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Topic: any way to tell which compression method was used? (Read 7410 times) previous topic - next topic
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any way to tell which compression method was used?

Is there any way to figure out what compression mode was used? (ie. fast, high, extra high)

i want to make sure anything i download is extra high, and if its not, transcode it to extra high as not to waste space...

any way to tell which compression method was used?

Reply #1
alt-3 (view file info) in winamp w/ APE plugin works for this.  Would be nice if fb2k showed it somewhere...

any way to tell which compression method was used?

Reply #2
alt-3 (view file info) in winamp w/ APE plugin works for this.  Would be nice if fb2k showed it somewhere...

ahh... thanks...

*heads to the fb2k forum to ask about adding foobar2k support for this*

any way to tell which compression method was used?

Reply #3
Strange... I was tending to think (reading numerous topics on this board) that F2K is THE ULTIMATE PLAYER, while WinAmp definitely sucks...
How come that WinAmp shows that info, and F2K not?

any way to tell which compression method was used?

Reply #4
dBpowerAMP Music Converter, hold the mouse over the APE file.

any way to tell which compression method was used?

Reply #5
Strange... I was tending to think (reading numerous topics on this board) that F2K is THE ULTIMATE PLAYER, while WinAmp definitely sucks...
How come that WinAmp shows that info, and F2K not?

Because it is, as you said, "The Ultimate Player".

any way to tell which compression method was used?

Reply #6
foobar2000 shows that info in the properties-box...

any way to tell which compression method was used?

Reply #7
Perhaps 3 years ago it didn't, nice resurrecting a 3 year old thread.

any way to tell which compression method was used?

Reply #8
Whoops my bad... how do I end up with a 3-yr old thread??

Note to self: Do a triple-check before posting when you're in the midst of installing troubleshooting Windows 2003 Server...

any way to tell which compression method was used?

Reply #9
Windows 2003 server indeed.
err... i'm not using windows any more ;)