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Topic: a problem with foo_plorg.dll (Read 5587 times) previous topic - next topic
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a problem with foo_plorg.dll

Hi Guys,

I have just migrated foobar to a different computer by copying the components and the appdata/roaming/foobar2000 folder and all works, except plorg.dll.
I have used the newest version of foobar initially (1.3.8), then downgraded to 1.3.7 which is the version used on the other computer. This didn't solve the problem.
At startup i got this message, also after reinstalling foo_plorg.dll. I dont know what a required dependancy is or where to get it. The foo_plorg page doesn't mention any required software either.. Can you guys help me get it this to work again?

Failed to load DLL: foo_plorg.dll
Reason: This component is missing a required dependency, or was made for different version of foobar2000.


Re: a problem with foo_plorg.dll

Reply #2
Somebody solved this problem? I also need help about it