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Topic: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist (Read 542727 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #1
Not my cup of tea, but very cool!

Works out-of-the-box, too.

As Keikonium said, seems very stable and LIGHT.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #2
Maybe some screenshots would help ?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #3
Sure . This is my Columns Playlist done with this new PL view. It took about 5 minutes to set up .

(click for a large image)

And here is the settings window:
Song List:

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #4
Wow, this is pretty interesting

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #5
Looks good, but lacks some basic functionality for me. Like being to able to select the whole group by left or right-clicking on the header. Or select several groups while holding Ctrl.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #6
General question: There are a couple of components developed by some chinese guy(s), do they belong to a community? Where to report bugs/ ask for improvements? I didn't see the guys here at HA.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #7
This is not Chinese, it's Japanese. Later this weekend, if I have enough time, I will deal with the readme of this component, too. Well, he makes another component, panel stack splitter, that is pretty good but has some redrawing issues. This component also has some problems (no copy/cut, paste, undo, context type hot keys, and some redrawing issues). But, they are alpha and still being improved so all is good, I guess. The important thing is they don't crash on me when I tried them the first time, which was a totally put off with PUI.

@Hakubo: Use Middle click instead to select a group, and yes Ctrl doesn't work here, too.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #8
I tried this also.
My problems so far:Documentation would be helpful.For example what it %el_isplaying%. Since I don't understand japanese this is very hard to understand the readme. If someone could post an english translation this would be cool.

As far as I found out this playlist has no drag and drop. Am I right?

@Thuan: Post the issues you know about the panel splitter in the topic

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #9
I knew about this component for quite sometime. And I'm glad that it's may replace my SCPL (which have some weird behavior with autoplaylist and I HATE IT SO MUCH!) because it's still actively develop.

But as of now, NO drag and drop, WEIRD transparent background behavior (from last time I tried, Is it fix now?). Because of these 2 things it's still not usable for me. But of course it's still alpha version so we'll see

Or maybe... Column or NG playlist will have and cover art support

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #10
look amazing and a fresh new way

@Keikonium: thanx for the link 

i'll see if i implement it for my next skin, here is what it give without modify the basic layout :

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #11
@Hakubo: Use Middle click instead to select a group, and yes Ctrl doesn't work here, too.

Yes, I found middle-clicking options in the settings, but even so, it's one extra click to view properties of all tracks in an album, and no group-related way to select tracks from several groups.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #12
info: many crashes under panelsUI for me (on 'Hide All' action or on exit sometimes) when playing with pseudo transparency mode

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #13
New version is up. Things I've noticed so far since I can't read the change log (it's all garbled and messy @_@):

- Transparency no longer 'glitches' when scrolling.
- Added the ability to select all tracks in a group by middle/double clicking on the header.
- I did experience one crash with the previous version, but as hard as I am trying I can't get this one to crash... so hopefully the crashes are fixed for you too Falstaff (I'm using PUI also).
- Seems like something changed to the %_is_hide% code... but no idea what lol.
Song List:

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #14
New version is up. Things I've noticed so far since I can't read the change log (it's all garbled and messy @_@):

- Transparency no longer 'glitches' when scrolling.
- Added the ability to select all tracks in a group by middle/double clicking on the header.
- I did experience one crash with the previous version, but as hard as I am trying I can't get this one to crash... so hopefully the crashes are fixed for you too Falstaff (I'm using PUI also).
- Seems like something changed to the %_is_hide% code... but no idea what lol.

i've leave 'cause it was unstable, i try new release immediatly  i hope it's fixed !

New version is up. Things I've noticed so far since I can't read the change log (it's all garbled and messy @_@):

- Transparency no longer 'glitches' when scrolling.
- Added the ability to select all tracks in a group by middle/double clicking on the header.
- I did experience one crash with the previous version, but as hard as I am trying I can't get this one to crash... so hopefully the crashes are fixed for you too Falstaff (I'm using PUI also).
- Seems like something changed to the %_is_hide% code... but no idea what lol.

i've leave 'cause it was unstable, i try new release immediatly  i hope it's fixed !

more stable, but always bug window display on exiting foobar ===> metadb_handle leaks : n objects

where n is the number of tracks played before exiting 

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #15
Got the time to play around with it, here's my five minutes

I use panel stack splitter as the container, and it works fine over here except those things in my previous post are still the same.

A cool function that ppl may find useful is findfile, you can use it like this to get the cover path:
Code: [Select]

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #16
Very nice thuan .

New Release Notes from the website:

+ fixed:metadb_handle leak(perhaps... metadb_handle leak is not reproduced on my PC.)(v0.2.5.1a)
+ fixed:"hide items which have no group header" option's setting was lost on exiting(v0.2.5.1a)
Song List:

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #17
After I have set it up to look like my current SCPL ... Speed is awesome! much more than my old SCPL which I have optimized to the max. Really nice  And no more track "jumping" issue when use with autoplaylist!

Now, If he can only get rid of that flicker when change track,tag updated,ETC ... And drag and drop support.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #18
Yeah drag and drop would be nice, but it seems to be progressing nicely .

I have found one bug however. I need my 'columns' to be cut off with "..." if they are to long, so I have to use $drawtextex() instead of $drawtext(). However, $drawtextex() doesn't support the & character very well, so it looks weird. I'm hoping that's fixed in the next version.

Here is what my playlist looks like right now:
Song List:

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #19
Am I just too stupid?
I copied this plugin over to the Components directory, but it doesn't show up as alternative UI in "Display" nor anywhere else. It is listed on the components page, though.
Not compatible with maybe?
'ld love to use this, looks damn nice..

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #20
Am I just too stupid?
I copied this plugin over to the Components directory, but it doesn't show up as alternative UI in "Display". It is listed on the components page, though.
Not compatible with maybe?
'ld love to use this, looks damn nice..

It isn't a UI thats why it doesn't show up. It's a playlist view, so you put it into Columns UI (just like you would any other panel), or into Panels UI with the appropriate code.
Song List:

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #21
Knew it was something that easy..Thanks!

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #22
Awesome stuff, thanks for the link.

It would be nice if you could have more than one group level, eg artist then album as well- anyone know if this is possible, and how to do it- it doesn't look immediately possible?

Also, I noticed $drawstring and $drawtext seem to render text differently, $drawstring seems to be more rounded, maybe it's using cleartype? Anyone know if I can get rid of that?

(I'm not complaining or anything, this is a great add on!)

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #23
Something weird.. 

Using Vol.up & Vol.down multimedia key on my keyboard while EL Playlist is active, It's reduce my PC master volume AND foobar internal volume. Even though I don't set my hotkey to make it do that. Using another playlist will just reduce my PC master volume.

Never seen something like this in another playlist component so far.

@TomBarlow: use "noaa" option

$drawstring(%title%,18,2,237,,255-255-255,nowrap noaa)

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #24
Something weird.. 

Using Vol.up & Vol.down multimedia key on my keyboard while EL Playlist is active, It's reduce my PC master volume AND foobar internal volume. Even though I don't set my hotkey to make it do that. Using another playlist will just reduce my PC master volume.

Never seen something like this in another playlist component so far.

GAH @_@. It does it for me too. Weird :S.
Song List: