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Topic: foo_cue_ex (Read 49098 times) previous topic - next topic
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"This tiny little thingy allows you to store/read meta information in CUE sheets. No more database dependence! Put all your GENRE, DATE, COMMENT etc. tags straight in CUE. For melo-maniacs..
Also supports playlist->cue export/saving feature."

I cannot for the life of me see how to create a cuesheet from the current playlist

If I go to save the playlist I just get the options of fpl, m3u and m3u8.  If I right-click on the items I get nothing.  Nothing in the Components menu item.

Can someone explain where I should be looking please?
I'm on a horse.


Reply #1
Check the Components menu, there are two new options there


Reply #2
Check the Components menu, there are two new options there
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=286013"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I am unable to find the "playlist->cue export/saving" feature in the plug-in, to generate a cuesheet from a playlist of mp3 files. I've searched for it all the menus (including the components menu) and context sensitive menus. I even looked for it in from the list of items to add in the context menu and main menu. I tried to find the menu options on two separate machines with similar, but not exact foobar2000 installations.

Here are the details of my foobar2000 setup:
- WinXP Sp2, with all the common updates
- latest special installer with complete installation
- I'm using the columns_ui component
- I'm using the latest version of foo_cue_ex (1.3.2)

Does anyone know what's going on or what I'm doing wrong?


Reply #3
Check the Components menu, there are two new options there

Mine simply has:

Show console
Play audio CD...

Can those that can see extra options confirm what version they are using?  Can anyone point me to all earlier versions/an earlier version?

In Preferences, if I go to Component libraries, foo_cue_ex is listed.  However, it is not listed in the Components list (item below in treeview).

However, the same can be said for foo_bitcompare, and that works.

Edit: 1.3.2 here also (recently downloaded from
I'm on a horse.


Reply #4
In Preferences, if I go to Component libraries, foo_cue_ex is listed.  However, it is not listed in the Components list (item below in treeview).

Same here. I have quite a few more items in the components menu:

Cloumns UI
Extended Search
Extended Playlist Generator
Playlist Generator
Search Command
Database Search
Show Console
Play audio CD
Album List
Open XA files...
Add XA files...



Reply #5
Another question, as I can't test for myself:

When you create the cuesheet can you choose to treat all items in the playlist as one source, even if they aren't?

I have seen an example of a foo_cue_ex-created cuesheet in this post, and it treats all source files as separate (so you have multiple FILE commands each with one TRACK with an INDEX 01 of 00:00:00).

However, the reason I want to use foo_cue_ex is to merge many files into one (n track files -> image file with cuesheet).  I can use Diskwriter to merge the tracks into one but without an accompanying cuesheet this will be useless.

So, I need to be able to say to foo_cue_ex "Look, I know these are currently separate files but write the cuesheet as if the songs are all tracks from one file".  I can then use Diskwriter to make them all one file.
I'm on a horse.


Reply #6
In Preferences, if I go to Component libraries, foo_cue_ex is listed.  However, it is not listed in the Components list (item below in treeview).

Same here. I have quite a few more items in the components menu:

Cloumns UI
Extended Search
Extended Playlist Generator
Playlist Generator
Search Command
Database Search
Show Console
Play audio CD
Album List
Open XA files...
Add XA files...

[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=286081"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I too am having the same type problem with "foo_cue_ex", so I sent an email out to WigBaM (the author), to check if there is a problem with the Jan 05 update. If I recall correctly, this plugin did allow you to save a playlist as a cuesheet. I asked the the author to reply to my email here at the forum. Hopefully, he will reply soon.
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"


Reply #7
NB: I have just completed the alpha of a little VB app that will do what I want.

You drop a folder of (track) WAVE files onto the EXE and it merges them all into an one (image) WAVE file, and creates the accompanying cuesheet.

I've tested it against track WAVES that started off as a image with cue sheet and it all ties up nice and tidy (the original cue and new cue are identical, as are the image files).

I need to test a little more and make it a little more user-friendly before release.

I'll post a link in the next day or so in case anyone else finds it useful.
I'm on a horse.


Reply #8
I'll post a link in the next day or so in case anyone else finds it useful.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=286459"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I would surely be interested, so i'm looking forward to test it.


Reply #9
OK, you can download the beta here.

To run it, either drag a folder onto the EXE, or call it from the command line using CUEMAKE.EXE <folder path>.

CUEMAKE will create a new WAVE file in that folder (CDImage.wav) by merging all WAVE files within the folder, and create an accompanying cuesheet (CDImage.cue).

The WAVE files will be merged in alphabetical order.  CUEMAKE expects the folder/file setup to be <artist>\<album>\<tracknumber> - <title>.wav.  If your files are in this format CUEMAKE will correctly add PERFORMER and TITLE meta data to the cusheet.

If there is enough interest for a future release my intention is to allow users to specify this mask, to fit the path scheme that they use.

E.g.: If you drag a folder called "C:\My Music\Green Day\American Idiot", and that folder contains all the tracks in the format "01 - American Idiot.wav", "02 - Jesus Of Suburbia.wav", etc. the artist will be set to "Green Day", the album to "American Idiot", track 1's title to "American Idiot", track 2's title to "Jesus Of Suburbia", etc.

Please read the readme for an up-to-date explanation (the above is now misleading).

I have tested this by splitting an image file (with cuesheet) into tracks using Foobar, and then using CUEMAKE to glue them back together again.  The cuesheet timings are exactly the same, Foobar reports the WAVE files to be bit-identical, the filesizes are exactly the same according to Explorer, and my Hex editor says the files are identical.

All suggestions for improvement welcome.

The application is written in VB6, and references the Microsoft Scripting Runtime (FileSystem object).

If you haven't installed (m)any VB applications on your PC you may need to install one or both of the following to get it to run:
I'm on a horse.


Reply #10
Cool, thanks. I'll test it on some albums and let you know if I found something strange.


Reply #11
Cool, thanks. I'll test it on some albums and let you know if I found something strange.

Yes, please do. Bear in mind it is still in beta. 

I have now uploaded version 0.2.  You can still get the previous version here.

This one will let you specify the mask for naming.

If you double click on the EXE the GUI (above) will appear.  This lets you create masks from which to add PERFORMER/TITLE meta data to the cuesheet.

You can save masks to an INI file and then select them from the dropdown list.  The mask visible in the dropdown when the GUI is closed using the OK button is the mask used when CueMake runs.  If there's no INI file (i.e.: no settings have been saved) the mask shown above will be used. You can now also drag a folder onto a blank area of the dialogue to process that folder.

This means that if your files are named:

"Green Day - American Idiot - Jesus of Suburbia - Track 02.wav"

... you can correctly populate the cuesheet meta data by specifying a mask of:

%artist% - %album% - %title% - Track %tracknumber%.wav

Use an empty tag (%%) to discard variable data.  E.g.: if you had year or genre information in all your track files, like:

"Rock - Green Day_American Idiot_2004 - Jesus of Suburbia, Track 02.wav"

... you could use:

%% - %artist%_%album%_%% - %title%, Track %tracknumber%.wav

Before merging, files will be sorted by tracknumber where available - or file path if the mask for some reason doesn't contain a %tracknumber% tag (which may be foolish).

Available tags for the mask are:
  • %album artist%
  • %album%
  • %tracknumber%
  • %artist%
  • %title%
Again, all feedback/suggestions for improvements welcome.  However, to preempt an obvious question, I really don't have the time to get this to work with any other files than WAVE (e.g.: MP3 or APE).  I will be using this app for lossless files, and I'm quite happy to decode to WAVE before the merge, and then encode back to lossless.  I'm afraid I just don't have the free time to learn how to do this with other files - WAVE files are a piece of cake to work with.
I'm on a horse.


Reply #12
Cool, thanks. I'll test it on some albums and let you know if I found something strange.

Yes, please do. Bear in mind it is still in beta. 

I have now uploaded version 0.2.  You can still get the previous version here.

This one will let you specify the mask for naming.

If you double click on the EXE the GUI (above) will appear.  This lets you create masks from which to add PERFORMER/TITLE meta data to the cuesheet.

You can save masks to an INI file and then select from the dropdown list.  The mask visible in the dropdown when the GUI is closed using the OK button is the mask used when CueMake runs.  If there's no INI file (i.e.: no settings have been saved) the mask shown above will be used. You can now also drag a folder onto a blank area of the dialogue to process that folder.

This means that if you files are named:

"Green Day - American Idiot - Jesus of Suburbia - Track 02.wav"

... you can correctly populate the cuesheet meta data by specifying a mask of:

%artist% - %album% - %title% - Track %tracknumber%.wav

Use an empty tag (%%) to discard variable data.  E.g.: if you had year or genre information in all your track files, like:

"Rock - Green Day_American Idiot _2004 - Jesus of Suburbia, Track 02.wav"

... you could use:

%% - %artist%_%album% _%% - %title%, Track %tracknumber%.wav

Before merging, files will be sorted by tracknumber where available - or file path if the mask for some reason doesn't contain a %tracknumber% tag (which may be foolish).

Available tags for the mask are:
  • %album artist%
  • %album%
  • %tracknumber%
  • %artist%
  • %title%
Again, all feedback/suggestions for improvements welcome.  However, to preempt an obvious question, I really don't have the time to get this to work with any other files than WAVE (e.g.: MP3 or APE).  I will be using this app for lossless files, and I'm quite happy to decode to WAVE before the merge, and then encode back to lossless.  I'm afraid I just don't have the free time to learn how to do this with other files - WAVE files are a piece of cake to work with.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=286759"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Hi Neil,

I am getting this error message "404 Not Found
There was no page found at this location. You may wish to report this to the owner of the site." when trying to access version 0.2.


Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"


Reply #13
Hi Neil,

I am getting this error message "404 Not Found
There was no page found at this location. You may wish to report this to the owner of the site." when trying to access version 0.2.



Thanks for the report Dirk.

I'm so used to using Windows servers I forgot about the case sensitivity of UNIX/LINUX (which I assume my free hosting is).  I had named the file but the link was to 

Both are there now.
I'm on a horse.


Reply #14
Hi Neil,

I am getting this error message "404 Not Found
There was no page found at this location. You may wish to report this to the owner of the site." when trying to access version 0.2.



Thanks for the report Dirk.

I'm so used to using Windows servers I forgot about the case sensitivity of UNIX/LINUX (which I assume my free hosting is).  I had named the file but the link was to 

Both are there now.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=286865"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Hi Neil,

V0.2 downloaded fine this morning. I did play with v0.1 last night and it worked like a dream. A very cool program, Thanks! 
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"


Reply #15
Hi Neil,

V0.2 downloaded fine this morning. I did play with v0.1 last night and it worked like a dream. A very cool program, Thanks! 

No problem.  It's good to know it may be of use to someone else.

The file reading/writing code has not changed at all since 0.1 - it's all down to the new file path masking options.  I just went ahead and did this as I was interested in coding the masking system.  It seems to be working fine - I haven't been able to trip it up yet.  If anyone does, I would be very grateful if you could please post the mask and the file paths used to this thread (which I'm now tracking).

The main benefit of the masking setup in 0.2 is that files don't have to be in track order.  0.1 will just append files in alphabetical order, so you have to ensure that the tracknumber is the first part of the filename (e.g.: "01 - Title.wav").  0.2 finds all the WAVE files, records their meta data using the mask, and then sorts them by tracknumber (or path as a last resort) - so a filename of "Title - 01.wav" is fine, providing your mask is correct.

I'm working on 0.3 now, but it's just minor updates on the GUI.  I've added the ability to delete the track files and/or play a sound on completion (see screenshot below).  I think that will be it for a while then.

I'll upload it in the next day or so.
I'm on a horse.


Reply #16
You say you use Diskwriter to merge separate tracks into one big mp3.

I am curious to know if there is any quality loss in this process ie is there a re-encode happening anywhere.


Reply #17
You say you use Diskwriter to merge separate tracks into one big mp3.

I am curious to know if there is any quality loss in this process ie is there a re-encode happening anywhere.

No, I was referring to WAVE or lossless files.

If you merge MP3s using Foobar you will just end up re-encoding, so it's really not advisable.

If you want to merge MP3s I suggest you check out some of these threads:
I'm on a horse.


Reply #18
I always thought the fbl playlist files kept all the tag info within the fbl file itself. You can see them if you open it in a hex editor.


Reply #19
I always thought the fbl playlist files kept all the tag info within the fbl file itself. You can see them if you open it in a hex editor.

If you could point me to the spec for the fpl format that may be helpful.

I can see the obvious character information in my hex editor, but there is some numeric data also.

I searched and found this thread to be the most informative (not very).  It seems some of the info is replay gain data.  I would assume some of this may also be timing information - which would be great - if I knew which bytes.
I'm on a horse.


Reply #20
Version 0.3 of CueMake has now been uploaded.  The readme is here.

Thanks to some feedback from drbeachboy via email I have updated the GetTimeFromBytes() function.  It now uses the number of bytes, channels, bits per sample and sample rate to calculate the cuesheet timings.  The previous function used a constant of 2352 to determine the number of frames - but this will only work for 16 bit stereo 44.1KHz (i.e.: CD quality) files.

This means CueMake should now theoretically work with 48000Hz and/or 24bit WAVEs, but I haven't really been able to test.  I tried testing by resampling from Foobar to 48KHz using the Secret Rabbit Code DSP and Diskwriter - but the resulting files are not equal in length to their sources, so a comparison is impossible (bear this in mind please drbeachboy!).  I did download one 48KHz WAVE and the the cuesheet time was accurate for that one track - but I'm not calling that comprehensive testing.

I'm not familiar with such things, but if anyone can tell me how I can create some 48KHz WAVEs from a CD or some other useful source it would be appreciated.

Ciao Now Brown Cow.

Edit: I feel I should point out that a Foobar component to create an accurate cuesheet from a Foobar playlist could be a lot more useful.  This would be so easy for a C++ programmer only vaguely familiar with the Foobar SDK.  However, until one materialises, I'm using CueMake.

Edit 2: I have since used SSRC to resample an image file to 16 bit 48000Hz, 16 bit 32000Hz, 24 bit 44100Hz and 24 bit 32000Hz WAVE files.  I have used Diskwriter and the images cuesheet to split them into track WAVEs.  I have then used CueMake to merge the tracks back together.  The cuesheets all match.  One curiousity is, however, that the 32000Hz files' samples are not an exact multiplication of 75, unlike the 44100Hz and 48000Hz (both 16 and 24 bit).  If anyone can tell me why this may, please do.  If anyone is interested, the report from one of my tests is below.

Code: [Select]
Bytes: 0
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 0
Seconds: 0
Time: 00:00:00
Bytes: 44378452
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 11094613
Seconds: 346.70665625
Time: 05:46:53
Bytes: 75523412
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 18880853
Seconds: 590.02665625
Time: 09:50:02
Bytes: 109315412
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 27328853
Seconds: 854.02665625
Time: 14:14:02
Bytes: 144795304
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 36198826
Seconds: 1131.2133125
Time: 18:51:16
Bytes: 177996796
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 44499199
Seconds: 1390.59996875
Time: 23:10:45
Bytes: 210148688
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 52537172
Seconds: 1641.786625
Time: 27:21:59
Bytes: 228078928
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 57019732
Seconds: 1781.866625
Time: 29:41:65
Bytes: 260464636
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 65116159
Seconds: 2034.87996875
Time: 33:54:66
Bytes: 272534184
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 68133546
Seconds: 2129.1733125
Time: 35:29:13
Bytes: 311304532
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 77826133
Seconds: 2432.06665625
Time: 40:32:05

Bytes: 0
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 0
Seconds: 0
Time: 00:00:00
Bytes: 61159056
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 15289764
Seconds: 346.706666666667
Time: 05:46:53
Bytes: 104080704
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 26020176
Seconds: 590.026666666667
Time: 09:50:02
Bytes: 150650304
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 37662576
Seconds: 854.026666666667
Time: 14:14:02
Bytes: 199546032
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 49886508
Seconds: 1131.21333333333
Time: 18:51:16
Bytes: 245301840
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 61325460
Seconds: 1390.6
Time: 23:10:45
Bytes: 289611168
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 72402792
Seconds: 1641.78666666667
Time: 27:21:59
Bytes: 314321280
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 78580320
Seconds: 1781.86666666667
Time: 29:41:65
Bytes: 358952832
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 89738208
Seconds: 2034.88
Time: 33:54:66
Bytes: 375586176
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 93896544
Seconds: 2129.17333333333
Time: 35:29:13
Bytes: 429016560
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 107254140
Seconds: 2432.06666666667
Time: 40:32:05

Bytes: 0
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 48000
Samples: 0
Seconds: 0
Time: 00:00:00
Bytes: 66567680
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 48000
Samples: 16641920
Seconds: 346.706666666667
Time: 05:46:53
Bytes: 113285120
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 48000
Samples: 28321280
Seconds: 590.026666666667
Time: 09:50:02
Bytes: 163973120
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 48000
Samples: 40993280
Seconds: 854.026666666667
Time: 14:14:02
Bytes: 217192960
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 48000
Samples: 54298240
Seconds: 1131.21333333333
Time: 18:51:16
Bytes: 266995200
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 48000
Samples: 66748800
Seconds: 1390.6
Time: 23:10:45
Bytes: 315223040
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 48000
Samples: 78805760
Seconds: 1641.78666666667
Time: 27:21:59
Bytes: 342118400
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 48000
Samples: 85529600
Seconds: 1781.86666666667
Time: 29:41:65
Bytes: 390696960
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 48000
Samples: 97674240
Seconds: 2034.88
Time: 33:54:66
Bytes: 408801280
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 48000
Samples: 102200320
Seconds: 2129.17333333333
Time: 35:29:13
Bytes: 466956800
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 16
SampleRate: 48000
Samples: 116739200
Seconds: 2432.06666666667
Time: 40:32:05

Bytes: 0
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 0
Seconds: 0
Time: 00:00:00
Bytes: 91738584
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 15289764
Seconds: 346.706666666667
Time: 05:46:53
Bytes: 156121056
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 26020176
Seconds: 590.026666666667
Time: 09:50:02
Bytes: 225975456
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 37662576
Seconds: 854.026666666667
Time: 14:14:02
Bytes: 299319048
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 49886508
Seconds: 1131.21333333333
Time: 18:51:16
Bytes: 367952760
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 61325460
Seconds: 1390.6
Time: 23:10:45
Bytes: 434416752
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 72402792
Seconds: 1641.78666666667
Time: 27:21:59
Bytes: 471481920
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 78580320
Seconds: 1781.86666666667
Time: 29:41:65
Bytes: 538429248
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 89738208
Seconds: 2034.88
Time: 33:54:66
Bytes: 563379264
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 93896544
Seconds: 2129.17333333333
Time: 35:29:13
Bytes: 643524840
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 44100
Samples: 107254140
Seconds: 2432.06666666667
Time: 40:32:05

Bytes: 0
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 0
Seconds: 0
Time: 00:00:00
Bytes: 66567678
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 11094613
Seconds: 346.70665625
Time: 05:46:53
Bytes: 113285118
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 18880853
Seconds: 590.02665625
Time: 09:50:02
Bytes: 163973118
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 27328853
Seconds: 854.02665625
Time: 14:14:02
Bytes: 217192956
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 36198826
Seconds: 1131.2133125
Time: 18:51:16
Bytes: 266995194
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 44499199
Seconds: 1390.59996875
Time: 23:10:45
Bytes: 315223032
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 52537172
Seconds: 1641.786625
Time: 27:21:59
Bytes: 342118392
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 57019732
Seconds: 1781.866625
Time: 29:41:65
Bytes: 390696954
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 65116159
Seconds: 2034.87996875
Time: 33:54:66
Bytes: 408801276
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 68133546
Seconds: 2129.1733125
Time: 35:29:13
Bytes: 466956798
Channels: 2
BitsPerSample: 24
SampleRate: 32000
Samples: 77826133
Seconds: 2432.06665625
Time: 40:32:05
I'm on a horse.


Reply #21
Hi Neil,

Did something change internally with version 0.3? I'm getting run-time error 339
"Component 'COMDLG32.OCX or one its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid."

I did not get this error with versions 0.1 or 0.2.

Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"



Reply #22
Hi Neil,

Did something change internally with version 0.3? I'm getting run-time error 339
"Component 'COMDLG32.OCX or one its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid."

I did not get this error with versions 0.1 or 0.2.


Ah, that will be because I'm using the Common Dialogue (for the file open dialogue that is used to select the sounds file).

I think you will need to install the VB6 runtimes to resolve this.
I'm on a horse.


Reply #23

Personally, I don't like having to install complimentary files to be able to run an application, so I've created CueMake Lite that goes back to the most simple GUI with mask selector (no Common Dialogue control used).  I could have kept everything else, but I thought I may as well go the whole hog and have one basic version, and one that will get all the bells and whistles.

This should mean that you can use this version with no further installs.

I'm a little confused how you could run version 0.1 and 0.2 and not 0.3 - I assume the Common Dialogue control I used is a version 6 control, and you have earlier runtimes installed.  If this is the case you may as well install the updated runtimes anyway.

As far as I am aware, even version 0.1 will require the VB6 runtimes, and Windows Script 5.6+
I'm on a horse.


Reply #24

Personally, I don't like having to install complimentary files to be able to run an application, so I've created CueMake Lite that goes back to the most simple GUI with mask selector (no Common Dialogue control used).  I could have kept everything else, but I thought I may as well go the whole hog and have one basic version, and one that will get all the bells and whistles.

This should mean that you can use this version with no further installs.

I'm a little confused how you could run version 0.1 and 0.2 and not 0.3 - I assume the Common Dialogue control I used is a version 6 control, and you have earlier runtimes installed.  If this is the case you may as well install the updated runtimes anyway.

As far as I am aware, even version 0.1 will require the VB6 runtimes, and Windows Script 5.6+
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Hi Neil,

Version 0.3 wouldn't run on my work computer and I cannot update it, as I do not have admin privileges. So, the computer must have been updated enough to run versions 0.1 & 0.2, but not for 0.3.

Here at home all versions run fine, as I keep my own computer always up to date. I'll download the new basic version on Monday when I'm back at work and make sure it runs ok. Thanks for making both versions, as I will use it at work almost as much as at home.


Edit: As expected, CueMakeLite is running fine on my work computer. Thanks, Neil!
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"