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Topic: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist (Read 551745 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #875
is it possible to get average bitrate from group of tracks? it's in the properties dialog, but there's no metadata for it.

I'd like to get elplaylist to display avg. bitrate and avg. rating, but ican't seem to come up with a solutuon to calculate it and display.


[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #876

not possible. ELPlaylist only works track by track, it ain't possible to handle more than one track info and so, not possible to calc any avg of any kind for an album.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #877
I have encountered a problem. I use $setworldtransform to display cover art and text in tracklist. The thing is that it's displayed only in the place where tracks are. If empty rows are added, it's not showing. Is there any way to make it show anyway?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #878
I have encountered a problem. I use $setworldtransform to display cover art and text in tracklist. The thing is that it's displayed only in the place where tracks are. If empty rows are added, it's not showing. Is there any way to make it show anyway?

Did you try to add "$enabledraw(1)"?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #879
Can you please tell the code to group all tracks are without cover in a single list  for for ELPlaylist 

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #881

not possible. ELPlaylist only works track by track, it ain't possible to handle more than one track info and so, not possible to calc any avg of any kind for an album.

Too bad, I was just looking also for that. Actually it would be really useful if this was supported.
Do you happen to know of any other playlist component that does support this? Else I would have to resort to calculate the average values elsewhere and store them as tags, than I guess ELPlaylist should be able to access them or am I wrong here?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #882

I use foobar for mp3-DJing at a bar, and I'd like to show if a track has been played recently (as a warning, multiple people use it and I don't want to have the tracks played twice on a given evening)

Idealy, I'd like to have something like "played xx minutes/hours ago"
So... is there any way to access the current system time in el playlist?
I already did some googleing on the subject, so I fear there is no way, but just to confirm...

If not I'll just settle for "already played tonight" by comparing %last_played% with %el_system_date%...

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #883
Does anyone have the most recent foo_uie_elplaylist.dll? I am unable to download it from the website.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #885
Hi everyone,

I haven't found any information about what I noticed with ELPlaylist, and it took me so much time to figure out what it was about that I really think it might be a very uncommon bug (or I probably missed something).

I have a .png image, dimensions 600x20 (but it seems to happen with any image file), that I want to set on the group header bar, but, as I noticed, the image cannot be displayed if it is situated in the skin folder. In fact, ELPlaylist only displays it when the file path is C:\*.png. Since the path is something like C:\folder\*.png, it disappears. Same thing wether the path contains text spaces or not ("Programmes" or "Program Files (x86)", same thing). And thus, the command "$put(skin_path,C:\folder\then\player\skin)" + "$get(skin_path)\*.png" doesn't work.

Anyone knows about this?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #886
use %el_user_profile_path%  - this will point at the users %appdata%\foobar2000 folder or the main foobar2000 progam folder if installed in portable mode.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #887
use %el_user_profile_path%  - this will point at the users %appdata%\foobar2000 folder or the main foobar2000 progam folder if installed in portable mode.

Thanks much for helping, it works.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #888
Anyone know if the elipchar and elipword options actually work? I'm talking about $drawstring().

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #889
Recently I've got a strange problem with ELPlaylist/Foobar2000 - when I drag&drop a track from a playlist to an outside program, the track dissapears from the playlist. I'm sure it didn't work that way earlier and I don't know if it's caused by a new foobar version or there's something wrong with ELPlaylist. Does someone know how to fix it?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #890
My ELPlaylist group header/artwork is a mess... I'm wondering if anyone could provide a script or a way for my artwork and album title/artist field to be lined up horizontally? I've no idea where to start... but I'm thinking I want it to behave in this manner:

Basically so the centre of the artwork and centre of all total lines in the header have the same vertical position. If that makes any sense.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #891
I have a question about grouping. I have a simple grouping format - %album%
my query is %path% HAS myFolder
The resulting playlist contains all the songs from myFolder.
It has 7 tracks from album1 and 3 from another album2.
ELPlaylist (from skin exch4nge) showed 2 songs grouped under album1, then 3 songs under album2 and then again 5 songs grouped under album1
I couldn't get two groups to show (one for album1 and one for album2) whatever I did in elplaylist grouping panel.

Then I moved album2 songs to a different folder and all 7 tracks showed under album1 for the same query. (only one group since album2 was not part of the result of the query)

I renamed the folder of album2 to myFolder2 (so that the query would pick up the tracks from album2) and now I have all the tracks of album1 under album1 and album2 under album2 even when they are part of the result set of the query. (just like before)

Is there any other place where I need to set the sort of the output of the query that will impact the grouping in elplaylist?

Here is my current setting ...


[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #892
ELPlaylist showed 2 songs grouped under album1, then 3 songs under album2 and then again 5 songs grouped under album1

If I understand you correctly, I suspect  this occurs because of the order of the songs in the playlist rather than a problem with the grouping format (assuming all are correctly tagged). I think you need to ensure  the songs are sent to the playlist or are present in the playlist so that all  album1 tracks occur consecutively in the playlist followed by album2. You could try adding a sort format to your query - which may or may not be possible depending on where the query is located.

ELPlaylist doesn't automatically sort songs - although you can add a sort format to the right click menu and apply it after the songs are added to the playlist.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #893
ELPlaylist showed 2 songs grouped under album1, then 3 songs under album2 and then again 5 songs grouped under album1

If I understand you correctly, I suspect  this occurs because of the order of the songs in the playlist rather than a problem with the grouping format (assuming all are correctly tagged). I think you need to ensure  the songs are sent to the playlist or are present in the playlist so that all  album1 tracks occur consecutively in the playlist followed by album2. You could try adding a sort format to your query - which may or may not be possible depending on where the query is located.

ELPlaylist doesn't automatically sort songs - although you can add a sort format to the right click menu and apply it after the songs are added to the playlist.

  That is what I was guessing. I will experiment with the sorting of the query by adding sort keyword in the query. Is there any other way of defining sort for the query results? I thought that exch4nge uses foo_quicksearch, but I do not see that component in my exch4nge install. So I think its using search from foobar_core since I dont see any other search component.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #894
Or may be a Falstaff/br3tt wsh panel mod script is the search panel.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #895
Or may be a Falstaff/br3tt wsh panel mod script is the search panel.

yes, it seems to be so. Thanks for pointing me to it.

// @name "Search Toolbar panel"
// @version "1.3"
// @author "Br3tt"
// @feature "dragdrop"
// @import "%fb2k_profile_path%skins\xc4\scripts\Common.js"

At quick glance, I haven't figured out how the playlist is sorted in that code. If I can figure that out, hopefully it will help me set the sort I want.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #896
Hi, I don't know how to code for elplaylist, so I was wondering if any of you can give me a hand. I'd just like to add an optional Composer column, just as there are 7 optional columns to choose from.

I guess this is the code I need to edit, under tracklist:

Code: [Select]





// padding values

// fonts
$puts(default_font,'segoe ui')

$puts(tracknumber_font,'segoe ui')

$puts(small_font,'uni 05_53')

// titleformat tags
    $puts(title,'  '$upper($if2(%title%,%filename%)))
    $puts(artist,'  '$upper($if2(%artist%,'N/A')))
    $puts(album,'  '$upper($if2(%album%,$if(%length%,'SINGLE','~STREAM'))))
    $puts(genre,'  '$upper($if2(%genre%,'N/A')))
    $puts(title,'  '$if2(%title%,%filename%))
    $puts(artist,'  '$if2(%artist%,'N/A'))
    $puts(album,'  '$if2(%album%,$if(%length%,'Single','~Stream')))
    $puts(genre,'  '$if2(%genre%,'N/A'))
$puts(date,'  '$if2(%date%,'N/A'))
$puts(tracknumber,$if(%tracknumber%,$if(%album%,%tracknumber%,$num($add(%el_item_index%,1),2)),$num($add(%el_item_index%,1),2))'  ')

$puts(total_length,%length%'  ')
$puts(length,'  00:0')
$puts(length,'  00:00:')
$puts(total_length,$right(%length%,2)'  ')
$puts(length,'  00:00:0')
$puts(total_length,$right(%length%,1)'  ')
$puts(length,'  00:')
$puts(length,'  0')
$puts(length,'  ')

$puts(length,'  00:00:00')
$puts(total_length,'  ')

    $if($stricmp(%album artist%,%artist%),

// Draw background (%list_index%)

// draw track bg

// text colours

// max width

// TF width
$puts(playcount_width,$gettextwidth(%_PLAYCOUNT_%' '))

// Draw Columns Infos

// queued index marker
$drawtextex(%queue_index%,$sub($get(pad_left),20),$add($get(pad_top1),1),15,15,40-60-40,hcenter vtop)

// tracknumber
      $drawtextex($get(tracknumber),$get(pad_left),$get(pad_top1),$get(tracknumber_maxwidth),%el_height%,$get(default_txt_colour),right vtop end_ellipsis)
// title
$drawtextex($get(title),$add($get(pad_left),$get(tracknumber_maxwidth)),$get(pad_top1),$sub($get(title_maxwidth),$get(playcount_width),5),%el_height%,$if(%title%,$get(default_txt_colour),$get(notag_txt_colour)),left vtop end_ellipsis)
   $drawtextex(%_PLAYCOUNT_%' ',$sub($add($get(pad_left),$get(tracknumber_maxwidth),$get(title_maxwidth)),$get(playcount_width),3),$add($get(pad_top1),1),$get(playcount_width),%el_height%,$get(playcount_txt_colour),right vtop end_ellipsis)
// artist
  $drawtextex($get(artist),$add($get(pad_left),$get(tracknumber_maxwidth),$get(title_maxwidth)),$get(pad_top1),$sub($get(artist_maxwidth),4),%el_height%,$if(%album artist%,$get(default_txt_colour),$get(notag_txt_colour)),left vtop end_ellipsis)
// album
  $drawtextex($get(album),$add($get(pad_left),$get(tracknumber_maxwidth),$get(title_maxwidth),$get(artist_maxwidth)),$get(pad_top1),$sub($get(album_maxwidth),4),%el_height%,$get(default_txt_colour),left vtop end_ellipsis)
// genre
$drawtextex($get(genre),$add($get(pad_left),$get(tracknumber_maxwidth),$get(title_maxwidth),$get(artist_maxwidth),$get(album_maxwidth)),$get(pad_top1),$sub($get(genre_maxwidth),4),%el_height%,$get(default_txt_colour),left vtop end_ellipsis)
// date
$drawtextex($get(date),$add($get(pad_left),$get(tracknumber_maxwidth),$get(title_maxwidth),$get(artist_maxwidth),$get(album_maxwidth),$get(genre_maxwidth)),$get(pad_top1),$sub($get(date_maxwidth),4),%el_height%,$if(%date%,$get(default_txt_colour),$get(notag_txt_colour)),right vtop end_ellipsis)
$drawtextex($get(bitrate),$add($get(pad_left),$get(tracknumber_maxwidth),$get(title_maxwidth),$get(artist_maxwidth),$get(album_maxwidth),$get(genre_maxwidth),$get(date_maxwidth)),$get(pad_top1),$sub($get(bitrate_maxwidth),4),%el_height%,$get(default_txt_colour),right vtop end_ellipsis)
// rating
// $imageabs($add($get(pad_left),$get(tracknumber_maxwidth),$get(title_maxwidth),$get(artist_maxwidth),$get(album_maxwidth),$get(genre_maxwidth),$get(date_maxwidth),$get(bitrate_maxwidth),7),$get(pad_top1),55,14,$get(img)r$if2(%rating%,0).png,,,230)

// duration
$drawtextex($get(length),$add($get(pad_left),$get(tracknumber_maxwidth),$get(title_maxwidth),$get(artist_maxwidth),$get(album_maxwidth),$get(genre_maxwidth),$get(date_maxwidth),$get(bitrate_maxwidth),$get(rating_maxwidth)),$get(pad_top1),$get(duration_maxwidth),%el_height%,$get(00_txt_colour),left vtop end_ellipsis)
$drawtextex($get(total_length),$add($get(pad_left),$get(tracknumber_maxwidth),$get(title_maxwidth),$get(artist_maxwidth),$get(album_maxwidth),$get(genre_maxwidth),$get(date_maxwidth),$get(bitrate_maxwidth),$get(rating_maxwidth),$get(length_width)),$get(pad_top1),$get(duration_maxwidth),%el_height%,$get(default_txt_colour),left vtop end_ellipsis)

// black vertical  line at the end of the track (last column end)

// dark line on the bot of the latest track of a group


I don't know how to tackle this though.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #897
Is there any way for elplaylist to check if album cover is available in album's directory saved as a front.jpg? I'd like to put it into $if condition.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #898
check the readme for something like $findfile.

@Cooperdale, i don't think anyone is going to sift through something that large that they didn't create themselves. try asking wherever you downloaded it from.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #899
Thanks, works like a charm.