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Topic: FLAC 1.1.4 (Read 138046 times) previous topic - next topic
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FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #100
When will the Windows Installer be updated?
It has been ages since released and still 1.1.3 is up!

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #101
I know, sorry about that.  the last word I had from Mike is that he's still having problems getting DLLs registered on vista.

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #102
I dLoaded the 1.1.4 zip file, unzipped it, opened the bin directory.  I copied the 4 .exe files to the same place in the installed flac 1.1.3 version (renamed the existing extensions to .113 first) and did the same with the .dll to the Winamp/Plugins directory.

It seemed to work (although I am having some weirdlies with Winamp now, but I upped it to 5.33 after).

Is this how to get v1.1.4 without the installer?  Anything else need to be done?

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #103
I dLoaded the 1.1.4 zip file, unzipped it, opened the bin directory.  I copied the 4 .exe files to the same place in the installed flac 1.1.3 version (renamed the existing extensions to .113 first) and did the same with the .dll to the Winamp/Plugins directory.

It seemed to work (although I am having some weirdlies with Winamp now, but I upped it to 5.33 after).

Is this how to get v1.1.4 without the installer?  Anything else need to be done?

Put in your Program Files\Winamp folder: (or provide your own libFLAC.dll)

Put in your Program Files\Winamp\Plugins folder:

This will be included in 5.34

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #104
Put them in and checked real quick......seems to have fixed 'er up!

For anybody else, my Winamp problem was that is wouldn't seem to add the .flac files (only the mp3) per album folder.  Manually adding got them in, but with limited info; it seemed to read from file names rather than tag info...wasn't good anyway.

All seems well now.......thanks much benski!

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #106

Put in your Program Files\Winamp folder: (or provide your own libFLAC.dll)

Put in your Program Files\Winamp\Plugins folder:

This will be included in 5.34

I've just installed this one. Got a problem tho. Winamp crash every time I try to pause a flac file.

Yup, is an old bug which has since been fixed in the latest version of the in_flac 2.0 plugin.

I'm not sure whether Benski will post the updated plugin here or not,
or whether you're just going to have to wait for 5.34.

There's also been a few other changes made to the plugin since then, eg.
FLAC Info Editor: Genre drop-down uses genres.txt, tabbing order fixed, columns rearranged, etc.

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #107
I've just installed this one. Got a problem tho. Winamp crash every time I try to pause a flac file.

I also found this bug.

Besides that, it also seems that flac files are not loudness adjusted according to their replay gain values when I use this 1.1.4 plugin. My mp3's are all adjusted fine but flac files aren't.
To test this I manually adjusted the replay gain value for a file (in fb2k) to -15 dB, but it still sounds awfully loud compared to my mp3 files. Strangely though, the file info box correctly shows the replaygain value to be -15 dB. Using the 1.1.2e plugin it all works normally.


FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #108
Still no installer?

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #110
Thanks benski for the quick fix. This new version fixes both the pause-bug and the replaygain issue.

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #111
Thanks for the update benksi! Pausing works like a charm now :-)

Found another problem now. When I start a song and goes to the middle or the end of it by clicking the slider sometimes strange things happen. The slider can sometimes jump back to the middle of the song and sometimes it jumps to the very end of the song so it looks like the song is ended (but it's still playing.. and showing positive time counting up instead of negative counting down) 

Maybe a bit dizzy writing but it's late and I hope you get it 


FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #112
Found another problem now. When I start a song and goes to the middle or the end of it by clicking the slider sometimes strange things happen. The slider can sometimes jump back to the middle of the song and sometimes it jumps to the very end of the song so it looks like the song is ended (but it's still playing.. and showing positive time counting up instead of negative counting down)

Strange. No-one can reproduce this. Are you maybe using some 3rd-party output plugin (eg. out_ks or out_asio)?

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #113
The official winamp flac plugin also doesn't properly works with or Albumlist. I think it has something to do with only partial tag support.

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #114
The official winamp flac plugin also doesn't properly works with or Albumlist. I think it has something to do with only partial tag support.

By "official winamp flac plugin" do you mean that one that comes with the FLAC distribution, or the one that comes with the Winamp installer (5.33 and up)?

The plugin that comes with FLAC should only be used for older (2.x) versions of Winamp.

Josh: can we get in_flac dropped from the FLAC installer?  Starting with Winamp 5.34, users can 'upgrade' FLAC simply by copying a new libFLAC.dll into Program Files\Winamp (unless the FLAC API changes again)

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #115
By "official winamp flac plugin" do you mean that one that comes with the FLAC distribution, or the one that comes with the Winamp installer (5.33 and up)?

I mean Nullsoft FLAC Decoder v1.1.2e, included in Winamp 5.33.

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #116

Found another problem now. When I start a song and goes to the middle or the end of it by clicking the slider sometimes strange things happen. The slider can sometimes jump back to the middle of the song and sometimes it jumps to the very end of the song so it looks like the song is ended (but it's still playing.. and showing positive time counting up instead of negative counting down)

Strange. No-one can reproduce this. Are you maybe using some 3rd-party output plugin (eg. out_ks or out_asio)?

Could be. I know I've used another output plugin before but not sure what I'm using now. Will try to disable some plugins when I get home in 6 hours or so.

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #117

By "official winamp flac plugin" do you mean that one that comes with the FLAC distribution, or the one that comes with the Winamp installer (5.33 and up)?

I mean Nullsoft FLAC Decoder v1.1.2e, included in Winamp 5.33.

The official Nullsoft plugin is now in_flac 2.0 (based on FLAC 1.1.4),
as included with Winamp 5.34 Beta

Now supports Extended Fields (Album Artist, Composer, Disc#, Publisher, Encoded)

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #118

By "official winamp flac plugin" do you mean that one that comes with the FLAC distribution, or the one that comes with the Winamp installer (5.33 and up)?

I mean Nullsoft FLAC Decoder v1.1.2e, included in Winamp 5.33.

The official Nullsoft plugin is now in_flac 2.0 (based on FLAC 1.1.4),
as included with Winamp 5.34 Beta

Now supports Extended Fields (Album Artist, Composer, Disc#, Publisher, Encoded)

Hi, I've just tried the new version. I'm afraid both problems still persist: Albumlist is unable to retrieve metadata from files (such as the album name, album lenght, etc), and client doesn't detect winamp is playing.
However, I noticed that while only has problems with flac files, detecting every mp3 file, albumlist is still unable to retrieve metadata from mp3 files. It was working fine previously, so my guess is that something changed in the 5.33 release.
I can try with other formats to see if the problems still occur, if you require.

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #119
Hi, I've just tried the new version. I'm afraid both problems still persist: Albumlist is unable to retrieve metadata from files (such as the album name, album lenght, etc), and client doesn't detect winamp is playing.
However, I noticed that while only has problems with flac files, detecting every mp3 file, albumlist is still unable to retrieve metadata from mp3 files. It was working fine previously, so my guess is that something changed in the 5.33 release.
I can try with other formats to see if the problems still occur, if you require.

My guess is that they're not getting metadata the "proper" way.  I'll look at the albumlist code (pretty sure it's open source) and see what's going on.

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #120
I'm using the new Winamp beta with FLAC 2.0 plugin. When I put FLAC files in the playlist, and Winamp reads the tags (FLAC file info), it shows the entire directory and filename instead of what is in the artist / title field and time.
Cyberdyne Systems - Making you a better person through technology.

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #121
I'm using the new Winamp beta with FLAC 2.0 plugin. When I put FLAC files in the playlist, and Winamp reads the tags (FLAC file info), it shows the entire directory and filename instead of what is in the artist / title field and time.
Yup, it's listed under the Known Issues section of the 5.34 Beta thread on the Winamp forums.

Basically, it means that you've disabled Advanced Title Formatting in Winamp > Prefs > Titles

(the beta bug being that this causes the full path & filename to be displayed, instead of just the filename).

To fix it, enable ATF and set a suitable ATF string, eg.

[%artist% - ]$if2(%title%,$filepart(%filename%))

[%artist% - ][%album% - ][$num(%track%,2) - ]$if2(%title%,$filepart(%filename%))


or whatever

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #122
Yup, it's listed under the Known Issues section of the 5.34 Beta thread on the Winamp forums.

Basically, it means that you've disabled Advanced Title Formatting in Winamp > Prefs > Titles

(the beta bug being that this causes the full path & filename to be displayed, instead of just the filename).

To fix it, enable ATF and set a suitable ATF string, eg.

[%artist% - ]$if2(%title%,$filepart(%filename%))

[%artist% - ][%album% - ][$num(%track%,2) - ]$if2(%title%,$filepart(%filename%))


or whatever

Didn't think to look in that area, I checked tech support and bug reports though (a few hours ago). Thanks, looks like its already going to be fixed by next version.
Cyberdyne Systems - Making you a better person through technology.

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #123
Josh: can we get in_flac dropped from the FLAC installer?  Starting with Winamp 5.34, users can 'upgrade' FLAC simply by copying a new libFLAC.dll into Program Files\Winamp (unless the FLAC API changes again)

yeah, I asked that Mike keep it out for flac-1.1.4.  I would prefer it not be in there anymore.

FLAC 1.1.4

Reply #124

Found another problem now. When I start a song and goes to the middle or the end of it by clicking the slider sometimes strange things happen. The slider can sometimes jump back to the middle of the song and sometimes it jumps to the very end of the song so it looks like the song is ended (but it's still playing.. and showing positive time counting up instead of negative counting down)

Strange. No-one can reproduce this. Are you maybe using some 3rd-party output plugin (eg. out_ks or out_asio)?

Could be. I know I've used another output plugin before but not sure what I'm using now. Will try to disable some plugins when I get home in 6 hours or so.

A bit more then 6 hours, I know, but now I finally got some time over 

Anyway, I used the Directsound output plugin. I've now also tried with the waveout plugin but the same problem there. I also disabled many other plugins that's not standard, but no luck there either. Have tested with many different flac files too.
I recorded a video so it should be a bit easier to see the problem:

As you can see it's slow and a bit strange acting overall. One thing you should take a look at is that when I play a file twice in a row it runs perfect the second time. My guess is that there's some king of buffering problem, what do you think?
I also went back to 1.1.2 again to remember what that was like and I saw no signs of delays with the seek bar there.

Hope this info is to some help. I'm glad to help you more if you got any other idea of what could cause the problem