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Topic: Kameleon by Br3tt (Read 341437 times) previous topic - next topic
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Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #125
I have the problem that the Graphical Browser is black since i was in the options menu, but i didnt change anything! (the Album Art and the ABCDEF... - list doesnt show up)

ups fixed it!

but i have a question:

how can i change it that when i single-click on the abcdefg-list that the ELP-Panel jumps to that album?

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #126 can i change it that when i single-click on the abcdefg-list that the ELP-Panel jumps to that album?

Right click the letters/Settings/Others/Click actions/Single click/set it to (default)

It's how I have mine set too

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #127
oh, me again.
i have another info question, this time connected with playlist queue viewer.

i download required component to show playlist queue list, but it seems he doesn't work with kameleon (it works fine on other skins), so in future, it would be nice to add this feature

Do you mean Playback Queue Viewer (foo_pqview) ? It works like a charm with K.

yeah, i paste same component in component folder, and when i click "add to playback queue" it doesn't show any list.

you have to define before the playlist to use for the Queue, have you done it ? (in the menu of the foobar Toolbars : Playback -> Playback Queue Viewer)

well, it's accepting and playing songs in right order i set to play, but there's no list to see which one is next.

edit: i get it by myself. pqviewer makes one playlist where he stores queue tracks
thanx brett

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #128
Can someone please tell me how i can sort a playlist by track and not by album? I have a playlist with radio streaming locations and it gets very ugly with this type of sorting.

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #129
hello Br3tt!
first thing first: Kameleon is absoluyely A M A Z I N G!!
man you're a foobar GOD!
but one thing doesn't work for me. it's foo_exvar and displaying artist photos.

i've specified my path and it is:

kameleon_artistart_path = G:\foo\artist\
kameleon_artistart_filname = %artist%.jpg

so can anyone help? few pages earlier someone has the same problem but no one has post a reply.
pls help me!

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #130
hello Br3tt!
first thing first: Kameleon is absoluyely A M A Z I N G!!
man you're a foobar GOD!
but one thing doesn't work for me. it's foo_exvar and displaying artist photos.

i've specified my path and it is:

kameleon_artistart_path = G:\foo\artist\
kameleon_artistart_filname = %artist%.jpg

so can anyone help? few pages earlier someone has the same problem but no one has post a reply.
pls help me!

take care, you have forgotten a 'e' in kameleon_artistart_filename, and if not enough to make it works just replace '\' by '/' and all will be perfect!

kameleon_artistart_path = G:/foo/artist/
kameleon_artistart_filename = %artist%.jpg

btw, answer to your question already given on by maciej3

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #131
is it normal that all visualisations stop when you scroll through the ELP-Panel?

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #133
hello Br3tt!
first thing first: Kameleon is absoluyely A M A Z I N G!!
man you're a foobar GOD!
but one thing doesn't work for me. it's foo_exvar and displaying artist photos.

i've specified my path and it is:

kameleon_artistart_path = G:\foo\artist\
kameleon_artistart_filname = %artist%.jpg

so can anyone help? few pages earlier someone has the same problem but no one has post a reply.
pls help me!

take care, you have forgotten a 'e' in kameleon_artistart_filename, and if not enough to make it works just replace '\' by '/' and all will be perfect!

kameleon_artistart_path = G:/foo/artist/
kameleon_artistart_filename = %artist%.jpg

btw, answer to your question already given on by maciej3

damn so lame 
so THANK YOU very much  and please man never DON'T stop what u do with foobar!!! damn fantastic!!!

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #134
2. Consider changing the track title font from size 7 to 8. When viewing tracks with asian characters, size 7 font is too small to show the characters nicely, and when I changed it to 8, it looks fine.

done for the next build , here is a little preview ... btw i can't fix the size in the scroll text panel.

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #135
btw, answer to your question already given on by maciej3

You're on polish forum :x damn, i love it even more now

Cheers from Poland

My grand father was Polish, so i am a little too

is it normal that all visualisations stop when you scroll through the ELP-Panel?

i don't no, ask to the developper of PSS and Spectrum Channel components 

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #136
Visualizations never stop for me, always running

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #138
is it normal that all visualisations stop when you scroll through the ELP-Panel?

They stutter with an intel Q9450. Processor timings go up significantly when you scroll through that panel.

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #139
take care, you have forgotten a 'e' in kameleon_artistart_filename, and if not enough to make it works just replace '\' by '/' and all will be perfect!

kameleon_artistart_path = G:/foo/artist/
kameleon_artistart_filename = %artist%.jpg

btw, answer to your question already given on by maciej3

Br3tt. The reason he messed it up is that you make the same typo on your default variable list on your website:

kameleon_coverart_path = music folder
kameleon_artistart_path = music folder
kameleon_coverart_filename = folder.jpg
kameleon_artistart_filname = artist.jpg (and not %artist%.jpg !)
kameleon_default_width = 864
kameleon_default_height = 630
kameleon_playcount_max = 100
kameleon_left_panel_width = 320
kameleon_disable_filetype_info = 0
kameleon_cycle_bg = 1

You may fix this typo to stop confusion. Thanks.

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #141
Hey Br3tt  Congratulations on releasing the new config, it's good 
Thanks for the collapsible track infos
but I'm stuck with extended variables, I can't get my artist pics to show. How can I convert my ibiza/curacao line
Code: [Select]
into something working with kameleon?

Hi Br3tt, I've got the exact same problem. I've got all my artist pics in the album folder of the artist just like I do with the folder pics. In curacao it worked with the code nikolai4ik uses but now in Kameleon I can't get it to work.
Also in Curacao you included the option of hiding the top bar. That option isn't available anymore in Kameleon, is it possible to include this?

Keep up the good work, Br3tt.

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #142
Hey Br3tt  Congratulations on releasing the new config, it's good 
Thanks for the collapsible track infos
but I'm stuck with extended variables, I can't get my artist pics to show. How can I convert my ibiza/curacao line
Code: [Select]
into something working with kameleon?

Hi Br3tt, I've got the exact same problem. I've got all my artist pics in the album folder of the artist just like I do with the folder pics. In curacao it worked with the code nikolai4ik uses but now in Kameleon I can't get it to work.
Also in Curacao you included the option of hiding the top bar. That option isn't available anymore in Kameleon, is it possible to include this?

Keep up the good work, Br3tt.

For the last time, functions do not work with foo_exvar, learn to tag you %artist% tags to be free of this or find a better way to store artists pics... the best is a unique folder that contains all the artists images named %artist%.jpg (ex: Jimi Hendrix.jpg, ... ). Other way, modify the code in K to bypass foo_exvar uses...

Yep, i'll add an extended varaible to allow to hide/show the top panel (path)

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #143
take care, you have forgotten a 'e' in kameleon_artistart_filename, and if not enough to make it works just replace '\' by '/' and all will be perfect!

kameleon_artistart_path = G:/foo/artist/
kameleon_artistart_filename = %artist%.jpg

btw, answer to your question already given on by maciej3

Br3tt. The reason he messed it up is that you make the same typo on your default variable list on your website:

kameleon_coverart_path = music folder
kameleon_artistart_path = music folder
kameleon_coverart_filename = folder.jpg
kameleon_artistart_filname = artist.jpg (and not %artist%.jpg !)
kameleon_default_width = 864
kameleon_default_height = 630
kameleon_playcount_max = 100
kameleon_left_panel_width = 320
kameleon_disable_filetype_info = 0
kameleon_cycle_bg = 1

You may fix this typo to stop confusion. Thanks.

  really ? ....    fixed, thanx.

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #144
Yeah That caught me out too Falstaff.

Excellent work as usual though. Got no complaints and I can not think of anything to improve.

Tell a lie is there anything you can do to make the custom menu's auto close instead of staying open once you clicked them?

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #145
Yeah That caught me out too Falstaff.

Excellent work as usual though. Got no complaints and I can not think of anything to improve.

Tell a lie is there anything you can do to make the custom menu's auto close instead of staying open once you clicked them?

[lie]Of course i can make them auto close!! done soon !![/lie]


Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #146
Yeah That caught me out too Falstaff.

Excellent work as usual though. Got no complaints and I can not think of anything to improve.

Tell a lie is there anything you can do to make the custom menu's auto close instead of staying open once you clicked them?

[lie]Of course i can make them auto close!! done soon !![/lie]

Wait! That feature would be awesome...Is that really a lie that you can make them autoclose, or is that coming in a later build? I'd be stoked if you make it happen, Br3tt!

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #147
Yeah That caught me out too Falstaff.

Excellent work as usual though. Got no complaints and I can not think of anything to improve.

Tell a lie is there anything you can do to make the custom menu's auto close instead of staying open once you clicked them?

[lie]Of course i can make them auto close!! done soon !![/lie]

Wait! That feature would be awesome...Is that really a lie that you can make them autoclose, or is that coming in a later build? I'd be stoked if you make it happen, Br3tt!

Unfortunately it can't be done

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #148
If it can not be done why not have the same menu system as Curaçao where it was a button that unfolded when needed sure it's gray but at least it auto closes.

Kameleon by Br3tt

Reply #149
Is it really that much of a problem to click one more time?

Playlist switcher in the left panel would be a better treat :x