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Topic: 3rd party drivers for X-Fi Titanium (Read 5905 times) previous topic - next topic
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3rd party drivers for X-Fi Titanium

Appreciate suggestions on 3rd party drivers for the X-Fi Titanium that might improve recording sound?  I've never tried any, but read some swear by them.

Opinions of real value of 3rd party drivers for cards in this class?


3rd party drivers for X-Fi Titanium

Reply #1
I really don't see the point. Is something wrong with the recording made with original drivers?

3rd party drivers for X-Fi Titanium

Reply #2
Not that I know of.  But that means nothing.  I'm only repeating what I've read or been told directly.  I wouldn't know if made a diff until tried it, so asking for others' experience w/ using them.

Assume it's along same lines as 3rd party software for DSL routers that allow using open source firmware (like some Linksys).  Advanced users swear by those as well, claiming better control & even somewhat increased throughput.

3rd party drivers for X-Fi Titanium

Reply #3
Long time ago I used kx drivers with Soundblaster Live. Except for ASIO support, nothing else was really different.

3rd party drivers for X-Fi Titanium

Reply #4
AFAIK, those 3rd party 'driver' bundles made for Creative cards are rather hacks for to enable features in cards not having them enabled by the manufacturer than improvements in driver level (especially when talking 'bout quality improvements).

I would use ASIO, WDM/KS or WASAPI (Win7) driver models for recording .... but, that also depends on what type of audio I would be recording (live instruments into a sequencer/multitracking software (ASIO), audio from TT/Cassette/etc. similiar external devices (any available driver model), etc.).



3rd party drivers for X-Fi Titanium

Reply #5
AFAIK, those 3rd party 'driver' bundles made for Creative cards are rather hacks for to enable features in cards not having them enabled by the manufacturer than improvements in driver level (especially when talking 'bout quality improvements).

I would use ASIO, WDM/KS or WASAPI (Win7) driver models for recording .... but, that also depends on what type of audio I would be recording (live instruments into a sequencer/multitracking software (ASIO), audio from TT/Cassette/etc. similiar external devices (any available driver model), etc.).


Thanks all.

For recording LPs w/ best noise suppression results & least impact on music, are there "gold standards?"  I suppose the most accurate would be record w/ no suppression, then test various prgms / techniques.  I have the Nero 9 full suite - there are many others, even free.

For extracting CD audio, EAC seems to have more options than Nero.  Though I've never compared note for note, Nero at it's best settings w/ EAC on its highest accuracy for ripping a CD w/ some scratches.

Re:  ASIO - I'm familiar w/ concept of latency & read up a bit on ASIO4all.  As mentioned, may not be much of an issue recording from LP / similar analog sources, or digital input directly to sound card.  That's my main focus now, though may  do some live recording later.

This card & driver ver supports ASIO.  Question is, in many recent, full featured recording prgms, would ASIO be an option to enable / disable, or just "used" by the software, if supported?  I've looked at a couple & documentation & don't find reference.  Just X-Fi's specs that it supports ASIO.

3rd party drivers for X-Fi Titanium

Reply #6
This card & driver ver supports ASIO. Question is, in many recent, full featured recording prgms, would ASIO be an option to enable / disable, or just "used" by the software, if supported? I've looked at a couple & documentation & don't find reference. Just X-Fi's specs that it supports ASIO.

It's an option in those software that are ASIO compatible.
Here's an example:

Audacity as for an example, isn't ASIO compatible recording software.


3rd party drivers for X-Fi Titanium

Reply #7
Thanks Juha,
Very interesting.  I'm not an expert on (modern) recording software - obviously.  Back in the day - way back... on equipment, maybe.
Which prgm is in the posted image?

I've looked most of Nero 10's documentation & in spite of its bells / whistles, find nothing.  Nothing in the software incl w/ the X-Fi card (not surprising).  May not need that feature so much now, just curious for future.

3rd party drivers for X-Fi Titanium

Reply #8
Which prgm is in the posted image?

It's just a player software called Native Instruments TRAKTOR... .

I've looked most of Nero 10's documentation & in spite of its bells / whistles, find nothing. Nothing in the software incl w/ the X-Fi card (not surprising). May not need that feature so much now, just curious for future.

AFAIK, Nero isn't ASIO compatible software ... same state with the recording software bundled with X-Fi (though, I have not checked if the new Wave Studio is ASIO compatible).

If you don't have some other multitracking/sequencer software (from Cakewalk, Steinberg, Ableton, etc.) in hands, I suggest to start with Coscos Reaper which is easy to use and capable ASIO compatible software.
