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Topic: qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows (Read 425534 times) previous topic - next topic
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qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #125
QT AAC Enc 20100220:

Encoding of 22050 Hz sources with parameters: --tvbr 50 --highest --quiet - %d
results in 44100 file 

Using of --samplerate keep or --samplerate 22050 switches gives no effect
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #126
Not a bug. See this post.
Many players including foobar misrecognize low samplelate LC-AAC files as HE-AAC. This seems to happen with AAC files without explicit SBR signaling information (written in decoder specific descriptor in esds atom).

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #127

I've just found this tag in m4a track properties (foobar2000):


What does it mean? Why does there is no full info about encoder/parameters in this field?
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #128
Encoder/bitrate info tag for iTunes. Probably foobar cannot read it.

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #129
... Besides, it's not always strong enough to prevent clipping anyway...

I too have noticed that.

For instance here are three samples from my archive.

The encoding settings
FLAC: -8
M4A: QT --tvbr 62 --highest
MP4: Nero -q 0.41
MP3: Lame -V5

Not knocking Merzbow or anything but isn't saying "Merzbow clips" like saying "the sun is warm"?

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #130
Is there a way to have the foobar command line encoder embed the full size album art (if it exists in the file being converted) just like XLD does?

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #131
Whenever I attempt to use qtaacenc in foobar2000 on tracks which have non-english filenames, I seem to be getting an error. Tracks appear to convert fine with all other tracks though. Does anyone have any ideas as to what the cause could be?

My settings in foobar are as follows:

--tvbr 68 --normal - %d

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #132
Could someone give me an example of proper usage of --track number[/total] and --disc number[/total]?

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #133
I'm having a problem with qtaacenc that I haven't discovered the cause of. With long title tags (>130 chars or so), or perhaps long pathnames, it drops ALL tags although it encodes the filename correctly. Has anyone encountered a problem of tags not being written by qtaacenc? (The max length for a non-lyrics tag in itunes should be 255 chars).
The outfilename is being passed as unicode.  the infile is -

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #134
Some more information on the bug mentioned in the last post:

There are two error messages I can recreate using almost the same parameters.
1. First error:
"QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString error: output file path is invalid"
This occurs using the most common path syntax in windows for the outfile
(Note: line wraps here but should be all one line for the command prompt):

qtaacenc --highest --tvbr 100 --title "Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV, Scene X. No. 28 Aria 'Giunse al
fin il momento' (Cherubino, La Contessa, Il Conte, Susanna, Figaro)" --album "Fa
mous Arias, Volume 2: Der Schauspieldirektor - The Marriage of Figaro - The Magi
c Flute" --artist "Mozart" --albumartist "Mozart" --genre "Classical" --compos
er "Mozart" --comment "cdyr:1992;" test.wav "C:\Users\usr\MusicToFile\Mozart\Fa
mous Arias, Volume 2; Der Schauspieldirektor - The Marriage of Figaro - The Magi
c Flute~050F2D12\LongTestX09~Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492; Act III, Scene VIII. No
. 20 Recitativo 'E Susanna non vien!' (La Contessa) - No. 20 Aria 'Dov.m4a"

2. Second error:
"ConvertMovieToDataRef error: cannot convert the input file"
This occurs using the special windows syntax to create super long pathnames.
(The pathname gets prefixed by \\?\ )

qtaacenc --highest --tvbr 100 --title "Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV, Scene X. No. 28 Aria 'Giunse al
fin il momento' (Cherubino, La Contessa, Il Conte, Susanna, Figaro)" --album "Fa
mous Arias, Volume 2: Der Schauspieldirektor - The Marriage of Figaro - The Magi
c Flute" --artist "Mozart" --albumartist "Mozart" --genre "Classical" --compos
er "Mozart" --comment "cdyr:1992;" test.wav "\\?\C:\Users\usr\MusicToFile\Mozar
t\Famous Arias, Volume 2; Der Schauspieldirektor - The Marriage of Figaro - The
Magic Flute~050F2D12\LongTestX09~Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492; Act III, Scene VIII
. No. 20 Recitativo 'E Susanna non vien!' (La Contessa) - No. 20 Aria 'Dov.m4a"

3. Using the dbpoweramp command line encoder to drive qtaacenc, and using "-" as the input and the long (unicode) filename option for the output, the m4a file does get created, but without any tags as stated in my preceding post. I can't see what commandline dbpoweramp is creating, so not much help, but I do know all the appropriate switches are passed.

None of these issues occur with very short pathnames. This is on windows 7 x64.

I'm having a problem with qtaacenc that I haven't discovered the cause of. With long title tags (>130 chars or so), or perhaps long pathnames, it drops ALL tags although it encodes the filename correctly. Has anyone encountered a problem of tags not being written by qtaacenc? (The max length for a non-lyrics tag in itunes should be 255 chars).
The outfilename is being passed as unicode. the infile is -

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #135
Is there a way to have the foobar command line encoder embed the full size album art (if it exists in the file being converted) just like XLD does?

If you export to an external jpg, you can add a call to neroaactag.exe to add it to the m4a file.

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #136
1) The length of the input/output path should be less than MAX_PATH (260 characters).
2) I don't know well about the special syntax, but at least it cannot be used with qtaacenc.
3) No clue. qtaacenc always handles command-line arguments as unicode.

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #137
the length bug is due to Quicktime apparently,the same happens to me if I rip a song in iTunes and has a long title,it gets cut. I  sent a few emails about it to Apple iTunes Feedback but with no luck and it looks like it's by design. Anyway if you use Dbpoweramp through CLI encoder and let dbpoweramp write the tags,the problem doesn't seem to happen.

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #138
Thank you. btw, it's not that the title gets cut, which is true whenever you use a longish quicktime aac tag (255 char length is the max in the spec, except for lyrics tag) but that NONE of the tags get applied with qtAacEnc, short or long, whenever the path to the file gets "too long" (unlike neroAacEnc). That's when it can encode the file at all.
But I'll use dbpoweramp to apply the tags, and neroaactag.exe for any special custom/dynamic tagging at encode time. that should give me enough space on the commandline to avoid the qtAacEnc/quicktime issue, so your suggestion is a good workaround. (and qtaacenc also seems to work better from stdin, without the infile.) I'll post again if I run into problems with that.
(I did just discover that neroaactag.exe does not like semicolons in the comment tag field.)

it's not special syntax--just the windows spec for going beyond dos limits in pathnames (I believe doesn't require special support using the standard apis). windows nt & later is not limited to MAX_PATH, only dos is (maybe win95 i haven't checked). However, could it be a bug in quicktime? neroaacenc does not have this bug, as far as I can see.
Also, note that the command line limit in windows xp and later is NOT MAX_PATH but actually 8191 characters.

the length bug is due to Quicktime apparently,the same happens to me if I rip a song in iTunes and has a long title,it gets cut. I sent a few emails about it to Apple iTunes Feedback but with no luck and it looks like it's by design. Anyway if you use Dbpoweramp through CLI encoder and let dbpoweramp write the tags,the problem doesn't seem to happen.

Quote from: Nao link=msg=0 date=
1) The length of the input/output path should be less than MAX_PATH (260 characters).
2) I don't know well about the special syntax, but at least it cannot be used with qtaacenc.
3) No clue. qtaacenc always handles command-line arguments as unicode.

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #139
Can I in EAC use the following command line:

--tvbr 75 --highest %s %d --artist "%a" --title "%t" --album "%g" --date "%y" --genre "%m" --track "%n"?

I'm interested because of the --track — should I used the "%n" or something else?

Same question for disc number.

Thank you!


qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #140
Hello! QuickTime 7.6.6 is now released. I wonder what changes it contains, and how they can affect the using of qtaacenc?
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #141
As far as I've tested, it works fine with QT 7.6.6.

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #142
Does this update contain some improvements?
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #143
Does this update contain some improvements?

I saw none from 7.6.5 at the setting I was using (q127), but others report some from 7.6.5 at q100, and I guess later reports will clarify this as upgrades continue.
The end of this thread has some discussion of that:

It's worth noting that itunes has some significant improvements:,2817,2362136,00.asp
The update also offers a setting that enables automatic conversion to 128 kbit/s AAC when songs are transferred to iPods or iPhones.

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #144
It looks like I've found something interesting.
With QuickTime 7.6.6 I see that --samplerate keep (force original 44.1 kHz samplerate) switch completely disables lowpass filter for --tvbr 50, 40, 30 . Otherwise, without this key, audio data will be downsampled to 32 kHz.

I also can say that disabling lowpass filter on low bitrates really hurts the sound quality
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #145
and something else: as I hear (ABX log needed?) that bult-in resampler introduces some artifacts (or noise), it might be useful to re-enable lowpass filter for tvbr 30-50 + samplerate keep. Nao, is it possible from qtaacenc's side? Otherwise we can use 3rd-party resampler (e.g. SoX resampler foobar2000 DSP) to resample (output sample rate - 32000 Hz) stream before it will be encoded by qtaacenc
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #146
and something else: as I hear (ABX log needed?) that bult-in resampler introduces some artifacts (or noise)

Can you upload a sample file where this effect is noticeable?

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #148
Can you upload a sample file where this effect is noticeable?

Yes, of course.



qtaacenc --tvbr 30 --highest --quiet - %d


qtaacenc --tvbr 30 --highest --quiet - %d + SoX DSP (32000 Hz, Q: Very High, passband 99, allow aliasing - no, linear)

In first case I clearly hear noise at about 12 kHz. It can also be seen on the spectrogram.
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!

qtaacenc: a command-line QuickTime AAC encoder for Windows

Reply #149
Another finding:

Seems like QuickTime doesn't apply compressing (maybe some limiter, see previous posts in this topic) now for tracks with high peaks (at about 1.000000, and higher, with floating-point PCM).
I tried it with one track that has peak at 1.000000 with +10 dB gain, and I've got no audible compression (which occurred with QuickTime 7.6.5)

Could someone test it??
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!