thanks for the tip.  That is exactly how Ive learned to do everything.  Colors or course used to be full trial and error in html with the hexidecimal dealy.

What is the name of the programming language used for these configurations?

thanks again for all of the hard work!


Reply #397
I'm in the middle of revising my layout, for use on my phone. This is the work in progress;

I'm not having any viewing of the playlist entries. Just this single screen. What I'm looking to do, but cant figure out, is for where it says "PLAYLIST", for it to display the name of the current playlist, and on click the cycle through other playlists. I can get it to display the number but not the name. Anyone have ideas on how to do it? Does the plugin have the ability to fetch the playlist name?



Reply #398
when adding a file or a directory, the default action is end queuing.
Can it be changed to replacing the current playlist ?


Reply #399
I'm not having any viewing of the playlist entries. Just this single screen. What I'm looking to do, but cant figure out, is for where it says "PLAYLIST", for it to display the name of the current playlist, and on click the cycle through other playlists. I can get it to display the number but not the name. Anyone have ideas on how to do it? Does the plugin have the ability to fetch the playlist name?
yes you can. it isn't the most straightforward way, but it I don't see much of a problem since you probably are already using JSON to store player state data.

Code: [Select]
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var tmp = eval('({ "playlists": [PLAYLISTS_JS] })');
alert(tmp["playlists"][[PLAYLIST_ACTIVE]]['name'] + ' ' + tmp["playlists"][[PLAYLIST_ACTIVE]]['count']);

vairulez, I don't quite get it, you want file browser to clear active playlist prior to adding enqueued files?