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Topic: m-TAGS component (foo_tags) (Read 188710 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #251
it seems to does that from time to time, almost as if hosted on personal PC

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #252
Appears to be DailyRazor's shared hosting. Shared hosting automatically sucks.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #253
Been using m-tags 3 years now and still going strong! By far my favorite foobar plugin. I recently updated to 1.13 and was ecstatic to find that it is compatible with foo_input_spotify. This has allowed me to create m-tags for loaded spotify URIs and add them to my media library, along with being able to modify rating, add gain, save album artwork, etc...

I just have one gripe though: when I load the spotify songs via "File > Add Location", the track length is displayed. (The songs have a "duration" property under general if I open up the dialog). However, if I write an m-tag file, the duration property is seemingly left out.

Is there a way to force m-tag to include or 'search' for specific tags in the source file when generating an m-tag file? I would love to be able to make m-tag look for that duration property and then include it in the m-tag file.

I've already gone through and added "duration" to a few generated spotify m-tag files to make sure it worked, and sure enough that adds the song length back into the m-tag track listings rather than the '?' missing entry. Thanks!

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #254
I have a strange problem, after some reading I found how to use m-TAGS for internet radio streams.

I have 3 radio stations that start with the name Q-Music. Also have 3 separate .tags files for them (since I only went this route to be able to attach station logo as artwork).

Not sure why or what causes it, but everytime I try attaching a front cover (context menu -> tagging) using either the "Manage.."or "Attach..." entries, I get an "Access denied" on these 3 files.

Console doesn't tell me a thing about the why...
Code: [Select]
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: Creating album art extractor for file://Z:\Music\MusicMP3\@Radio Stations\Q-Music Het Foute Uur.tags
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: CREATING TAGS
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: Loading locator
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: OPENING file://Z:\Music\MusicMP3\@Radio Stations\Q-Music Het Foute Uur.tags
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: using path
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: file is UTF-8
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: checking length
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: parsing json
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: [
      "@" : "|0",
      "GENRE" : "Top 40",
      "RADIO_STATION" : "Q-Music Het Foute Uur",
      "URL" : ""
 (211 chars)
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: making canonical tags
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: checking tags size
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: appending tags
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: Resolving locator:|0
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: tags_path: file://Z:\Music\MusicMP3\@Radio Stations\Q-Music Het Foute Uur.tags
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: locator:|0
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: path:|0
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: Resolved path:|0
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: Canonical path:
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: Media is remote
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: REFERENCED FILE: [0]
[02:17:19] m-TAGS:: Opening internal editor

All I get is that internal popup.

Now here's the weird part, if I rename one of the .tags files to "Qmusic" instead of "Q-Music", there's no problem but the "Manage...." dialog still says the file is named "Q-Music.tags" on it's caption. And the attached image ends up being created as "Q-Music.tags.front.bin"

EDIT: I am aware that the locator references a .mp3 file... but that's how the station's stream is named, can't help that, it's NOT a real MP3, just the stream address

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #255
sigh, nothing is ever easy....

I'm now stuck with 3 stations I can either not attach a picture to, or if I rename the tag files, the tags.front.bin files get a different name and won't show anyway, and the Album Art panel refuses even to show all m-tagged artwork... only shows files ending in an image extension... sigh...

Ok, I think I've found a clue to the cause... me thinks m-TAG is trying to access the remote location as a physical mp3 to extract the embedded artwork (coz that's where I told the built-in FB2K artwork reader to look) However, I'm actually using the Columns UI artwork reader for artwork ... the built-in one only seems to kick-in if there's no external sources

EDIT2: Well, it's got nothing to do with the built-in one... if I completely disable the built-in artwork reader, it still don't show the artwork for those 3 stations (went ahead and just renamed the image files myself to tags.front.bin files instead of using the Manage option... )

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #256
Thank you luigimercurio for this wonderful tool, it perfectly solved my problems with my massive music collection!

But I do found a small annoyance regarding album arts. I usually store each of my music album in a single file with embedded album arts. When I single-click select a track from the playlist, the album art loads just fine. But when I use the toolbar or double-click to play the track, the album art sometimes turn into "[no image]". And when I skip to another track in the same album or other albums while playing, the album arts will never show up.

I only ticked the "Create a separate m-tags file for each source file" option. Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you.

If you skip back to the first song does the album art appear again?

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #257
If you skip back to the first song does the album art appear again?

Thank you for the reply.

Unfortunately no. Once the album art disappear, as long as the music is playing the DUI album art panel won't load anything. I have to stop the playback and single-click select another track to make it load album art again.

Oh and by the way I have all my music converted to wavpack format with embedded cue and album art stored in apeV2 tags.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #258
Been using m-tags 3 years now and still going strong! By far my favorite foobar plugin. I recently updated to 1.13 and was ecstatic to find that it is compatible with foo_input_spotify. This has allowed me to create m-tags for loaded spotify URIs and add them to my media library, along with being able to modify rating, add gain, save album artwork, etc...

I just have one gripe though: when I load the spotify songs via "File > Add Location", the track length is displayed. (The songs have a "duration" property under general if I open up the dialog). However, if I write an m-tag file, the duration property is seemingly left out.

Is there a way to force m-tag to include or 'search' for specific tags in the source file when generating an m-tag file? I would love to be able to make m-tag look for that duration property and then include it in the m-tag file.

I've already gone through and added "duration" to a few generated spotify m-tag files to make sure it worked, and sure enough that adds the song length back into the m-tag track listings rather than the '?' missing entry. Thanks!

There are two ways to explicitly specify a DURATION in m-TAGS:

1) Add the "DURATION" tag to the m-TAGS file you generate. This is what you tried successfully already and it is the most efficient way if a media source is remote;

2) Under Preferences/Advanced/Tagging/m-TAGS/Media prefxes add the propert locator prefix to the "Local" list (something like "" or whatever the common location prefix is for spotify links.

There is a BIG diference between the two approaches. m-TAGS does NOT go online to collect information unless a locator matches the "Local" prefixes. This is done to avoid going over the internet for each remote link. A collection of 10,000 links would take a humongous amount of time to load. The "DURATION" tag was introduced to overcome the drawback of not having length information for remote tracks. If the track length is known (and it usually is, because most streaming sites show it) then the "DURATION" tag can be used to locally preserve the length information, avoiding the necessity to open remote connections.

Obviously, if you add the prefix to the "Local" list, the opposite happens. m-TAGS treats the media as local, therefore asks fb2k to "go and get" the information from the media source, i.e. it opens a connection.

My guess is that the foo_input_spotify component creates LOCAL files encapsulating the remote links. So, in your case the second solution is probably the correct one. Check how the locators look like, and add to the Local list the longest common prefix of the spotify locators (I do not know how do they look). m-TAGS should then treat them as local resources (which they are) and ask fb2k to "go and get" the length.

Let me know if it works.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #259
Appears to be DailyRazor's shared hosting. Shared hosting automatically sucks.

You got it right. In any event, the fb2k components page is the authoritative page for downloads, not (even if they are in sync).

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #260
Adding 'spotify:' to the local affixes resolved the issue. Thank you Luigi!

Also @Omega_Cypher: I had a similar issue with an earlier version of m-tags, but resolved it using the Biography View plugin to display album art, might help in your situation.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #261
Adding 'spotify:' to the local affixes resolved the issue. Thank you Luigi!

Also @Omega_Cypher: I had a similar issue with an earlier version of m-tags, but resolved it using the Biography View plugin to display album art, might help in your situation.

Thank you for the suggestion rykiff, but unfortunately using the biography view plugin to load the embedded album arts in my library is still pretty inconsistent. It sometimes will keep the album art displaying when I skip in the same album, but immediately fails loading when I skip to the next album.

I also found out when a music file is playing through m-tag you cannot access the "manage album artwork" function, it will return an error saying "file already in use". The same is when said music file is not playing but set to "read only". Is this possibly related to the inconsistency of loading album arts through m-tags?

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #262

Got a suggestion for a possible future release. I don't know if you are aware of the existence of the CUE Playlist Filter component, but what it does is it automatically hides files referenced by a cuesheet from showing on your playlists to prevent duplicate listings, leaving only the cuesheet entries to show.

Similar functionality would be very useful for m-TAG too for users that are still in the process of converting from internal to external tagging. On top of that it adds a bit of flexibility since you don't need to use the system wide method of hiding certain extensions from showing in playlists.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #263
I've run into a situation that may lead to an m-TAG file not reflecting the actual tag values of the media files.

Due to our setup, media files may get their tag content updated from other sources.
When this occurs, normally the changed information would be read into FB2K via context menu > Tagging > "Reload info from file(s)"

However, for those files for which an m-TAG exists, the information is only reread from the m-TAG file and any changes to the actual media files are ignored.

Sadly this cannot be avoided, so this situation causes an additional workflow to recreate the m-TAG files for these media files in order to get the modified data read in.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #264
How to enable dynamic tags from stream? It shows me tags from *.tags file only.

P.S. Preferences --> Networking --> "Enable dynamic track titles" is enabled. Versions of foobar2000 and m-tags are latest.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #265
This is great plugin but there are 2 flaws I noticed:
1. you can attach cue sheet to file but you can't see separate tracks in playlist
2. when you have more than 1 album tags written in one file you can attach just one album cover for all albums

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #266
1. you can attach cue sheet to file but you can't see separate tracks in playlist
Not sure if I understand you correctly, but I've been doing exactly this a lot... letting m-TAG files point to cue sheets... and as long as the cue sheet defines each track correct, m-TAG has no issue showing me all the separate tracks/files referenced by the cue sheet?

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #267
1. you can attach cue sheet to file but you can't see separate tracks in playlist
Not sure if I understand you correctly, but I've been doing exactly this a lot... letting m-TAG files point to cue sheets... and as long as the cue sheet defines each track correct, m-TAG has no issue showing me all the separate tracks/files referenced by the cue sheet?
I want to change cue sheet also sometimes and I prefer it to be attached to file so I can edit it directly from foobar.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #268
I'm having two small issues.

1- getting the duration saved from online media....
2- getting Foobar2000 to always show referenced media files in sorted order.

I started adding archived live shows from to foobar2000 and having major problems getting the duration saved.

They let you download an .m3u playlist with links to archived media files. When I load the m3u file in Foobar2000 it initially shows the entries with an unknown duration. After each track has played once, the duration seems to be saved someplace because every time I load that same m3u file thereafter, Foobar2000 shows the correct duration for each entry. (which is not in the M3U file)

Since Foobar2000 doesn't show the m3u files in albumlist I have to load the m3u file(s) each time I want to play one.
So I wanted to create m-TAG files but I have had no luck getting the duration to be saved.

I've read the post about the local/remote prefixes and since all of the files reside on I added "" first to the local prefixes and then to the remote prefixes. But I keep getting duration -1% when I play a track. (I also tried using https since that is used for the details page, also without any success)

Frankly, I don't understand the issue with it needing to go remote to retrieve that info. It shows perfectly fine when loading/playing an m3u for the 2nd time, so Foobar2000 already seems either to go online anyways for it or it saves that information somewhere. So why can m-TAG not just use that info (since it obviously is present someplace if Foobar2000 immediately shows the durations when loading/playing the m3u playlist a 2nd time) when I right-click on the selection and choose "Tagging > Create m-TAG file" from context menu?

As for problem 2. I've tried many things, but I'm all out of ideas. Whenever I select an m-Tagged album from my album list, It shows tracks in random order. No matter what the order is of tracks in the .tags file. I cannot for the life of me get it to show the album sorted by disc/tracknumber, always have to do this manually... Somehow the default sort seems to always be the filename on disc, and since that is always the name of the tag file when it exists, this doesn't fly for an m-tagged album.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #269

Got a suggestion for a possible future release. I don't know if you are aware of the existence of the CUE Playlist Filter component, but what it does is it automatically hides files referenced by a cuesheet from showing on your playlists to prevent duplicate listings, leaving only the cuesheet entries to show.

Similar functionality would be very useful for m-TAG too for users that are still in the process of converting from internal to external tagging. On top of that it adds a bit of flexibility since you don't need to use the system wide method of hiding certain extensions from showing in playlists.

It could be useful, but definitely far from a priority. Unless otherwise notified, I assume that for most people just excluding *.cue from the incoming files is sufficient.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #270
Adding 'spotify:' to the local affixes resolved the issue. Thank you Luigi!

Also @Omega_Cypher: I had a similar issue with an earlier version of m-tags, but resolved it using the Biography View plugin to display album art, might help in your situation.

Thank you for the suggestion rykiff, but unfortunately using the biography view plugin to load the embedded album arts in my library is still pretty inconsistent. It sometimes will keep the album art displaying when I skip in the same album, but immediately fails loading when I skip to the next album.

I also found out when a music file is playing through m-tag you cannot access the "manage album artwork" function, it will return an error saying "file already in use". The same is when said music file is not playing but set to "read only". Is this possibly related to the inconsistency of loading album arts through m-tags?

The file locking issue has more to do with how fb2k locks files. It used to be that *.tags files were NOT locked by fb2k, even during playback. This was VERY convenient indeed, because you could alter the files without interrupting the music flow (because the file being decoded is, of course, ANOTHER file). This has changed in the last few releases, which is particularly annoying when playing streamed media, as fb2k now stops the playback, then updates the *.tags file, then restarts the playback via a "seek" operation, which can be slow on streams. Not much control on that, unfortunately.....

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #271
I've run into a situation that may lead to an m-TAG file not reflecting the actual tag values of the media files.

Due to our setup, media files may get their tag content updated from other sources.
When this occurs, normally the changed information would be read into FB2K via context menu > Tagging > "Reload info from file(s)"

However, for those files for which an m-TAG exists, the information is only reread from the m-TAG file and any changes to the actual media files are ignored.

Sadly this cannot be avoided, so this situation causes an additional workflow to recreate the m-TAG files for these media files in order to get the modified data read in.

m-TAGS is NOT made to reflect tags in media files. If that was the case, you would not need m-TAGS at all. m-TAGS is made to read/write tags without touching the media files. Your system should update the m-TAGS files as opposed to the media files, if that is possible (I do not know how your setup works).

If your tags are dinamically updated, though, then m-TAGS should reflect the dynamic changes, provided you do not have a fixed value for the dynamically changing tag in the m-TAG file (in other words, m-TAG tags have precedence).


Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #272
How to enable dynamic tags from stream? It shows me tags from *.tags file only.

P.S. Preferences --> Networking --> "Enable dynamic track titles" is enabled. Versions of foobar2000 and m-tags are latest.

m-TAGS tags have precedence. If you want dynamic tags dsplayed, then the m-TAGS file should NOT contain those tags.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #273
This is great plugin but there are 2 flaws I noticed:
1. you can attach cue sheet to file but you can't see separate tracks in playlist
2. when you have more than 1 album tags written in one file you can attach just one album cover for all albums

I guess with "attach cue sheet to file" you refer to embedded cue sheets. m-TAGS will reflect embedded cue sheets, but to edit them you need to load the media file in fb2k. As far as m-TAGS is concerned, a cuesheet entry is just a seekpoint.

As for 2., that is true and intentional. An m-TAGS file is treated by fb2k as a single multitrack media file. As a result, only one set of covers is applied to the whole file. Please remember that m-TAGS files are not playlists, are not treated as such by fb2k, and should not be used as such.

Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)

Reply #274
I'm having two small issues.

1- getting the duration saved from online media....
2- getting Foobar2000 to always show referenced media files in sorted order.

I started adding archived live shows from to foobar2000 and having major problems getting the duration saved.

They let you download an .m3u playlist with links to archived media files. When I load the m3u file in Foobar2000 it initially shows the entries with an unknown duration. After each track has played once, the duration seems to be saved someplace because every time I load that same m3u file thereafter, Foobar2000 shows the correct duration for each entry. (which is not in the M3U file)

Since Foobar2000 doesn't show the m3u files in albumlist I have to load the m3u file(s) each time I want to play one.
So I wanted to create m-TAG files but I have had no luck getting the duration to be saved.

I've read the post about the local/remote prefixes and since all of the files reside on I added "" first to the local prefixes and then to the remote prefixes. But I keep getting duration -1% when I play a track. (I also tried using https since that is used for the details page, also without any success)

Frankly, I don't understand the issue with it needing to go remote to retrieve that info. It shows perfectly fine when loading/playing an m3u for the 2nd time, so Foobar2000 already seems either to go online anyways for it or it saves that information somewhere. So why can m-TAG not just use that info (since it obviously is present someplace if Foobar2000 immediately shows the durations when loading/playing the m3u playlist a 2nd time) when I right-click on the selection and choose "Tagging > Create m-TAG file" from context menu?

As for problem 2. I've tried many things, but I'm all out of ideas. Whenever I select an m-Tagged album from my album list, It shows tracks in random order. No matter what the order is of tracks in the .tags file. I cannot for the life of me get it to show the album sorted by disc/tracknumber, always have to do this manually... Somehow the default sort seems to always be the filename on disc, and since that is always the name of the tag file when it exists, this doesn't fly for an m-tagged album.

1. Please send me an example
2. Are you using %path_sort% as your incoming file sorting pattern?