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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4723980 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI

Reply #7025
@musicmusic, is it ok to use the updated CUI SDK from your github repo for building other components or should we wait for you to publish an update on the columns UI website?
I've now published an updated version (6.5) of the SDK. I noticed while doing that there are a few interfaces that were not in the previous version (6.3.1) - they are button_v2, splitter_window_v2 and window_host_ex.

It's a minor issue and refreshing the config seems to clear up the problem. It happened one other time after the config refresh so I refreshed again and it's been fine ever since. At this point I would assume it was something on my end since I can't reproduce the issue and no one else seems to have the problem. If the problem creeps back again, I'll let you know. For now, I wouldn't worry about it. Thanks.
OK, thanks. Let me know if it happens again - I will look into the problem I noticed as well.

In the absence of other problems being reported, I've removed the beta tag from version

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7026
Hello, I have an odd issue.

I have this artist, lets call them TESTOBACON.

TESTOBACON has 38 files in my library: 1 MP3 and 37 FLAC files. When I select TESTOBACON from the filter panel, only the MP3 file shows up. I remove the mp3 from my library and TESTOBACON disappears entirely from the filter panel.

It works correctly everywhere else.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7027
Hello, I want to report that in Win 7 64 when Foobar is minimized or I press the "show desktop" button the foobar icon on the taskbar disappears. Is something in the settings that I did not find, or is it a bug?
It would be could to fix this because it is driving me mad :)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7028
Hello, I have an odd issue.

I have this artist, lets call them TESTOBACON.

TESTOBACON has 38 files in my library: 1 MP3 and 37 FLAC files. When I select TESTOBACON from the filter panel, only the MP3 file shows up. I remove the mp3 from my library and TESTOBACON disappears entirely from the filter panel.

It works correctly everywhere else.
Could you select (in a playlist) one of the MP3 files and one of the FLAC files at the same time, right-click and open properties, and post a screenshot of the properties window here?

Hello, I want to report that in Win 7 64 when Foobar is minimized or I press the "show desktop" button the foobar icon on the taskbar disappears. Is something in the settings that I did not find, or is it a bug?
It would be could to fix this because it is driving me mad :)
It sounds like you have 'Minimise to icon' enabled on the 'Notification area' tab in Columns UI preferences. Hopefully it's as simple as turning that off :)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7029
It sounds like you have 'Minimise to icon' enabled on the 'Notification area' tab in Columns UI preferences. Hopefully it's as simple as turning that off :)
Finally, thanks. Now it is all perfect :)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7033
I have this layout with three panes in the upper part of the screen
where in each pane I have many different panels:

Code: [Select]
Horizontal splitter
    Tab stack 1
        Panel 1.1
        Panel 1.2
    Tab stack 2
        Panel 2.1
        Panel 2.2
    Tab stack 3
        Panel 3.1
        Panel 3.2

and I would like to change it inserting a "master" Tab stack as parent of the three Tab tack (1,2,3)
to make something like this:

Code: [Select]
Horizontal splitter
    Tab stack A
        Panel A.1
        Tab stack 1
            Panel 1.1
            Panel 1.2
        Tab stack 2
            Panel 2.1
            Panel 2.2
        Tab stack 3
            Panel 3.1
            Panel 3.2

My goal is to be able to show or the three panes as before
or the A.1 panel covering all the space that was taken before
by the three panes: is this the correct layout scheme to achieve this?

Is it possible to edit the actual layout inserting the "master stack splitter"
and turning the existing Tab stack (1,2,3) into "children" of the Tab stack A?


Re: Columns UI

Reply #7034
Is it possible to edit the actual layout inserting the "master stack splitter"
and turning the existing Tab stack (1,2,3) into "children" of the Tab stack A?
Right clicking on a node (splitter/tab stack/etc) and choosing 'copy panel' should copy subitems as well as I remember. Then you can build whatever structure you want and insert back parts of the tree accordingly. As I recall two instances of foobar can donate parts to each other as well.

I'd highly recommend backing up your layout first though, I recall some bug with the copy/paste function that would occasionally completely mess up the structure in weird ways that I never bothered to research further. It was long enough ago that I can't confidently say that it wasn't a user error on my part, but better be safe than sorry (and you should back up even if there aren't any foreseeable bugs).

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7035
Version 0.4.0 RC 1 has been released.

Change log

I've simplified the version number scheme – they will have three parts from now on (and probably go up quicker).

Note: FCL files produced are not compatible with older versions.

Additionally, Album list panel 0.3.6 has been released. The changes there are that it has been updated to the latest foobar2000 SDK and some drag-and-drop enhancements have been made.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7036
Thanks for all the work you've put in to this.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7037
+1, thanks a lot for the improvements. The changelog includes some pretty exciting stuff.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7038
apologies, if this has been addressed already, but is it possible to fixate panels, so that they can not get resized anymore?

this happens quite often in good faith, though is quite annoying to manually resize all back to a normal state again and again everytime.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7039
Sorry to ask but: how can I upgrade?

If I try to drag the file to the component list or to use the install button
I get the warning that I have to remove the existing component but
if I remove it and then start FB I'm afraid to mess everything up.


Re: Columns UI

Reply #7040
Sorry to ask but: how can I upgrade?
Download the foo_*.fb2k-component somewhere, open foobar, file/preferences/components/install... button/choose the file you downloaded. Accept the warning popup, then press OK or Apply to restart foobar.

Do regular backups regularly yourself and/or use foo_jesus (properly configured) anyway just in case.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7041
Sorry to ask but: how can I upgrade?
Download the foo_*.fb2k-component somewhere, open foobar, file/preferences/components/install... button/choose the file you downloaded. Accept the warning popup, then press OK or Apply to restart foobar.
I did that but I'm not getting a warning popup and instead, after a few seconds I get the message
that there already is a copy of the component in the FB app directory and I have to remove it by hand.


Re: Columns UI

Reply #7042
Perhaps post a picture of said message. You don't happen to have manually pasted the Columns UI dll into the components directory to dirty install it originally? Is it of a lighter color in the component list than most others?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7043
Thanks for all the work you've put in to this.
+1, thanks a lot for the improvements. The changelog includes some pretty exciting stuff.
Thanks, both. I was a bit surprised about how many random things in need of fixing I found after looking at things with a fresh pair of eyes. It's a good start, but there is still more to do :)

Sorry to ask but: how can I upgrade?
Download the foo_*.fb2k-component somewhere, open foobar, file/preferences/components/install... button/choose the file you downloaded. Accept the warning popup, then press OK or Apply to restart foobar.
I did that but I'm not getting a warning popup and instead, after a few seconds I get the message
that there already is a copy of the component in the FB app directory and I have to remove it by hand.

The message displayed by foobar2000 is a bit confusing as it doesn't explain what it actually has done. If you have restarted foobar2000 since then, you are probably now in a state where you have a copy of foo_ui_columns.dll both in the components directory in the main foobar2000 dir and in %appdata%\foobar2000\user-components\foo_ui_columns (if it was a standard installation – for a portable one the user-components dir is in the main foobar2000 dir). If so, just delete the one in components and you should be fine.

apologies, if this has been addressed already, but is it possible to fixate panels, so that they can not get resized anymore?

this happens quite often in good faith, though is quite annoying to manually resize all back to a normal state again and again everytime.
As far as the standard horizontal and vertical splitters go, you can stop panels being automatically resized by setting them to locked. That doesn't prevent manual resizing, though.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7044
musicmusic, can we expect any major feature updates in the future or mostly quality of life fixes? Specifically referring to bringing CUI filter panel functionality more in line to what Facets can do on the DUI side. For me personally that's the only area that made me consider switching back to DUI. Hopefully this doesn't come across as ungrateful, I'm just curious now that you are back. The fact that most of my layout is composed using your components should tell that you made a brilliant job with them and for that I am very thankful.


Re: Columns UI

Reply #7045
I am going to prioritise fixing things/making quality improvements before doing anything else. I have got a lot of that done in 0.4.0, but at the same time bear in mind there is a lot of code in Columns UI, and I am only one person :)

If you list what features from Facets you're missing it would be helpful (even better would be to create issues on GitHub - one per feature though).

Alternatively, if it is just Facets in Columns UI that is wanted, then it may be a better use of time trying to write a wrapper for it (if that's possible, of course, I haven't looked at it in depth).

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7046
apologies, if this has been addressed already, but is it possible to fixate panels, so that they can not get resized anymore?

this happens quite often in good faith, though is quite annoying to manually resize all back to a normal state again and again everytime.
As far as the standard horizontal and vertical splitters go, you can stop panels being automatically resized by setting them to locked. That doesn't prevent manual resizing, though.
do you think it will be a hard task to implement it (lock manual rezising of panels). i would love to see that feature being added to cui.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7047
It's not exactly the first time it's been asked for, so I can add a global option to control whether locked panels can be manually resized or not. It won't be in 0.4.0 as I've released an RC for it now, but it can be in 0.5.0.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7048
this is great, thank you very much :)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7049
I just recently saw that CUI got an update after x years. Thanks for the great work!

I'd like to ask if there is a way to use separate columns to display and sort in the Filter panel? I'm not looking to ignore leading A's and The's, I'm looking for something similar to iTunes's "Sort Artist" or "Sort Album" field. The reason is my collection contains a good amount of Japanese songs, and titles containing kanji (Chinese characters) aren't sorting nicely. Right now, titles that start with kanji appear after those that start with hiragana/katakana glyphs, presumably sorted by their UTF code. Admittedly, because of how the language works, without supplying the phonetic reading of the words, the computer has no way to determine how a kanji glyph will be pronounced, and therefore sorted.

I have already tried creating a custom "SORT_ALBUM" tag and tried filtering/sorting using that tag, but while this works for the "Sort incoming files by:" option, it wreaks havoc with the filter panel. The problem is that it displays the value of SORT_ALBUM instead, which makes titles harder to read.

If it's not implemented yet, I hope this feature makes it into a future version of CUI!

tl;dr In the Filter panel, I'd like to display the value of one column (tag) but sort using another.

EDIT: I just found the FAQs and read , and found my feature request listed there. Really sorry about that, I'll go get my coffee now.