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Topic: Decoding APE with CUE to tracks (Read 35895 times) previous topic - next topic
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Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Hello all. I'm new to these forums and to audio processing as well.

Here's my problem: I have a few soundtracks in APE format, and I would like to know how I can decompress them in different files. All I get when I decompress is one big file with all the songs, which I'd like to make into separate files.

I've noticed they usually come with a .cue file as well, but whenever I try to run it through Nero, I get nothing.

So how do I do it?

Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #1
Open the resulting .wav file in Audacity, then select out, and save, the individual tracks to new files, one per song.

Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #2
I was afraid of that... so basically I have to open a wav processor and snip every song into a new file?

Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #3
I was afraid of that... so basically I have to open a wav processor and snip every song into a new file?


Convert the .ape to a .wav using monkey's audio.

edit the .cue file so that it points to the said .wav file
add the .cue to foobar2000
use foobar2000's converter to split the files.

Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #4
I was afraid of that... so basically I have to open a wav processor and snip every song into a new file?

Not necessarily. EAC can split the WAV according to the cue file.


Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #5
Okay, I'm going to try that now. Thanks!

Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #6
I can't seem to figure out how to use the converter (or access it, even) on my own. Can someone provide me with a step by step?

Sorry if this sounds whiny, but I'm REALLY new at this.

Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #7

Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #8
Bumping so quickly is bad etiquette here.

... which I'd like to make into separate files.

You don't say what kind of separate files. I'll assume APE

1. Open the CUE with notepad. If the file extension isn't ''.ape'', make it so (exa: FILE "Whatever.ape" WAVE)

2. Get foobar2000 and add foo_input_monkey.dll to the components directory.

3. Open foobar2000, go to ''Preferences -> Tools -> Converter'' ,
3a. In ''Output File Names'' add your prefered file naming convention (exa: %tracknumber% - %title%)
3b. In the ''Encoding Presets'' area click ''Add New''
. . . Encoder = Custom
. . . Encoder = Your path to MAC.exe (exa: C:\Program Files\Monkey's Audio\MAC.exe)
. . . Extension = ape
. . . Parameters = %s %d -c2000
. . . Format Is = Lossless
. . . Encoder Name = MAC (ape)
. . . Bitrate =
. . . Settings = Normal

4. Drag CUE into foobar2000 playlist

5. Select all files , right click , select ''Convert -> Convert to... (OR: Convert to Same Directory)
In the converter setup window , select ''MAC'' , click OK , (then select destination if you didn't use ^...Same...^)

Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #9
Thanks a million, Cosmo. (And sorry about the bumping, I heard these forums have a high rotativity). I should be able to mess around with my files now. 

Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #10
Something odd happened while I tried decoding those files. A lot of them became just plain un-playable, but I know the file should not be corrupted. (Listened to it when it was first converted by Monkey Audio.) Any thoughts on how to prevent this from happening again?

Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #11
Something odd happened while I tried decoding those files. A lot of them became just plain un-playable, but I know the file should not be corrupted. (Listened to it when it was first converted by Monkey Audio.) Any thoughts on how to prevent this from happening again?

Yeah. Try my method instead. It uses less intermediary steps, and uses official binaries instead of third-party plug-ins (the foobar ape plug-in)

Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #12
Use Monkey's Audio + EAC as follows:

- Download and install Monkey's Audio (MA) from
- Download and install EAC from
- Open (MA)
- At the top left where you see the monkey's head, click and select "Decompress"
- Drag and drop Monkey's Audio file into MA
- Click "Start"

I believe MA's default option is to decompress to the same folder, so the resulting WAV should be exactly where the Monkey's Audio file is.

- Open Notepad
- Drag and drop .CUE file into it
- At the top where it says "FILE..." it should also have a reference to file_name.extenstion, where file_name is the name of the Monkey's Audio file
- If extension = ape, change it to wav. If it's wav, leave it be
- Save .CUE file (CTRL + S)
- Open EAC -> Tools -> Split WAV... -> With Gaps (or whatever you prefer, but that option's best)
- Select wav file created from decompression process in MA and edited CUE file
- Click "Start" or "Split" or whatever EAC's final command for that process is (I don't recall). You should end up with individual WAVs for each track

Hope that works for you
EAC>1)fb2k>LAME3.99 -V 0 --vbr-new>WMP12 2)MAC-Extra High

Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #13
Why doesn't Monkey Audio Compressor support splitting based on Cue file? I mean it GENERATES a Cue file just fine (how do you think all those torrents with Ape audio files got their Cue files, obviously MAC generated the Cue files). So if it supports generating Cue files, WHY ON EARTH DOES IT NOT SUPPORT READING THE CUE FILES AND SPLITTING THE OUTPUT WAV FILE ACCORDINGLY?! Has some hacker yet managed to disassemble the Monkey EXE file, and then recompile it with the necesary recoding of the binary code, in order to mod the program in a way that would enable Cue support? If such a hacked version exists, please point me to it, because I'm having the same problem as the OP of this thread. And I do NOT want to use 3rd party plugins, nor do I wish to use a 2-step process (convert to wav, then split the wav). I want a single step process, using the official software, that automatically produces split output, using the cue file to guide the program in how it splits the audio.

Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #14
I suppose you also want to go a step further and request support for Rar segments nested inside of ZIP files, so you don't have to extract the album first? Why not go a step further and throw in a Usenet client, Usenet service, and NZB aggregator so you don't have to go looking for your illegal music downloads? Perhaps a brain scanner so it even knows what sort of music to steal for you?

Nice bump, by the way.

Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #15
Why doesn't Monkey Audio Compressor support splitting based on Cue file? I mean it GENERATES a Cue file just fine (how do you think all those torrents with Ape audio files got their Cue files, obviously MAC generated the Cue files).

Obviously it was CD ripper, not Monkey's audio codec itself.

Decoding APE with CUE to tracks

Reply #16
> Oct 11 2006, 09:46

I don't think any standard MA installer handled CUE creation. The last thing I remember there was something wrong with CUE handling (using milliseconds [0-99] instead of frames [0-74]).

It was best left to be handled EAC, which it was probably created. FB2k works fine too. CUERipper also works fine.
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