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Topic: foo_uie_trackinfo (Read 830690 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #975
This component is now integrated in Panels UI, that's what you need.

Okay cheers, I had a feeling it was like that - is there any alternatives for ColumnsUI then, or is PanelsUI definitely the way to go? (With this whole terrestial situation I'm not too sure what to stick to, ColumnsUI seems safe at the moment!)



Reply #976
You don't have to set Panels as the UI, just install it and the "Track Display" and "Single Column Playlist" panels are available in Columns.


Reply #977
You don't have to set Panels as the UI, just install it and the "Track Display" and "Single Column Playlist" panels are available in Columns.

Yeah, just seen this. Thanks for the help! Much appreciated.


Reply #978
You should ask Phi before you release that, you know.

Here's my current one:

Code: [Select]
// Original code by necropimp, modified by AstreaEdge, final by KockRoach
// Appearance changed by Habla. Muchas gracias to those above!
// Best viewed with vert pad 10, hor pad 13, line space 2, Segoe UI 7pt font, black background


// Show Artist? (1 = show, 0 = don't show)

// Show Album?

// Show Title?

// Info Heading Color e.g. "Title:"

// Info Color e.g. "Black Dog"

// Info Annotation Color (e.g. kbps is the annotation)

// Separator
// the separators (Song,Play,Tech info) will change to a different color if the panel mode is set to Follow cursor.
// change "followcursorcol" to change this color. It is currently set to flash orange.

// Set Rating character


// Day Conversion

// Month Conversion

// Year Conversion

// Time Conversion

// 24 Hour to 12 Hour Conversion

// AM/PM Conversion

// Date Format
$puts(time_of_year,$get(month_name) $get(day)$get(xx)',' $get(year))

// Time Format
$puts(time_of_day,$get(hour1)$get(min)$get(sec) $get(yy))

$transition($repeat($get(sepchar),$get(seplen)),$get(fadeend),$get(text1))$get(text1)'[' $get(text2)S o n g  I n f o $get(text1)']'$char(10)

$if($strcmp(1,$get(tils)),$if(%title%,$get(head)Title: $get(info)%title%$char(10),),)
$if($strcmp(1,$get(arts)),$if(%artist%,$get(head)Artist: $get(info)%artist%$char(10),),)
$if($strcmp(1,$get(albs)),$if(%album%,$get(head)Album: $get(info)%album%$char(10),),)
$if(%date%,$get(head)Year: $get(info)%date%$char(10),)
$if(%tracknumber%,$get(head)Track #: $get(info)%tracknumber%$char(10),)
$if(%genre%,$get(head)Genre: $get(info)%genre%$char(10),)
$if(%rating%,$get(head)Rating: $repeat($get(info)$get(ratingchar),%rating%)

$transition($repeat($get(sepchar),$get(seplen)),$get(fadeend),$get(text1))$get(text1)'[' $get(text2)T e c h  I n f o $get(text1)']'$char(10)

$get(head)Length: $get(info)$if(%_isplaying%,%_time_elapsed%$get(anno)$if(%_length%, / %_length%,)$if(%_length%, / -%_time_remaining%),%_length%)$char(10)
$get(head)Type:$if(%__codec%, $get(info)%__codec%) $get(info)
$if2(%__bitrate_dynamic%,%__bitrate%) $get(anno)Kb/s $if($stricmp(%__codec%,mp3),$if($stricmp(%__extrainfo%,vbr),VBR,CBR))
$if(%__lame_version%,$get(head)Preset: $get(info)$left(%__lame_version%,4) $right(%__lame_version%,4) [$upper(%__lame_profile%)]$char(10),)
$if(%__flac_vendor%,$get(head)Encoder: $get(info)$if($stricmp(%__flac_vendor%,reference libFLAC 1.1.2 20050205),FLAC 1.1.2 -8)$char(10),)
$if(%__mpc_profile%,$get(head)MPC Profile: $get(info)%__mpc_profile%$char(10),)
$get(head)Compression: $get(info)$div(1411,%__bitrate%).$substr($muldiv(1411,100,%__bitrate%),2,3):1 '('$get(info)$muldiv(%__bitrate%,100,1411)$get(anno)'%)'$char(10)
$get(head)Channels: $get(info)$if($stricmp($codec(),MP3),$get(space2)$caps(%__mp3_stereo_mode%),
$if(%__bitspersample%,$get(head)Bitdepth: $get(info)%__bitspersample% bits/sample$char(10),)
$if(%__samplerate%,$get(head)Samplerate: $get(info)$div(%__samplerate%,1000).$substr(%__samplerate%,3,3) KHz $char(10))
$if(%_filesize%,$get(head)Filesize: $get(info)
$div(%_filesize%,1048576).$left($num($muldiv($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),100,1048576),2),2) $get(anno)'MB'$char(10),)

$transition($repeat($get(sepchar),$get(seplen)),$get(fadeend),$get(text1))$get(text1)'[' $get(text2)P l a y  I n f o $get(text1)']'

$if(%play_counter%,$get(head)Played $get(info)%play_counter% times$char(10),)
$if(%last_played%,$get(head)Last played on $get(info)$get(time_of_year) at $get(time_of_day)$char(10),)

Question: Why can't the panel update %rating%, %last_played%, and %play_count% on the fly? In Navigator, they update immediately.

How do you turn follow cursor off for this one?


Reply #979
hehe  i merged some of the codes posted here on this thread and made them work togther and i got this 
Code: [Select]
$select($add($mod($div(%playback_time_seconds%,10),2),1),// Original code by necropimp, modified by AstreaEdge, final by KockRoach
// Appearance changed by Habla. Muchas gracias to those above!
// Best viewed with vert pad 10, hor pad 13, line space 2, Segoe UI 7pt font, black background


// Show Artist? (1 = show, 0 = don't show)

// Show Album?

// Show Title?

// Info Heading Color e.g. "Title:"

// Info Color e.g. "Black Dog"

// Info Annotation Color (e.g. kbps is the annotation)

// Separator
// the separators (Song,Play,Tech info) will change to a different color if the panel mode is set to Follow cursor.
// change "followcursorcol" to change this color. It is currently set to flash orange.

// Set Rating character


// Day Conversion

// Month Conversion

// Year Conversion

// Time Conversion

// 24 Hour to 12 Hour Conversion

// AM/PM Conversion

// Date Format
$puts(time_of_year,$get(month_name) $get(day)$get(xx)',' $get(year))

// Time Format
$puts(time_of_day,$get(hour1)$get(min)$get(sec) $get(yy))

$transition($repeat($get(sepchar),$get(seplen)),$get(fadeend),$get(text1))$get(text1)'[' $get(text2)S o n g I n f o $get(text1)']'$char(10)

$if($strcmp(1,$get(tils)),$if(%title%,$get(head)Title: $get(info)%title%$char(10),),)
$if($strcmp(1,$get(arts)),$if(%artist%,$get(head)Artist: $get(info)%artist%$char(10),),)
$if($strcmp(1,$get(albs)),$if(%album%,$get(head)Album: $get(info)%album%$char(10),),)
$if(%date%,$get(head)Year: $get(info)%date%$char(10),)
$if(%tracknumber%,$get(head)Track #: $get(info)%tracknumber%$char(10),)
$if(%genre%,$get(head)Genre: $get(info)%genre%$char(10),)
$if(%rating%,$get(head)Rating: $repeat($get(info)$get(ratingchar),%rating%)
$transition($repeat($get(sepchar),$get(seplen)),$get(fadeend),$get(text1))$get(text1)'[' $get(text2)P l a y I n f o $get(text1)']'

$if(%play_counter%,$get(head)Played $get(info)%play_counter% times$char(10),)
$if(%last_played%,$get(head)Last played on $get(info)$get(time_of_year) at $get(time_of_day)$char(10),)

$puts(back_symbol,'● ')
$puts(fore_symbol,'● ')




// '/////','\\\\','///','\\','/','\\','///','\\\\')



//Test 5

//from 1 to 7
//from 1 to 6




// Formatting

//Test 6
$select($add(1,$mod(%playback_time_seconds%,4)),$char(9835) ,$char(9835) $char(9835) ,$char(9835) $char(9835) $char(9835) ,$char(9835) $char(9835) $char(9835) $char(9835) ),

//test 7


// Show Artist? (1 = show, 0 = don't show)

// Show Album?

// Show Title?

// Info Heading Color e.g. "Title:"

// Info Color e.g. "Black Dog"

// Info Annotation Color (e.g. kbps is the annotation)

// Separator
// the separators (Song,Play,Tech info) will change to a different color if the panel mode is set to Follow cursor.
// change "followcursorcol" to change this color. It is currently set to flash orange.

// Set Rating character

$transition($repeat($get(sepchar),$get(seplen)),$get(fadeend),$get(text1))$get(text1)'[' $get(text2)T e c h I n f o $get(text1)']'$char(10)

$get(head)Length: $get(info)$if(%_isplaying%,%_time_elapsed%$get(anno)$if(%_length%, / %_length%,)$if(%_length%, / -%_time_remaining%),%_length%)$char(10)
$get(head)Type:$if(%__codec%, $get(info)%__codec%) $get(info)
$if2(%__bitrate_dynamic%,%__bitrate%) $get(anno)Kb/s $if($stricmp(%__codec%,mp3),$if($stricmp(%__extrainfo%,vbr),VBR,CBR))
$if(%__lame_version%,$get(head)Preset: $get(info)$left(%__lame_version%,4) $right(%__lame_version%,4) [$upper(%__lame_profile%)]$char(10),)
$if(%__flac_vendor%,$get(head)Encoder: $get(info)$if($stricmp(%__flac_vendor%,reference libFLAC 1.1.2 20050205),FLAC 1.1.2 -8)$char(10),)
$if(%__mpc_profile%,$get(head)MPC Profile: $get(info)%__mpc_profile%$char(10),)
$get(head)Compression: $get(info)$div(1411,%__bitrate%).$substr($muldiv(1411,100,%__bitrate%),2,3):1 '('$get(info)$muldiv(%__bitrate%,100,1411)$get(anno)'%)'$char(10)
$get(head)Channels: $get(info)$if($stricmp($codec(),MP3),$get(space2)$caps(%__mp3_stereo_mode%),
$if(%__bitspersample%,$get(head)Bitdepth: $get(info)%__bitspersample% bits/sample$char(10),)
$if(%__samplerate%,$get(head)Samplerate: $get(info)$div(%__samplerate%,1000).$substr(%__samplerate%,3,3) KHz $char(10))
$if(%_filesize%,$get(head)Filesize: $get(info)
$div(%_filesize%,1048576).$left($num($muldiv($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),100,1048576),2),2) $get(anno)'MB'$char(10),)

It Should give u "2" views will switch between them every 10 seconds
1st view is >>

2nd View is >>


Reply #980
$char(1)C is not working for centering.


Reply #981
This component should be brought back, since now Panels UI is discontinued and since it is now unsupported, gives that nasty warning when starting up.

Having to add another complete UI plugin to foobar, unsupported and unmaintained just to have a panel to display some TAGZ seems a bit too much...


Reply #982
This component should be brought back, since now Panels UI is discontinued and since it is now unsupported, gives that nasty warning when starting up.

Having to add another complete UI plugin to foobar, unsupported and unmaintained just to have a panel to display some TAGZ seems a bit too much...

Version 0.8.1 works just fine.


Reply #983

This component should be brought back, since now Panels UI is discontinued and since it is now unsupported, gives that nasty warning when starting up.

Having to add another complete UI plugin to foobar, unsupported and unmaintained just to have a panel to display some TAGZ seems a bit too much...

Version 0.8.1 works just fine.

Thank you, i checked the link available in the wiki: and couln't find a download link 


Reply #984
can anyone tell me how to write the format for bit depth?

i've tried using $info(bitspersample) as indicated HERE, but it's not displaying anything.



Reply #985
I'm looking for something similar to this plugin that I can use with the Default UI as UI Element.

NOTE: I've tried foo_dockable_panels, while a neat idea, I'm really looking for for UI element that I would integrate within the Default UI, and especially, that I could have multiple tabbed elements.

Any suggestions?


Reply #988
Facets is kind of semi-official component (the only one there is, AFAIK). Due to close interaction with core development, Frank Bicking has access to the closed part of SDK.



Reply #991

can anyone tell me how to write the format for bit depth?

i've tried using $info(bitspersample) as indicated HERE, but it's not displaying anything.


I hope you're not trying to find the "bit depth" of lossy files. 

i'm trying to emulate the properties window inside a track info panel, and it would be nice to display the bits per sample to distinguish 16-bit and 24-bit files.

so... is this possible?


Reply #992
With lossless files, yes.

By definition, Lossy files do not have bit depth.


Reply #993
haha. i feel like an idiot. i was expecting to see 16-bit show up when playing an mp3 and just assumed the title format wasn't working.

i just played a couple lossless files and there it is. excellent.

thanks for pointing that out, shakey snake. apologies for being so dense.


Reply #994
Anyone knows how to blur the background color?

Also, is it possible to have different text font sizes, say bigger for the artist and smaller for the rest?



Reply #995
Anyone knows how to blur the background color?

Also, is it possible to have different text font sizes, say bigger for the artist and smaller for the rest?


Here is what I'm using for some time now:

Code: [Select]
$drawrect(0,0,0,0,pencolor-null brushcolor-118-118-118)

    No Track


$font(@Arial Unicode MS,2,,118-118-118)....................

$font(,11, bold glow-250-178-120 glowexpand-1,25-55-45)$if(%_ispaused%,'< Paused >',)




$iflonger(%album artist%,33,$font(,12,,231-231-235)[%album artist%],$font(,14,,231-231-235)[%album artist%])


? ? ?
$iflonger(%title%,43,$font(,10,,242-198-130)[ %title% ],$font(,11,,242-198-130)[%title%])

// PerSecond

$font(@Arial Unicode MS,11,,236-236-239)

$align(center,bottom)[%playback_time_remaining% / %length%]

//$font(@Arial Unicode MS,11,,236-236-239)




Reply #996
Hi jgro,

Thanks for the code.  Does this require panels ui?  Because I'm using the latest foobar version - which does not accept panels ui anymore, and I am trying to do font changes and background blur with foo_uie_trackinfo only...


I just stumbled upon trackinfo mod...  Sooo much stuff to keep track of...  Thanks again, jgro


Reply #997
Hi jgro,

Thanks for the code.  Does this require panels ui?  Because I'm using the latest foobar version - which does not accept panels ui anymore, and I am trying to do font changes and background blur with foo_uie_trackinfo only...


I just stumbled upon trackinfo mod...  Sooo much stuff to keep track of...  Thanks again, jgro

jep, trackinfo mod 0.8.0 beta does it the same way in as p*nels ui in pre-versions for me.
Btw., if you wonder, why I'm using

Code: [Select]

at the end: That is just a "dot" in background-color 118-118-118, so it is invisible. 
Depending on the fontsize (here: "2"), you can adjust the space between the displayed "%playback_time_remaining% / %length%" and bottom of the track info panel. 

Have a nice weekend 


Reply #998
don't get confused with trackinfo panel and trackinfo_mod which are  different components.

this topic is for trackinfo panel only. 


Reply #999

Here is my script :

Code: [Select]
$tab()'[' Mode %_trackinfo_mode% ']'$tab()$crlf()$crlf()

$if(%_trackinfo_notrack%,$crlf()$crlf()No track,



$tab()808080______________ Tag ______________$tab()$crlf()
[Artist :  0000D9%artist%$crlf()]
[Album Artist :  0000D9$meta(album artist)$crlf()]
Title :  0000D9%title%$crlf()
[Track n° :  0000D9%tracknumber%[/%totaltracks%]$crlf()]
[Album :  0000D9%album%$crlf()]
[Disc n° :  0000D9%discnumber%[/%totaldiscs%] $crlf()]
[Date :  0000D9%date% $crlf()]

$tab()808080___________ File info ____________$tab()$crlf()
$if($stricmp($info(codec),CDDA),CD Audio,
File size :  0000D9$div(%_filesize%,1048576).$num($div($mul($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),100),1048576),2) MB$crlf()
Embedded cover :  0000D9$if($meta_test(ALBUMART),Yes,No)$crlf()
Full path :  0000D9%path%$crlf()

$crlf()$tab()808080___________ Tech info ___________$tab()$crlf()
Codec :  0000D9%codec%  '('$if($get(isuncomp),Uncompressed,$caps2($info(encoding)))')'$crlf()
[Codec settings :  0000D9$caps2(%codec_profile%)$crlf()]
[Encoder :  0000D9$info(tool)$crlf()]
Bitrate :  0000D9$info(bitrate) kb/s $if($and($stricmp($info(encoding),lossless),$not($get(isuncomp))),'('$get(ratiocu)'%)')$crlf()
[Tag type :  0000D9$caps2($replace($info(tagtype),'|',', '))$crlf()]
Length :  0000D9%length%$crlf()
Channels :  0000D9$info(channels) '('$caps2(%channels%)')'$crlf()
[Channel coupling :  0000D9$caps2($info(MP3_STEREO_MODE))$crlf()]
Sample rate :  0000D9%samplerate% Hz$crlf()
[Bits per sample :  0000D9$info(bitspersample)$crlf()]
$if($stricmp($info(encoding),lossless),MD5 :  0000D9$if($info(md5),Yes,No)$crlf())

$crlf()$tab()808080__________ MP3 Gain ___________$tab()$crlf()
Track min/max :  0000D9$meta(MP3GAIN_MINMAX)$crlf()
[Album min/max :  0000D9$meta(MP3GAIN_ALBUM_MINMAX)$crlf()]
Undo :  0000D9$meta(MP3GAIN_UNDO)$crlf()

$crlf()$tab()808080__________ Replay Gain__________$tab()$crlf()
[Track :  0000D9%replaygain_track_gain% '('peak : %replaygain_track_peak%')'$crlf()]
[Album :  0000D9%replaygain_album_gain% '('peak : %replaygain_album_peak%')'$crlf()]


I'm looking for a way to check if there is an embedded album art in the audio file, because what I did :
Code: [Select]
Embedded cover :  0000D9$if($meta_test(ALBUMART),Yes,No)

obviously don't work ... 

Any ideas ?
Opus 96 kb/s (Android) / Vorbis -q5 (PC) / WavPack -hhx6m (Archive)