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Topic: Navigator-Suite Feedback (Read 370919 times) previous topic - next topic
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Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #375
I see. I do believe a tag is needed to recognize single tracks though.

I see it like this: A single track can be each of the following: has no tags at all (bad?), has no tracknumber  or album tag, and has all standard tags (artist, album, track, title, maybe even genre and date).

How could you make a correct guess with all three 'modes' without an extra tag? esp. in the latter case.

Go to the columns_ui thread and search it for the keyword "contentgroups"-
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #376
How do you propose to fix it? Truncate it, or move it into a seperate line just for style? (the latter one means less space for other metadata when displaying albums with a low amount of tracks)

For the moment I'd truncate it.
But I can also image having it in a sperate line because I don't use performer or conductor tags.
Maybe you could offer a way to choose what extended tags are displayed?

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #377
For the moment I'd truncate it.
But I can also image having it in a sperate line because I don't use performer or conductor tags.
Maybe you could offer a way to choose what extended tags are displayed?

Hmm, my intuition tells me that if i truncate it, then it will only be a matter of time until people complain about it. I'll move it to a seperate line right at track 3.

I dont want to make albummode-metadata configurable, because i just want 1.4.x to be finished...... in 2.0.0, the whole albummode-metadata issue will disappear anyways, because secondary metadata will be moved out of the FCS into a trackinfo panel(to solve the space issues as well as resourcehungry comment-tag multiline-display).
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #378
1.4.2 released

- moved albummode STYLE-display into a seperate line
- Tracks which have TOTALTRACKS=1 are now also considered singles
- fixed inverted colors in albummode when displaying: performer, conductor, publisher
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #379
I see. I do believe a tag is needed to recognize single tracks though.

I see it like this: A single track can be each of the following: has no tags at all (bad?), has no tracknumber  or album tag, and has all standard tags (artist, album, track, title, maybe even genre and date).

How could you make a correct guess with all three 'modes' without an extra tag? esp. in the latter case.
Go to the columns_ui thread and search it for the keyword "contentgroups"-
After reading your post about contentgroups, I still don't see how you will actually solve the problem ChaosBladE points out. It sounds interesting, and musicmusic seems to think it's "reasonably feasible".

As I see it, complete albums, incomplete albums and single tracks, all floats into each other. So, if you want to solve it without tracknumbers and custom tags, I also take it you don't want to rely on directory structure/naming?

Do you care to elaborate?

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #380
As I see it, complete albums, incomplete albums and single tracks, all floats into each other. So, if you want to solve it without tracknumbers and custom tags, I also take it you don't want to rely on directory structure/naming?

Do you care to elaborate?

I think you misunderstood how it would work - lets asume the following contentgroup-pattern:
%album artist%%album%%discnumber%

The entire playlist is now scanned for this pattern. Subsequent tracks with identical pattern-result are considered to form one contentgroup. Thus, the entire playlist gets split into individual contentgroups, based on the above pattern.

Lets asume we only have album artist(AA) and album(A) tags..... our playlist looks like this:
#1 AA=slowdive, A=Souvlaki
#2 AA=slowdive, A=Souvlaki
#3 AA=lanterna, A=Elm Street
#4 AA=slowdive, A=Souvlaki
#5 AA=slowdive, A=Souvlaki
#6 AA=lanterna, A=Elm Street
#7 AA=lanterna, A=Elm Street
#8 AA=lanterna, A=Elm Street

The contentgroups for the above playlist will then look the following way:
Legend: contentgroup_id/contentgroup_index/contentgroup_total(tracks in group)
#1 (1/1/2)
#2 (1/2/2)
#3 (2/1/1)
#4 (3/1/2)
#5 (3/2/2)
#6 (4/1/3)
#7 (4/2/3)
#8 (4/3/3)

formatting-strings now get CONTENTGROUP_INDEX and CONTENTGROUP_TOTAL accessable and can use them like TRACKNUMBER and TOTALTRACKS - except that this time, it works independently of the real tracknumbers of tracks.

Untagged files are a different beast, but that can probably be solved with an advanced pattern-string as well.

If you understood the above, then you will notice that not just singletracks are identified automatically, you can even move tracks around the playlist freely - split up albums and move them around, add just one track of an album to the playlist, whatever...... everything works - you can now freely move tracks around the playlist without caring at all about "proper order"..... and the playlist-display automatically adjusts to it. It now works the way as it is supposed to work.

- Lyx
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #381
Thanks for taking the time to explain. Now that I've got the picture, I actually like the idea a lot. I expect it wouldn't be sluggishly slow either, as musicmusic "approved" of it.

I tried your fcs, btw, and was impressed by the speed, especially considering its complexity. Well done! 

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #382
I'd have to agree with upNorth on all accounts. :]

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #383
Thank you. Ironically, i myself didn't know about the high performance-difference for quite a while. I would just optimize the FCS over and over again. Only when someday i for fun imported another well known FCS i noticed how slow most other similiar FCSs must be. It was then when i finally noticed the big-picture - that all the optimizations which i did over the course of time actually had a significant impact. Before that event, it was just lots of subsequent minor speed-improvements to me.

However, i'm still not satisfied with the performance - thats why i'm gonna start from scratch for 2.0.0 - considering my current plans, i expect at least 50% reduction in code-complexity - thanks to new fb2k 0.9 features and hypothetical future columns ui features. For those plans, tag-guessing however will have to go.

- Lyx
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #384
Just reporting some strange behaviour with single track detection with track gain only method:

here how it looks in 0.8.3 with ns 1.3.2


Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #385
I think thats just the new look of the single mode in album mode...

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #387
Hey Lyx!

When I add next item to "default" playlist -

in column "Title & Length" I see "Dinamit    N/A".

If I add this item in another playlist (in my case it's name is "Radio"), I see in this columns "[unknoun variable]  - Dinamit  N/A".

I solve this problem next way - in Global script add check name  playlist on "radio"

Code: [Select]
// ===================================
// singlemode priority
// $if($or($strstr($lower(%_playlist_name%),album),$strstr($lower(%_playlist_name%),-a-)),
// $puts(albummode_active,1),$puts(albummode_active,2))

// albummode priority

// ===================================
// MY STUFF - pIv
// ===================================
// ===================================


My second sugession - add autorating column
This is code for column
Code: [Select]
// autorating

and this is code aded to Global script

Code: [Select]
// ===================================
// MY STUFF - pIv
// ===================================



// ===================================

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #388
I think thats just the new look of the single mode in album mode...

with all due respect to lyx, i don't see why half of the screen would be neglected in single track mode. And the separation between each track make it looks like it's "cramped".

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #389
Hey Lyx!

When I add next item to "default" playlist -

in column "Title & Length" I see "Dinamit    N/A".

If I add this item in another playlist (in my case it's name is "Radio"), I see in this columns "[unknoun variable]  - Dinamit  N/A".

I solve this problem next way - in Global script add check name  playlist on "radio"

Code: [Select]
// ===================================
// singlemode priority
// $if($or($strstr($lower(%_playlist_name%),album),$strstr($lower(%_playlist_name%),-a-)),
// $puts(albummode_active,1),$puts(albummode_active,2))

// albummode priority

// ===================================
// MY STUFF - pIv
// ===================================
// ===================================


Looks like with your radiostream, in albummode it gets treated as single, but the stream has no ARTIST - but the code does not expect it to be absent. I'll investigate it.

My second sugession - add autorating column

You're free to mod Navigator to display it that way. It will however not happen in the official version, because columns should display what they're telling to display. What you are doing, is basically turning the RATING-column into a simplified TOTAL PLAYS column(which does already exist). BTW: Plays per day, is a much more reliable source to estimate popularity.

with all due respect to lyx, i don't see why half of the screen would be neglected in single track mode. And the separation between each track make it looks like it's "cramped".

Discussed already one or two pages back. It's not gonna return to the old version, because:
1. Both variants have their disadvantages
2. I have low interest in major modifications to the 1.4.x line
3. It all wont matter anymore in 2.0.0 anyways.

However, since somebody already managed to mod it back to the old style. You could just wait until all the last minor-bugs are killed and someone else posted a modded FCS which uses the old singles-style.

- Lyx
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #390
Hey Lyx awesome config, I have been using other peoples configs in the past but I find yours the most customisable and user friendly.

I have made my own custom colour scheme and was wondering if you were interested in including it into your navigator fcs

here are the details

Code: [Select]
// is your custom-theme a dark-theme? (0=no, 1=yes)

// foreground colors

// background colors

// various symbols used in display

Its a nice cool blue type scheme, lemme know what you think.

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #391
Its a nice cool blue type scheme, lemme know what you think. :)

The approach is interesting. I'd propose to tone down the primary background color a bit and make the special color more obvious. Currently, the primary background color tends to dominate everything else.
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #392
ok some small modifications

Code: [Select]
// is your custom-theme a dark-theme? (0=no, 1=yes)

// foreground colors

// background colors

// various symbols used in display

this makes the bg darker and the borders much clearer... I am personally happy with this colour, but what do you think?

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #393
Looks okay now.

Would you mind if i do some minor adjustments and afterwards add it to the next release? (I'm also willig to add it if you do not wish any modifications from my side. You decide.).


If anyone has any bugs to report, then please do so in the coming days. I'd really like to get 1.4.x bugfree and "finished".

- Lyx
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #394
Not sure if I've just overlooked it but what about handling of Various Artist Albums?  In the past I've seen checks for directories with VA, Various, OST, Soundtrack etc as well as playlist with -v- in them.

Ideally Various Artists would be included and a functional part of Album Mode so single artist and various artist albums would display properly.

The album info would stay the same but the title column would become artist - title

If I've overlooked something I apologize.

Not sure why my search for 'various' didn't give me any results but I think I've resolved my problem.

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #395
ok, I see why my various artist albums aren't working.  Instead of changing my directories to have va- I want to see if another guessing option might be valid.

For my regular albums my dir structure is "artist - year - album" and my file is "track - title"
for my va albums my dir is "album - year" and file is "track - artist - title"

Is there something not too hard I can put in my VA guessing area to set this up?

I did notice that my dir structure does include (OST) for the soundtracks album (OST) - year

also my various artists albums are in a subfolder called #various artists and #soundtracks

Consider these ideas for a release.  I've added VA - to my VA albums that didn't already have it.

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #396
Looks okay now.

Would you mind if i do some minor adjustments and afterwards add it to the next release? (I'm also willig to add it if you do not wish any modifications from my side. You decide.).


If anyone has any bugs to report, then please do so in the coming days. I'd really like to get 1.4.x bugfree and "finished".

- Lyx

Hey Lyx yeah feel free to put it in the next release, I would be honoured. I am currently using a blue/orange style now.

Have a look:

Code: [Select]
// is your custom-theme a dark-theme? (0=no, 1=yes)

// foreground colors

// background colors

// various symbols used in display

and also using this for my playlist switcher

Code: [Select]
%title% $tab()$rgb(70,115,170,30,50,75).:$rgb(255,255,255,255,255,255)$num(%size%,$len(99999))$rgb(70,115,170,30,50,75):. $tab()%length%

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #397
I have a little problem. Navigator shows me some tags (Year and Codec) twice, like on this screens. Sorry for my English. 

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #398
i think your second pic is because u are using the composer tag or producer tag, it does that i have noticed...

i am sure lyx will give you a more official explanation though

Navigator-Suite Feedback

Reply #399
Consider these ideas for a release. I've added VA - to my VA albums that didn't already have it.

I will not add additional features to Navigator 1.4.x. If you want robust VA-Display, then use the ALBUM ARTIST-tag. The directory-based VA-guessing is an afterthought-feature - it may work, or it may not work.

i think your second pic is because u are using the composer tag or producer tag, it does that i have noticed...

i am sure lyx will give you a more official explanation though

To me, it looks like his album either has inconsistent tags (CONDUCTOR/PUBLISHER/PERFORMER/STYLE) or he introduced the bug himself (the screenshot shows that he changed the albummode-code). I have no clue without info about the filetags of each track.
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.