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Topic: FLAC button in Total Commander (Read 4912 times) previous topic - next topic
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FLAC button in Total Commander

Hello all.

If anyone could help me, that would be great, because I don't know what I am doing wrong.

I am trying to make FLAC button in Total Commander for converting selected wav files to FLACs. I've found an example for wavpack, and I started from that:

COMMAND "c:\Program Files (x86)\Encoders\wavpack.exe"
START PATH c:\Program Files (x86)\Encoders\

but when I exchange command to flac.exe (it's in the same folder) and remove in parameters everything left of @ and place just -6 for compression mode, nothing happens. I can, however, drag'n'drop single file to that button, and it will work, but I want to make a selection of few files and pressing button, to convert them into same folder.

Can anyone help?

FLAC button in Total Commander

Reply #1
Total Commander online help: Dialog box: Change Start Menu (TC main menu - Start - Change Start menu, press F1)

%S insert the names of all selected files into the command line. Names containing spaces will be surrounded by double quotes. Please note the maximum command line length of 32767 characters.
%S10 insert the names of the first 10 selected files (max.) into the command line. Allows to limit the number of file names passed to the program. You can use any other number.

FLAC does not support input lists defined via @listname. But it does accept multiple input files at once.

Code: [Select]
COMMAND "c:\Program Files (x86)\Encoders\flac.exe"
START PATH (no entry required - leave blank)

FLAC button in Total Commander

Reply #2
Thank you very much - I didn't realise it doesn't accept input files like wavpack does. Shame on me.
If added --delete-input-file in fornt of parameter, it does exactly what I want.
Thank you again, deus-ex.


Re: FLAC button in Total Commander

Reply #3
Hello all
I have the same problem with the configuration of codec APE. I tried to apply the above parameters but unfortunately it did not work.
Code: [Select]
COMMAND "C:\Program Files (x86)\Monkey's Audio\MAC.exe"
Can you help me with the configuration?
Best regards

Re: FLAC button in Total Commander

Reply #4
You need to add %S to the parameters. %S is a placeholder for the filenames selected in Total Commander's active file panel.

Re: FLAC button in Total Commander

Reply #5
You need to add %S to the parameters. %S is a placeholder for the filenames selected in Total Commander's active file panel.
Thank for Your answer
Of course, I've tried this parameter before but unfortunately without success  :'(
Code: [Select]
COMMAND "C:\Program Files (x86)\Monkey's Audio\MAC.exe"
Do you have any ideas how to solve this problem? I will be grateful for any advice.
Best Regards

Re: FLAC button in Total Commander

Reply #6
Did you actually check the command-line help of MAC.exe for the proper syntax? I just downloaded the encoder only to check it for you. Also, Total Commander provides an excellent online help describing the great set of parameters for command-line processing.

Here's the proper command-line. It encodes the currently highlighted file to the same folder of the input file:
Code: [Select]
PARAMETERS:%N "%O.ape" -c2000

Re: FLAC button in Total Commander

Reply #7
Did you actually check the command-line help of MAC.exe for the proper syntax? I just downloaded the encoder only to check it for you. Also, Total Commander provides an excellent online help describing the great set of parameters for command-line processing.

Here's the proper command-line. It encodes the currently highlighted file to the same folder of the input file:
Code: [Select]
PARAMETERS:%N "%O.ape" -c2000
Thank you very much for your help deus-ex. Your code works great !!!. Well, I checked before the correct syntax for MAC.exe, but I did not know how replace it to the commands in Total Commander. Thanks to you, I know how it should look like. Very worried me this problem with MAC.exe but already has been explained by you.
Once again, thank you very much and Best regards