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Topic: Dynamics Compressor for FB2K (Read 33155 times) previous topic - next topic
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Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Download plugin here

Does as it says.

A lot of people wanted this, as if music isn't compressed enough already. Shame on you.

PS. By nature, it also works as an automatic gain control and it knows about clipping. On some very heavily compressed music, it will actually end up lowering the overall volume. Draw your own conclusions.

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #1
Thx for making the plugin
Not that I've missed it, but now that I've got it, I can use it to hear how compression affects the music.
Have read about compression lately, and how most new cd's today are victims of this.
The only thing I missed immediately was a slider scale to remember settings.
It would be nice if you could add it, if it isn't too much trouble.

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #2
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you."

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #3
Could you please add a label telling the actual value of each setting?
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you."

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #4
Uploaded new version.

There's a problem with the interface & rounding, will try to fix.

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #5
Fixed, yet another new version uploaded.

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #6

thank you, Garf.
wagner reatto

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #7
this is a very interesting plugin. Thank you

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #8
Thank you very much !!

I really needed this plugin !

So - thx again !

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #9
A lot of people wanted this, as if music isn't compressed enough already. Shame on you.

Absolutely. My first reaction when I saw this thread was: "A compressor for FB2K ?? Oh, the horror !!"

But then upNorth mentioned:
Not that I've missed it, but now that I've got it, I can use it to hear how compression affects the music.

OK, this seems to be a valid reason to use it.

But, to all the people who asked for it: please tell me this is the ONLY thing where you will use the plugin for... 
Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #10
Why are some people so dead-set against compressors and the like?  Why does it really matter if some people want to screw up the sound coming out of their speakers?

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #11
Actually, for some classical recordings, it has real use. Or for movie stuff or so.

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #12
Face it: almost any piece of music you're listening to is already compressed. If you'd listen to uncompressed music most of you would find it very unnatural-sounding, believe me. :-)

Different instruments produce different levels. To make stuff equally loud (so that the bassline won't eat the lead riffs and such, volume-wise), music must be compressed. On album-level, this is a part of what "mastering" is all about.

These days, compression is often already applied in the production stage (especially on electronic music). Live recordings are compressed a lot, too - de-esser and plosive removal are essential compressor tasks to make vocals recordable and reproducable at a normal level via a PA (have you ever tried recording your voice into the PC via a mic? you noticed how sharp S, SH and CH sounds, and how loud P, K, T are - this is controlled with a compressor).

Further compression is often applied on the radio, to make the signal that is broadcast as loud and "even" as possible, utilizing the maximum of the frequency band (ever noticed how different records may sound when you compare the track as you heard it on the radio vs. the track from the CD on your home stereo?).

Summary: a plugin that is compressing your music is a nice gimmick and really not needed - unless you have loads of your own garage punk rock band. :-)

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #13
Actually, for some classical recordings, it has real use. Or for movie stuff or so.

Well, I'm not going to get into whether or not it has valid uses.  That's beyond my area of expertise.    I just think it's odd that so many people feel they need to crusade and try to save everyone else's music.

But on a different note, the compressor sounds quite nice.  It does its job well.  (I don't normally run any DSPs except the attenuator and the advanced limiter, so it doesn't really matter to me, but it's nice nonetheless.)

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #14
Very useful to listen  music at low volume, night for example without disturbing wife or neighbors and without losing delicates passages.

In addition it is possible to make a plugin to increase dinamique? it is much less simple to make but that would be very useful!
Music is my first love.


Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #15
In addition it is possible to make a plugin to increase dinamique? it is much less simple to make but that would be very useful!

Yeah, considering terrible dynamic compression on most of the "modern" Cds, I think such a plug-in would be really great. However I suspect it should be more difficult to acheive.

Thanx Garf for your compressor. I will use it for sure on my next insomnia night, when I listen to music and try to relax a bit 

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #16
Very useful to listen music at low volume, night for example without disturbing wife or neighbors and without losing delicates passages.

This is why I have headphones

In addition it is possible to make a plugin to increase dinamique? it is much less simple to make but that would be very useful!

Compression is a one way process, sorry. No way to recover the original stuff.

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #17

In addition it is possible to make a plugin to increase dinamique? it is much less simple to make but that would be very useful!

Compression is a one way process, sorry. No way to recover the original stuff.

I understand that "original" dynamic is lost after compression : the louder and the softer parts of the waveform are closer after compression, and it is not possible to dertermine what it was before, and so to go back.

However, don't you think it would it be possible to make an "expander", that would increase arbitrarily the dynamic range of the sound, making the slope that separates louder and softer noises steeper, rather than flatter like a compressor ?

EDIT : replaced "expender" by "expander"...

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #18
I can't see a way to do so.  I'm not an expert by any means, but audio just doesn't lend itself to such operations.  I suppose it would be possible to arbitrarily pick a point, move that point, and redistribute the waveform data accordingly, but it would almost certainly sound terrible.

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #19

Very useful to listen music at low volume, night for example without disturbing wife or neighbors and without losing delicates passages.

This is why I have headphones

But the night, during  kamasutra's meeting

headphones aren't very useful   

Thank you GARF!
Music is my first love.

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #20
Perhaps man means something like an expander?

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #21
Perhaps man means something like an expander?

Yes that's it, an expander, not expender as I said... 
I edited my previous post to correct.

Anyway I understand this sould not be easy to do, and even to use, especially because the arbitary point should be set at different specific values for different music files...

But I think the objective is great (to increase the dynamic). I can't see how this could be done...

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #23
I am not sure I understand...are you referring to a widener.  M Pesch's 1by1 player has a compressor and widener as its sound enhancer.  there is a plugin for winamp and of course you could download 1by1 as well.  Sorry if this seems off topic but I thought that this was somthing that related.

you can take a look

Dynamics Compressor for FB2K

Reply #24
Quote night for example without disturbing wife...

But the night, during  kamasutra's meeting

headphones aren't very useful   

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