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Topic: Peakmeter for Columns UI (Read 218477 times) previous topic - next topic
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Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #125

Much appreciated is the hard work you are doing on the Foobar component!



Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #126
Its great! thanks for update

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #127
Great new features 

I've noticed a few things though...

Vertical padding is off. When set to 0 padding is actually 6px both top and bottom (my settings. no labels, no channel text, vertical orientation).

Range -60 doesn't show.

A really good feature would be to be able to set the top range, that is currently +10. I would like to be able to set this to 0 or +3. Almost none of my songs actually pass 0.

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #128
1. When foobar is just started, left peak is shown at max, right - at min level. Bug?

I can't reproduce it.  Do you only see a short max peak on startup or will it stay until you play a song.
2. I set dark blue color for "-3 dB" (and lower) level and red color for "0 dB" (and higher). Why does the color of bars in a range between -3 ÷ 0 is red?

If you assign blue to -3 dB and red to 0 dB all values between -3 dB and 0 dB will be red cause the color you assign to the dB-value refers to the range below.
3. I hope that my request of peaks drawing depended on bars brush type will be implemented in some of future versions...

I dont't forget it. 

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #129
Great new features 

I've noticed a few things though...

Vertical padding is off. When set to 0 padding is actually 6px both top and bottom (my settings. no labels, no channel text, vertical orientation).

Thank you! I can reproduce it. Will fix it.
Range -60 doesn't show.

Label (-60 dB) in range listview = hide?
A really good feature would be to be able to set the top range, that is currently +10. I would like to be able to set this to 0 or +3. Almost none of my songs actually pass 0.

In one of the next releases it's planned to provide the opportunity to customize the dB range with "add" and "delete" buttons under the range listview.


Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #133
I can confirm that -60 doesn't show. I am using all the default settings, and the only thing I changed were the colors of the bars. -60's default color (a yellow/orangy) is still being used however.

Also, a quick feature request:

The ability to export the settings to a file so that if I want the same colors and such in another peakmeter, it would be easy to do.

Thank you very much for the update !
Song List:

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #134

Range -60 doesn't show.

Label (-60 dB) in range listview = hide?


Which font is selected? Can you make a screenshot?


OK, now i got it. If you want to change the color of -60 to -50 dB-Range please use the color of -50 dB Range. See also:

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #135
I can confirm that -60 doesn't show. I am using all the default settings, and the only thing I changed were the colors of the bars. -60's default color (a yellow/orangy) is still being used however.

Also, a quick feature request:

The ability to export the settings to a file so that if I want the same colors and such in another peakmeter, it would be easy to do.

Thank you very much for the update !

Thank you! You are right. It's easy to implement. Only the data conversion between different versions caused a little bit work. I make a note of it for the next version.

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #136
Lightweight, useful, professional... Everything should be done this way.

Thanks for the new reset options and the manual doubleclick reset. Now, could it be possible to add a checkbox within "Peak indicator" options group with "Reset on track change" ? Thanks!

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #137
Wanted, dead or alive:

valley hold
RMS hold

ability to change responsiveness (; change from peak-meter to RMS-meter)

and an observation, BL and BR -> SL and SR

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #138
Wanted (has possibly been mentioned before):
Customizable peakmeter range. Yes, RMS would be nice.

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #139

I could only think of one small addition to the peaks behavior.

3. I hope that my request of peaks drawing depended on bars brush type will be implemented in some of future versions...

In addition to this, it would be great if the peak was able to fall down one step at a time (eg, 2px for bar/dot-mode, 1 px for flat mode) immediately (no delay). Check out the behavior of the WMP spectrum analyzer to see what i mean

I think this is a small glitch: If you select the dotted pattern in vertical orientation, the meters are 1 px off relative to the channel boxes. Edit: Can only be solved by changing the size of the channel bars, it doesn't matter
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #140
Lightweight, useful, professional... Everything should be done this way.

Thanks for the new reset options and the manual doubleclick reset. Now, could it be possible to add a checkbox within "Peak indicator" options group with "Reset on track change" ? Thanks!

Thank you!! I think it's a usefull function and easy to implement. It will be included in one of the next versions.

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #141

Lightweight, useful, professional... Everything should be done this way.

Thanks for the new reset options and the manual doubleclick reset. Now, could it be possible to add a checkbox within "Peak indicator" options group with "Reset on track change" ? Thanks!

Thank you!! I think it's a usefull function and easy to implement. It will be included in one of the next versions.

above the meters you could have a clip box, which you set values; 1...nnn max OVR occurances per n samples.
then it would light up (red with white background or whatnot). Double/single- click to reset.

_____  _____
_____  _____

Also, custom title (so you can insert two occurances at the same time, one RMS and one peak with separate values.

I started making a peak/RMS meter when I made Advanced limiter, similar to yours, but time ate it :/

Shout if you need any technical advice

nice work

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #142
does this work with Foo Panels, because I dont see any options in Preference.
and I dont know how to show the PM.

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #143
Wanted, dead or alive:

valley hold
RMS hold
OK,  kejkz posted the suggestion for RMS too. So RMS will be included in one of the next versions.
Valley hold: I will think about it. But it's not on top of the list.
ability to change responsiveness (; change from peak-meter to RMS-meter)
It's planned to provide the ability to change responsiveness from the beginning of the component. It will be released.  Change from peak-meter to RMS-meter: OK, will be included with RMS.
and an observation, BL and BR -> SL and SR
OK, next version.


I could only think of one small addition to the peaks behavior.

3. I hope that my request of peaks drawing depended on bars brush type will be implemented in some of future versions...

In addition to this, it would be great if the peak was able to fall down one step at a time (eg, 2px for bar/dot-mode, 1 px for flat mode) immediately (no delay). Check out the behavior of the WMP spectrum analyzer to see what i mean

I think this is a small glitch: If you select the dotted pattern in vertical orientation, the meters are 1 px off relative to the channel boxes. Edit: Can only be solved by changing the size of the channel bars, it doesn't matter
Thank you!! Nice idea. I will think about it. It's on the todo list now.

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #144
Valley hold with reset and similar to peak hold to see how close lower, RMS and peak is in relation during a song

Being able to have a color between say, valley and RMS, and another between RMS and instant peak can be very amusing when switching between genres and artists

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #145
above the meters you could have a clip box, which you set values; 1...nnn max OVR occurances per n samples.
then it would light up (red with white background or whatnot). Double/single- click to reset.

_____  _____
_____  _____

Also, custom title (so you can insert two occurances at the same time, one RMS and one peak with separate values.

I started making a peak/RMS meter when I made Advanced limiter, similar to yours, but time ate it :/

Shout if you need any technical advice

nice work

Thank you. Good idea! But in the first version which was not released i implement a second bar beside/above the main bar to show the peak value. The width of the bar was only two pixel. I think i use this to show RMS and Peak at the same time. The numeric value of both (RMS/Peak) will be shown in a small hint-window when you get over the according bar. The second bar will be optional.

Valley hold with reset and similar to peak hold to see how close lower, RMS and peak is in relation during a song

Being able to have a color between say, valley and RMS, and another between RMS and instant peak can be very amusing when switching between genres and artists

That's a good idea for the second bar. I will think about it.

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #147
excuse me but the link doesn't work.

Peakmeter for Columns UI

Reply #149
wow nice plugin!
can't wait to see new options.
I'd like to see the the things that go up and down fall down when pause of stop the song.
is this possible and realistic?

and just to be sure, will 'reset all' reset the plugin settings or everything?
not the first time I delete my foobar settings :/