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Topic: Portable support for MPC at hand (Read 14279 times) previous topic - next topic
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Portable support for MPC at hand

Pocket Player is an audio player for Pocket PC. The company behind it, Conduits, has released since version 2.51 a SDK that allows the development of decoding plugins for this player.

Since the musepack project is now open source, it shouldn't be too complicated for someone (Lefungus comes to my mind ) to make a musepack decoder for Pocket Player. This would make the PocketPC the first widely available portable platform to support MPC.

The SDK page is here.

Portable support for MPC at hand

Reply #1
Both AeroPlayer and Pocket Tunes, for Palm OS, can be extended through plug-ins, although I have not seen it in practice yet.

I'd love some HE/LC-AAC player. An MPC-player would be also very nice.

Portable support for MPC at hand

Reply #2
As there is a great Pocket PC player for video files hosted on, its really a pitty we didnt succeed to support more Corecodec formats on it, like MPC, TTA and Wavpack  ...... lets talk to Picard again, maybe he can help ......

Portable support for MPC at hand

Reply #3
As there is a great Pocket PC player for video files hosted on, its really a pitty we didnt succeed to support more Corecodec formats on it, like MPC, TTA and Wavpack  ...... lets talk to Picard again, maybe he can help ......

AFAIK, MPC is coming soon for BetaPlayer 

[a href="]Look here[/url]
Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by spontaneously moving from where you left them to where you can't find them.

Portable support for MPC at hand

Reply #4
Both AeroPlayer and Pocket Tunes, for Palm OS, can be extended through plug-ins, although I have not seen it in practice yet.

I'd love some HE/LC-AAC player. An MPC-player would be also very nice.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=225126"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Hmmm, I see, but from what I saw in the pages of those two programs, no SDK is provided for plugin development, which probably makes it a little bit more complicated.

AFAIK, MPC is coming soon for BetaPlayer smile.gif

Wow, that's great news. BetaPlayer being freeware certainly helps, too. However, from what I've been seeing, BetaPlayer interface, which is more optimized for movie playback than audio, doesn't even come close to Pocket Player's and also lacks many useful features that Pocket Player has, being an audio-only player.
I know, the player is still in diapers, but even so it's going to take quite long to get to the level of sophistication of Pocket Player.

Portable support for MPC at hand

Reply #5
Both AeroPlayer and Pocket Tunes, for Palm OS, can be extended through plug-ins, although I have not seen it in practice yet.

I have contacted the developers of both programs. Pocket Tunes developer said he would send me a sample API some time ago. When I recently sent an email to him again, I was told he was on vacation. So don't count on Pocket Tunes for MPC support.

AeroPlayer developers sounded more interested, and asked me a bunch of questions, which I did my best to answer. But I haven't heard from them since. It seems like they're planning something though.

We talked about it and we'll certainly look into it when we get some time.

Portable support for MPC at hand

Reply #6
Both AeroPlayer and Pocket Tunes, for Palm OS, can be extended through plug-ins, although I have not seen it in practice yet.

I have contacted the developers of both programs. Pocket Tunes developer said he would send me a sample API some time ago. When I recently sent an email to him again, I was told he was on vacation. So don't count on Pocket Tunes for MPC support.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=225291"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

It's disappointing, because the developpers of Pocket Tunes seem very open to costumers and, eventually, other developpers. They even run a mail list, where they listen to a lot of suggestions and complaints.

Portable support for MPC at hand

Reply #7
As there is a great Pocket PC player for video files hosted on, its really a pitty we didnt succeed to support more Corecodec formats on it, like MPC, TTA and Wavpack  ...... lets talk to Picard again, maybe he can help ......

Along these lines I have updated the "tiny" decoder for WavPack, eliminating the floating-point (or 64-bit int) requirement altogether (even for 20 and 24-bit files). I think this code should be able to run in just about any device.

[a href="][/url]

Portable support for MPC at hand

Reply #8
Really interesting!
Thanks Bryant!

Btw, does it handle hybrid + correction files?
Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by spontaneously moving from where you left them to where you can't find them.

Portable support for MPC at hand

Reply #9
Btw, does it handles hybrid + correction files?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=225954"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

No. I wanted to create the smallest possible package and handling the correction file is a major complication (of course it does handle hybrid lossy). If a player can handle two streams at the same time then it should use the regular decoder (and get pre-4.0 support and all the other goodies).


Portable support for MPC at hand

Reply #10
I have contacted the developers of both programs. Pocket Tunes developer said he would send me a sample API some time ago. When I recently sent an email to him again, I was told he was on vacation. So don't count on Pocket Tunes for MPC support.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=225291"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I've got an answer by Tim Norman, Pocket-Tunes' developper and owner, to an email sent to their mail-list, describing this situation. With his permission, I copy it here:

>    The point is that people want to have Musepack support,
> even if it is developped by independent programmers. But
> someone has complained of lack of response from Pocket Tunes.
>    Shouldn't this API be available freely on the site, to
> allow anyone to improve the player?

We are working on some sample code, documentation, and license agreement for
the API.  Have patience; I just returned from vacation and am doing my best
to catch up.

We're very interested in providing support for this API so that others can
add file formats that we may not have the time to work on.

Take care,
Tim Norman
NormSoft, Inc.

So, I hope people interested on this kind of development don't give up too early... Wouldn't it be terrible if the dark side (PocketPC) got MPC support before PalmOS? And I still dream with AAC-support. I would give up any iPod myself.

Portable support for MPC at hand

Reply #11
AFAIK, MPC is coming soon for BetaPlayer smile.gif

Right now I am playing mpc files on my Asus A620 using latest "unstable" version of BetaPlayer and mpc plugin... 

link: BetaPlayer

look in "additional plugins"...


Portable support for MPC at hand

Reply #12
This is what I got from my last correspondence with Pocket Tunes developers. I think they're very approachable. As it says the API will change for the upcoming version, thus they cannot provide a concrete API information now.

Hopefully more devices will be available with a well documented platform in order for 3rd party plugins/software to access. If MPC is not supported at the moment it's because of the failure of vendors to provide such a documentation.
The object of mankind lies in its highest individuals.
One must have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.

Portable support for MPC at hand

Reply #13
AFAIK, MPC is coming soon for BetaPlayer smile.gif

Right now I am playing mpc files on my Asus A620 using latest "unstable" version of BetaPlayer and mpc plugin... 

link: BetaPlayer

look in "additional plugins"...


[a href="]Already known[/url]
Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by spontaneously moving from where you left them to where you can't find them.

Portable support for MPC at hand

Reply #15
Us poor palm owners, who will think of us?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=232147"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I second you on that.