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Topic: [SOFTWARE] atsifodump - Dump track list, cue sheet from DVD-AUDIO "ATS_xx_0.IFO" (Read 7392 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOFTWARE] atsifodump - Dump track list, cue sheet from DVD-AUDIO "ATS_xx_0.IFO"

I've written a tool for Linux called atsifodump. It parses the "ATS_xx_0.IFO" files found on DVD-AUDIO discs and can output a listing of technical details, a cue sheet (for embedding into a full-album FLAC rip), or a shell script for ripping tracks to individual FLAC files using FFmpeg.

Note that this tool does not circumvent the CPRM/CPPM protection schemes found on some commercial DVD-AUDIO discs, but IFO files are never encrypted, so this tool will still parse these files on such discs.

See the link for more details on usage and sample output of this program: