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Topic: Music phone/player with "blind" control (Read 4030 times) previous topic - next topic
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Music phone/player with "blind" control

I'm looking for an mp3 player, or ideally, a (smart/dumb)phone to replace my Nokia 5130.
The main feature I can't seem to find anywhere is the ability to control music without taking the device out of the pocket. Side media buttons of 5130 can do Vol+/-, Fwd/Bkwd, and stop/play. All of these functions I can do without taking the device out my jeans pocket, easily pressing those side buttons right through the fabric.
In all devices I see at most volume control buttons, and, very rare, fwd button.
Technically, the phone satisfies me with its functionality (though it can be a bit slow at times), but I tried looking at the alternatives during the buying binge and couldn't find any mp3 player or a phone that would look like it would be able to pull off that freedom of control, other than nokia X2-00, that's almost disappeared from the shelves. I have a spare battery for 5130 and am ready to survive till WWIII, but I wonder if you happen to know of some product that I can upgrade to.
Hands-free/headsets won't work since it can be rather cold where I live and you can't really press a 5 mm button on your chest through puffer winter jacket.

Music phone/player with "blind" control

Reply #1
The main feature I can't seem to find anywhere is the ability to control music without taking the device out of the pocket. Side media buttons of 5130 can do Vol+/-, Fwd/Bkwd, and stop/play. All of these functions I can do without taking the device out my jeans pocket, easily pressing those side buttons right through the fabric.

Almost all Cowon products have hardware buttons (some more than others). It sound like a D3  might be what you are after- it has all the buttons you mentioned. You might also try a J3, if you can still find one.

Music phone/player with "blind" control

Reply #2
If cold is the issue, Burton made (not sure if still) a snowboard jacket with an iPod remote control built into the sleeve.

If reaching into the pocket is OK, a rockbox player can be set to read out your selections while navigating. Pretty popular with blind users.

Music phone/player with "blind" control

Reply #3
If you do not use wireless/bluetooth headset I noticed the Samsung headset that came with my unit (model EHS44ASSBE) has a module on the cord. It contains the mic and one button. No documentation that I could find, but so far I discovered: one click= play/pause; two clicks= skip forward; hold= same as pushing the pwr button on the unit.

Not sure if these behaviors can be reassigned. I sort of miss the function of my old cell phone where the rocker button was vol +/- when clicked, and, skip fwd/back when pressed and held 1 second. Maybe there exists a headset with a rocker switch and/or other controls. (I am not on-top of cutting edge mobile tech, so maybe there exists a voice command app where all you need is something like my headset with just 1 button and a mic.)

Good luck!
"Something bothering you, Mister Spock?"


Music phone/player with "blind" control

Reply #4
Thank you for your suggestions.
Cowon d3 looks like nice mp3 player that can pull that off.
Headsets and hands-free won't work, unfortunately, since I can't press them when they're under a jacket.

I've been trying to find a Bluetooth audio remote control without headphone/mic. Maybe I am searching wrong (English is not my native language), but it seems I cannot find a simple clip-on device that would just control audio with 5 buttons. It's either a headset, earphone, hands-free or a device with jack exit and large battery where you're supposed to plug your headphones, which gives yet another device to charge frequently.
Something small, basically an ipod shuffle, but in form of Bluetooth audio controller (without jack output) would work perfectly and would allow me to use basically any phone.