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Topic: where is foo_autoplaylist 2.0 ? (Read 18433 times) previous topic - next topic
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where is foo_autoplaylist 2.0 ?

Reply #25
Instead of "Create autoplaylist," select the "..." option in the media search window. This allows you to create an autoplaylist using custom sort options.

where are these buttons? i have foobar2000 v0.9.5 and go to the menu and choose [edit]-->[search] and input %last_played% HAS - and then?

where is foo_autoplaylist 2.0 ?

Reply #26
Get foobar2000 v0.9.5.1 and use the new built-in library search.

where is foo_autoplaylist 2.0 ?

Reply #27
ahh ok yes, this works!

[Library] --> [Search] -->
Search: %play_counter% GREATER 0
[...] --> [...]
Sort: $sub(1000,%play_counter%)

and forced sorting is also there - that's all i need, great!!! now i can remove foo_autoplaylist. thank you all for your help :-)

where is foo_autoplaylist 2.0 ?

Reply #28

I remember that you use new file tagger feature from foo_cwb_hooks. If you still using it you might want to check out this topic first before you dump the old autoplaylist.

where is foo_autoplaylist 2.0 ?

Reply #29
yes you are right, i use it. i've not tested your problem decripted in the linked topic, but i agree that it does not behave like foo_autoplaylist and the behaviour is a little bit strange.

seems like autoplaylist resorts on start, but the new autoplaylist sorting feature  is only for the initial sorting on playlist creation?!?

where is foo_autoplaylist 2.0 ?

Reply #30
You can make always sort autoplaylist (old autoplaylist style) with media library search. Hit the(...) button and select ... option and you will see something similar to the old autoplaylist. You can use "Create force-sorted playlist" to made them behave like old autoplaylist.

But.. It's also have some conflict with "new file tagger" option like in the topic I showed you.  If it's not a problem for you then you can use new autoplaylist just fine.

where is foo_autoplaylist 2.0 ?

Reply #31
i think forced sorting is good for playlists like "last played", "most played", "recently added" where the deeper sense of the playlist is in the sorting, but on normal playlists like %path% HAS x:\ i want a sorted playlist (at startup) where i can change the sorting for my needs at the moment but on startup it has the preset sorting back. i hope i could explained it in an understandable way. oO

foo_autoplaylist resorts playlist on foobar2000 startup according to the preset autplaylist's sorting string and independendent from the forced-sorting-setting. but for me it seems like the new autoplaylist feature doesnt resort on foobar2000 startup if the playlist isn't a forced-sorting-playlist. for forced sorting autplaylist it works.

where is foo_autoplaylist 2.0 ?

Reply #32
Is there any way to create autoplaylist restriced by size/total tracks? Also it would be nice to create playlist with random albums/tracks/whatever.

where is foo_autoplaylist 2.0 ?

Reply #33
I guess not... To be honest I miss autoplaylists...

where is foo_autoplaylist 2.0 ?

Reply #34
Is there any way to create autoplaylist restriced by size/total tracks? Also it would be nice to create playlist with random albums/tracks/whatever.

Not possible currently unless you use playlist tree.

I really wish this would be implemented too. Oh well.


where is foo_autoplaylist 2.0 ?

Reply #35
How can a playlist limited by size, number of tracks or length be a autoplaylist? The condition for a autoplaylist is to apply a query wich results in a clear and unique list of tracks. Limiting such a list by - let's say 50 tracks - would cause hundreds of possible playlists. What should updating such a limited playlist then mean and when should a updating occur?

2 months ago i requested a playlist generator component where queries can be stored and from where such limited playlists could be loaded as playable playlists but without any response. I believe the reason is that a great part of foobar users are using the playlists for managment of music wich -in my eyes - is not* an appropriate place. Even if i would start annoying: here once again the screenshot for illustration. Hopefully someone is going to recognize the advantages of such a component and could imagine the interplay with the normal playlists. Sure, there is a similarity to playlist tree: but please see also the difference!


where is foo_autoplaylist 2.0 ?

Reply #36
Well, tracks would be selected by random, first 50 tracks and so on. For example ive got 'oldstash' playlist, and i want have smaller 'oldstash 10gb', which contains tracks without playcounts for example. Intuitive.

Playlists are main and only good way to manage playback queue. Why would I listen album after album just because 'a' is after 'b'? It sux. Same shuffle, can be fun sometimes, but if u get cradle of filth after britney spears... well, nuts.

And foobar lacks of good playlist support. No title formarting for multiple fields (example: cant determine overall number of files in playlist), no subfolders, no order in playlist. Also u cant know at first glance wich playlist is auto, which is not. There is eaven more.

where is foo_autoplaylist 2.0 ?

Reply #37
How can a playlist limited by size, number of tracks or length be a autoplaylist?

What about stuff like Top 25 most played tracks and such? Plus, it'd be beneficial to those of us with portables with small storage; we could say create a playlist with my favorite tracks but make sure the playlist size is less than 2 gb.

where is foo_autoplaylist 2.0 ?

Reply #38
I think you missunderstood me: I would be excited to see a component similar to playlist tree or to the browser shown in the screenshot that allows me the creation of limited playlists. My point was that you are mixing two meanings of autoplaylists:

1. querybased listing of your tracks and additional limiting as you can see in many programs
and on the other side
2. playable playlists wich gets automatically updated on library change (that only exists in foobar).

The first type (also called smart or dynamic playlists in other tools) is/was achievable inside of foobar with playlist tree or good old playlist generator (for foobar 0.8). The content of such a smart list is not the playlist itself but is to be loaded into a playlist - that's the way both components work.
The second type only exists in foobar and was introduced in 0.9: The playlist itself gets updated. My question was how can that be realized?

To say it shortly: I would love to see a component for generating limited playlists (if you like take playlist tree as example) but I don't think that limited autoplaylists are a good idea (if they are technically possible at all).
I hope now you understand my point.