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Topic: Are there any women, girls here? (Read 13473 times) previous topic - next topic
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Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #25
I know it's kind of off topic, but udial and hf hearing loss reminds me of something I wondered about a few days ago.
I wonder if alarm clocks could be partially responsible for hf hearing loss.
Many alarm clocks produce annoying hf impulses on high levels and are often located quite close to the ear. Many people hear them every day, their whole life long.

What do you guys and/or girls (if any ) think about that?

Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #26
What do you guys and/or girls (if any ) think about that?

I put my alarm clock on a table, 2 meters from my bed, so i definitely have to stand up to hit the snooze button. This makes me more awake than a simple arm movement. Nonetheless, i often still hit it 2, 3 times before i eventually get up... 

Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #27
my alarm clock is foobar2000. there is no way that my foobie will damage my ears

Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #28
I don't use an alarm clock.  I'm old.  I'm retired.  I get up when I'm darn well ready.  Anyway...  Blewout my hearing in the '60s.

Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #29
I put my alarm clock on a table, 2 meters from my bed, so i definitely have to stand up to hit the snooze button. This makes me more awake than a simple arm movement. Nonetheless, i often still hit it 2, 3 times before i eventually get up... 
I did that several times. And still overslept. Funnily, when I wake up, somehow I found the alarm clock stored in the table's drawer. And I'm sure I had it perched on top of a pile of books before I went to bed


Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #30
To come back on topic:
Imagine you want to burn a CD for a woman with music she likes.
Unfortunately you have no other source than a P2P copy of a badly ripped (perhaps with glitches) CD that has been encoded with Blade @ 96kbps CBR "pure stereo" (or something similarly gross). With an ugly feeling in your stomach you talk yourself into burning it. (At least: a CD is better than no CD.)

To your surprise you find out: With high probability she will like your CD (if she likes you, too) and doesn't care the tiniest bit about the quality. In the end she can sing along and dance around while the song plays and she knows that the CD shows her your attention (for her). That's what counts.

Perhaps that sounds a bit stereotypically and overstated but I found it to be like that more than once.


Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #31
I put my alarm clock on a table, 2 meters from my bed, so i definitely have to stand up to hit the snooze button. This makes me more awake than a simple arm movement. Nonetheless, i often still hit it 2, 3 times before i eventually get up... 

That sounds very similar to what I do. However I've acquired the nasty habit over the years of being able to actually sleep through the alarm clock sound.

Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #32
To come back on topic:
Imagine you want to burn a CD for a woman with music she likes.
Unfortunately you have no other source than a P2P copy of a badly ripped (perhaps with glitches) CD that has been encoded with Blade @ 96kbps CBR "pure stereo" (or something similarly gross). With an ugly feeling in your stomach you talk yourself into burning it. (At least: a CD is better than no CD.)

To your surprise you find out: With high probability she will like your CD (if she likes you, too) and doesn't care the tiniest bit about the quality. In the end she can sing along and dance around while the song plays and she knows that the CD shows her your attention (for her). That's what counts.

Perhaps that sounds a bit stereotypically and overstated but I found it to be like that more than once.
Agree. Women's brains are wired differently than men's. They are more active for emotions, while men's are more active for intelligence. I'm not saying that men are more intelligent than women. But men's brains seems to be more involved in deep thoughts, hence men's near-universal capability of doing more than one thing at a time (if it requires deep thoughts). Women, on the other hand, when flooded with emotions, will suspend their logical part of the brain.

( Strangely, though, it is men who suffers from emotion-disorder more than women. Perhaps because of those bottled-up emotions. But I digress  )

This fact alone nullifies the advantage of women's better hearing against men's. While men can focus totally on ABX-ing, women most likely will recall some memory of the song they're listening too, and thus masking the possible difference she should hear from ABX. It requires intensive discipline for them to carry out ABX successfully.

It seems that women's better hearing is very suitable for their role as nurturer of the family. They can easily hear, over the din of house chores, whether their children are screaming because of excitement or because of terror.

Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #33
"Hmm, this sample I encode using the new LAME alpha I compiled from source not one hours ago is particularly difficult to AB... oooh, nice shoes!" 

I'm on a horse.

Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #34

Exactly, Synthetic Soul

That's the women's drawback of being able to multitask their thoughts

Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #35

Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #36
Most women I've known think that an mp3 files with lots of artifacts, distortion and pops (due to jitter) sound just fine. I guess they focus more on the music than on the details of the sound.
I think that'd apply also to most men you know, no? It's just that most people don't pay attention to details or aren't picky.

Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #37
Recently i've been looking for some info at the cdfreaks forums, i'm not sure how many female members are there, but there are two omnipresent moderatresses who i guess would be instatly banned here on HA for TOS#5 violation .

Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #38
Most women I've known think that an mp3 files with lots of artifacts, distortion and pops (due to jitter) sound just fine. I guess they focus more on the music than on the details of the sound.
I think that'd apply also to most men you know, no? It's just that most people don't pay attention to details or aren't picky.

Well, yeah, to a certain extent. But I haven't seen girls complaining about the quality, whereas I've seen, granted, only a few men that do.

Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #39
Digga is a female, isn't she?

Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #40
IIRC Digga's avitar is a picture of Christina Aguilera.

I think that just makes him either horny or aurally challenged, not female. 

I'm on a horse.

Are there any women, girls here?

Reply #41
IIRC Digga's avitar is a picture of Christina Aguilera.
I think that just makes him either horny or aurally challenged, not female. 

Are you sure?

Maybe... I don't know.

But once I asked her(him) directly about that, and she(he) said "woman".

Also, there's something in her(his) posts that makes me asume that it might be a true answer.