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Topic: Converting all my Flac files to Aiff... (Read 15144 times) previous topic - next topic
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Converting all my Flac files to Aiff...

But I`m locking for a converter that preserves the tags and embeded jpg file.I am trying this Audio transcoder,but the tag is npt in the final file.
Do you guys have any suggestions what program to use to get the tags to stay?
Allso I would like  suggestion on a tagsoftaware that can take Aiff (Mp3 tag can´t)

Converting all my Flac files to Aiff...

Reply #1
May I ask the reason why you want to do this?
Who are you and how did you get in here ?
I'm a locksmith, I'm a locksmith.

Converting all my Flac files to Aiff...

Reply #2
Well I hear (read) that people are saying that Aiff sounds better with Squeeze box...So I thought I give it a try.
But it seems hard to find a converter that keeps both the tags and the picture (jpg) during the convert.

Converting all my Flac files to Aiff...

Reply #3
Foobar2000 will allow you to convert FLAC to AIFF, it should keep the tags but not the cover art.

There should be no difference in sound quality because both formats are lossless. If i were you i would keep the FLACs and use the HD space you save for more music.
Who are you and how did you get in here ?
I'm a locksmith, I'm a locksmith.

Converting all my Flac files to Aiff...

Reply #4
Well I hear (read) that people are saying that Aiff sounds better with Squeeze box...So I thought I give it a try.
But it seems hard to find a converter that keeps both the tags and the picture (jpg) during the convert.

If you follow the link to the squeezebox site given in another post,  it says that squeezebox supports flac directly, but not AIFF.  That means the server has to  translate AIFF to a supported format (likely FLAC) on the fly.  So, why is it that AIFF sounds better?

This on-the-fly translation will screw you up if you want to scan forward or back through a song.

Converting all my Flac files to Aiff...

Reply #5
Well I hear (read) that people are saying that Aiff sounds better with Squeeze box...So I thought I give it a try.
But it seems hard to find a converter that keeps both the tags and the picture (jpg) during the convert.

I very much doubt that. By all means convert a couple of tracks and try it out but FLAC is lossless and is natively decoded by the SB itself. You'll find the same people that say things like that also think spending £200/m on speaker cable is the best upgrade they ever did to their system 

Converting all my Flac files to Aiff...

Reply #6
Well I hear (read) that people are saying that Aiff sounds better with Squeeze box...So I thought I give it a try.
Two invaluable hints: don’t believe everything you hear/read, especially if no evidence is provided; and feel free to investigate and conclude for yourself (after all, who else has your ears, and what better way to evaluate any claim?) using a double-blind ABX test. The requirement of evidence for claims is in keeping with #8 of Hydrogenaudio’s Terms of Service.

Converting all my Flac files to Aiff...

Reply #7
AIFF files basically just contain raw PCM, like WAVE (only in big-endian byte order, which is more efficient on non-intel hardware). FLAC (like most other formats) gets decoded to PCM on playback. The PCM FLAC gets decoded to is bit-by-bit identical to what the AIFF file contains. So unless Squeeze box introduces errors during decoding, there is no technical reason one would sound different from the other. AIFF files are just going to be some 40% larger, and don't have a well-supported means for storing metadata.

Converting all my Flac files to Aiff...

Reply #8
Well I hear (read) that people are saying that Aiff sounds better with Squeeze box...So I thought I give it a try.
But it seems hard to find a converter that keeps both the tags and the picture (jpg) during the convert.

I am around at the Slimdevices forum a while now and this nonsense comes up regulary. As always there is the theoretical explanation that decoding flac in the unit stresses the machine and sounds worse exactly because of this! End of rational discussion
When you read on these claims come from the same pinheads that hear a Router sounding different in front of the Squeezebox, Ethernet cables sound different and even Windows7 server sounds better as Linux with delivering the bits to the network over several stations....

So for heavens sake if you really don´t want flac used you may use all advantages but telling Squeezebox Server to transcode flac->wav on playback, so sending decoded PCM to the box.
If you attach a HD directly to the Squeezebox Touch things may be different.
Is troll-adiposity coming from feederism?
With 24bit music you can listen to silence much louder!

Converting all my Flac files to Aiff...

Reply #9
If i were you i would keep the FLACs and use the HD space you save for more music.

I think I´ll do that..I have done a couple of AIFF files I will listen to later.
And it´s alot of work konverting all files to AIFF.

Converting all my Flac files to Aiff...

Reply #10
I have done a couple of AIFF files I will listen to later.
In some effort to evaluate whether they sonically differ from their losslessly compressed parents? Be sure to use a blind ABX test, as described in the above links, in that case. You could supplement the confidence provided from its inevitable results by comparing both files with a bit-for-bit comparison that will demonstrate their identicality.


Converting all my Flac files to Aiff...

Reply #11
I am around at the Slimdevices forum a while now and this nonsense comes up regulary. As always there is the theoretical explanation that decoding flac in the unit stresses the machine and sounds worse exactly because of this! End of rational discussion
When you read on these claims come from the same pinheads that hear a Router sounding different in front of the Squeezebox, Ethernet cables sound different and even Windows7 server sounds better as Linux with delivering the bits to the network over several stations....

That's nothing. On a forum I read from time to time, there's a guy who has moved the wifi module outside the Squeezebox to "reduce interference". Then he  covered the entire inside of the device with bitumen and mu-metal. According to himself, the effect was "extreme jet-black background and more air around performers".

Loonies are all around us.