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Topic: iPod manager (Read 2357697 times) previous topic - next topic
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[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2850
Current version should display error messages on connection errors, so something funny is probably going on.

What does the console (View/Console) say?

There's nothing at all:
Watching: D:\Stuffs\My Music
Filter Panel - Genre: initialised in 0.008 s
Filter Panel - Artist: initialised in 0.007 s
Filter Panel - Album: initialised in 0.009 s
Seekbar: taking GDI path.
Seekbar: Frontend initialized.
Startup time : 0:00.889525

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2851
If 'Enable mobile devices support' is definitely enabled, then I think you probably have some issue with the install of the Apple software. Close foobar2000, uninstall iTunes, Quicktime and all related software (i.e. Apple Mobile Device Support and Apple Application Support), restart and then reinstall iTunes.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2852
Hello all, longtime user of foo_dop, but I've never run into a bug that affected me until now. I'm hesitant to cause it a bug, actually, because I'm not actually sure what's happening, but here goes.

I tag my converted videos with AtomicParsley. A fork of AtomicParsley that has been updated to 0.9.3 is available here as source. 0.9.3 allows for the addition of content rating (mpaa and tv ratings such as R, TV-MA, etc.). This was useless because iPhones didn't recognize content ratings that were added by 3rd party programs, only ones that were embedded in official iTunes downloads. Now it appears they do recognize them, as of firmware 3.1.3. I find this very useful, as it prevents my younger siblings from watching shows they should not. Like Dexter o_O.

foo_dop seems to hide these content ratings from iTunes/iPhones. When I transfer a song to my iPod using foo_dop, content ratings disappear from iTunes, and my iPod can no longer hid items based on content rating. Right clicking on a video file and choosing get info in iTunes restores the rating.

So. I'm not sure this is a bug in foo_dop, a bug in AtomicParsley, a bug in iTunes, or some perfect storm of trouble, but there it is.

iPod Touch 2G 3.1.3 under iTunes, Windows 7 Ultimate x64, foobar2000 1.0.1, foo_dop, AtomicParsley 0.9.3.

AtomicParsley 0.9.3 is provided here (, built from source using cygwin on Windows. Several cygwin .dlls are provided in the zip as the executable will not run without them present in the environment.

The following is a batch file that can run from the AtomicParsley directory that will take a drag/drop mp4 and tag it as TV-MA, and then output the file in the AtomicParsley directory.

Code: [Select]
@SET atomicparsley=AtomicParsley.exe
@SET batchp=%~dp0
@IF "%~1"=="" GOTO End
%atomicparsley% "%~1" --contentRating "TV-MA" -o "%batchp%%~n1.mp4"
@GOTO Start

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2853
I've now also switched to this plugin to get most Apple crap off my machine.
It works perfectly!

A nice tip for transferring local library playlists to ipod:
Combined with my plugin foo_softplaylists you can transfer any local playlist or playlist to your ipod:
-monitor the ipod music folder in the library configuration: X:\iPod_Control\Music\ (maybe you first have to unhide the folder in windows explorer)
-change the Soft Playlists Path Preference to file://X
-local: save the local playlist as XSPF playlist
-local: load the XSPF playlist, generate the playlist you want
-import the generated playlist with foo_dop

Edit: I discovered it can do this already by default, perfect!
Just curous: what matching principle does it use to see if the track in the playlist is already on the iPod?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2855
Looks like this field does show up in fb2k, so I'll try adding support for it in the next version.

Thanks! Also, is there a way to choose which iPod database is loaded if two iPods are connected? I have an old 4G I use for storage, but foo_dop always seems to prefer connecting to it instead of my iTouch. I've gotten around it by formatting the 4G in NTFS, but that makes iTunes throw a hissy fit.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2856
I was waiting for someone to comment on multiples devices connected at once behaviours..

There's nothing you can do at the moment, I'd have to make some changes so you can select the device you want to use. I didn't know that formatting it as NTFS affects foo_dop though.

You can try stopping and disabling the iPod service, it will make iTunes whinge once, but after that you might be OK (it shouldn't affect iPod touches/iPhones).

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2857
I don't think there is an iPod service. I remember seeing one with older versions of iTunes but that process never seems to run on my computer. Formatting as NTFS worked with older versions of foo_dop; currently foo_dop still recognizes the iPod but fails to find an iTunesDB file. It still tries to connect to that iPod though. Something that works currently is to eject the iPod, which makes foo_dop connect to the iDevice I want. Anyway, it's not actually that big a problem so no rush.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2858
Could you add 'apply RG data' to the convert unsupported filetypes dialog/encoder? This would be very helpful to me.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2859
Is there any way to get the playlists synced from foobar to the ipod to be grouped/nested on the ipod the way that iTunes can?  e.g., in iTunes you can create a playlist folder and put several playlists in that folder and then when you sync them to the ipod they show up that way when clicking through the ipod's list of playlists (the name of the playlist folder would show up in the list of playlists and then clicking that would open up that group and show you the playlists in that folder). 

Also, is there any way to make autoplaylists in foobar that use a track's appearance on a certain playlist as criteria for the rules of the autoplaylist?  e.g., Artist IS X, Genre IS Y, playlist IS Z, would create a playlist of all tracks by X, of genre Y which appear on playlist Z. 

Thanks for your help.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2860 released - has support for content ratings, and now tracks with either MEDIA KIND or GENRE set to Podcast will appear as podcasts on the device.

This would be very helpful to me.
Can you elaborate?

Is there any way to get the playlists synced from foobar to the ipod to be grouped/nested on the ipod the way that iTunes can?  e.g., in iTunes you can create a playlist folder and put several playlists in that folder and then when you sync them to the ipod they show up that way when clicking through the ipod's list of playlists (the name of the playlist folder would show up in the list of playlists and then clicking that would open up that group and show you the playlists in that folder).
Not quite, but you can make playlist folders and then create smart playlists in them.

I think if you reorganise the playlists into folders using iTunes, the structure will be preserved when you sync with foo_dop (I hope so anyway..)

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2861
I just got me an iPod Nano and was eager to try out the iPod manager in foobar2k.
But, I regularly get an error message saying "Error reading iTunesDB : Unsupported format or corrupted file". I tried deleting the "iTunesDB" file which seems to at least avoid this error for some time.
Then, when I try to upload albums to the iPod using "Send to iPod", things seem to get uploaded correctly. However, on the iPod itself, I still get the message "No music" when browsing. The iTunesDB file did increase in size, and the "Music" folder on the iPod does contain a number of mp3 files.

I'm not too familiar with the tech details on all this, but where do I start looking for a solution?
Thanks a bunch!


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2862
What version of foo_dop are you using, and what iPod nano generation (latest?) and firmware version ?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2863
What version of foo_dop are you using, and what iPod nano generation (latest?) and firmware version ?

Hmmm... foo_dop I suppose it's the latest generation nano, purchased yesterday. Where can I check the firmware version of this thing? In any case, its "Version" tells me "1.0.2 PC".

Thanks for the prompt reply!

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2865
No, it should say if that is installed. is quite old, from Feb last year. Check again what is in your foobar2000 components folder, it must be the old version. New foo_dop.dll ( is 1,711,104 bytes, SHA-1 ff18724ebf7aab6b8b098b3f92cb101023c31182.

I would restore the iPod using iTunes afterwards as well, just to tidy it up after this..

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2866
No, it should say if that is installed. is quite old, from Feb last year. Check again what is in your foobar2000 components folder, it must be the old version. New foo_dop.dll ( is 1,711,104 bytes, SHA-1 ff18724ebf7aab6b8b098b3f92cb101023c31182.

I would restore the iPod using iTunes afterwards as well, just to tidy it up after this..

Wow, that got things cleared up. I actually downloaded an iTunes skin for foobar2k earlier, and that came with foo_dop apparently, overriding the
Sorry for that, things seem to be working better now...

Thanks for the quick help! Keep up the great work, I'm soooo glad I'm not stuck with iTunes itself!

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2867
Content ratings work wonderfully with the new version, many thanks

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2868
Just installed, thank you, Musicmusic!  As I understand it the iPod keeps its Rating info for each song in the database, not in the actual music file; and you can rate your songs right on the iPod while using it. Is there any way for the iPod manager to extract the rating from the iPod database and sync it back to the RATING metadata tag on foobar's music file on the PC?  This would be handy as I often rate songs while listening to them on the iPod.

iPod Touch 3G

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2869

iPod manager does not but playback statistics component has option to "Automatically sync file tags with statisctics". Once you sync, the plays and ratings are back in foobar, playback statistics will write it to tags.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2870 seems to break thumbnail support when adding MP4 videos to my 2nd gen iPod Touch, I get a message about "artwork not implemented" (can remember the exact error, at work at the moment)

The previous version was fine, I have an MP4 video that has no artwork embedded, yet I still got a thumbnail preview once on my iPod Touch



[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2871
a great plugin/component just became perfect with podcast support.  thanks for this.

now if only the winamp boys could get their act together...


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2872
Everyone: Don't install iTunes 9.1! It doesn't seem to be agreeing with foo_dop, looking into it... seems to break thumbnail support when adding MP4 videos to my 2nd gen iPod Touch, I get a message about "artwork not implemented" (can remember the exact error, at work at the moment)

The previous version was fine, I have an MP4 video that has no artwork embedded, yet I still got a thumbnail preview once on my iPod Touch
Haven't made any changes there - post the exact message.

a great plugin/component just became perfect with podcast support.  thanks for this.

now if only the winamp boys could get their act together...

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2873
musicmusic: Did you have a look at the possebility of adding Ringtones to the iPhone using foo_dop?

When ringtones already exists on the iPhone, they show up in foobar2000 along with all other music from the library, but with M4R extension. Seems like it could be as simple as just adding a track with the right extension directly into the device?
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2874 released - quick fix for iTunes 9.1 support. Seems to work fine, some more testing would be good though. I haven't checked if it still works with iTunes 9.0.

I don't know about iPad compatibility yet.

musicmusic: Did you have a look at the possebility of adding Ringtones to the iPhone using foo_dop?

When ringtones already exists on the iPhone, they show up in foobar2000 along with all other music from the library, but with M4R extension. Seems like it could be as simple as just adding a track with the right extension directly into the device?
I think where we ended up was foobar2000 needing to recognise the M4R extension.