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Topic: Cover Utils - Database possibly corrupted (Read 658 times) previous topic - next topic
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Cover Utils - Database possibly corrupted


No matter what I do: uninstall or reinstall the component, every time I scan ("Scan for cover info") my files, the result is always 387 x 397 (width / height). Even when the audio file does not contain any cover art!!!!

I believe my database must be corrupted. Please, where is it and what is the name of the database of the "foo cover utils" component???

Very often, too, when I scan some folders, the scanning progress bar takes too long to start, a situation I had never seen in previous versions of the component (Cover Info / Cover Resizer).

I'm using the latest preview version of foobar 2000, v2.2, 32-bit, which I installed (portable) over my beloved old version 1.6.18.

Re: Cover Utils - Database possibly corrupted

Reply #1
First, lets check if you can remove existing data using the context menu item>Clear Cover info

If all your tracks are monitored use the library menu>Search

Code: [Select]
%cover_utils_front_width% PRESENT

If you don't use the library, add all files to a playlist and use the Edit menu>Search (or Ctrl+F) with the same query.

With a window full of results and all selected, right click>Cover Utils>Clear Cover info. All results should disappear immediately. Can you confirm that?

If you still have issues, maybe open the Properties dialog for all library/playlist items>Tools>Reload info. Does that help?

Re: Cover Utils - Database possibly corrupted

Reply #2
With a window full of results and all selected, right click>Cover Utils>Clear Cover info. All results should disappear immediately. Can you confirm that?

OK. First of all, thank you very much for coming here to provide support!

I followed your instructions carefully, but the problem persists. I'll try to explain it well:

Scan for cover info - it takes a long time to start and when the progress bar comes to life, the result it delivers is always 387x397, regardless of whether or not there is an indexed cover in the audio file.

Resize - when I give a command to resize the existing cover, the result is the same as above, after scanning, which follows after scanning: 387x397.

I thought that having installed the new portable version (32-bit) over 1.6.18 could have caused this problem, but it agrees with several tests carried out, including with a clean installation. the problem remains the same.

I'm thinking about going back to using older versions of the component. I have them all. I am the person responsible for first requesting the existence of this component here on the forum. It wasn't long before you appeared with very first version of Cover Info.

Re: Cover Utils - Database possibly corrupted

Reply #3
I really don't see how the scanning part can get the wrong result. I'm using fb2k SDK code for getting image info/sizes. I'm going to need a sample file to check it out. If it's shorter than 30 seconds, you can attach it here.

Also, could you show the fb2k properties dialog>Artwork tab vs the data reported by the component.

For example, I have a custom column with this title format...

Code: [Select]
[%cover_utils_front_width%x%cover_utils_front_height%, %cover_utils_front_size%, %cover_utils_front_format%]

Re: Cover Utils - Database possibly corrupted

Reply #4

The same situation is happening with previous versions of the component...

Re: Cover Utils - Database possibly corrupted

Reply #5

I just did a careful portable reinstallation of the player, very clean, adding one component at a time and eliminating old files belonging to version 1.6.18, and then the component started working exactly as expected.

This proved to me, and I believe it is useful to record here, that it is not recommended to install the new version of the player (v2) over a previous one, which in my case belonged to the 1.6 series.

After deleting the config.sqlite file and restarting the player, everything worked fine. I believe this file imported the previous settings and for some reason caused the reported problems.

Thank you very much for your dedication and I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Keep up your great work! Thanks to your component, I definitively embraced fooobar2000.

Re: Cover Utils - Database possibly corrupted

Reply #6
It absolutely is recommended to update by installing a newer version on top. But I'm confused what has changed as your earlier post said that the problem remains in multiple tests performed even with clean installs.

If you still have a setup that triggers the problem I think it would be a good idea to share it with marc2k3. If there is a bug in config import in foobar2000 it should be fixed. And if there's some hard-to-catch bug in this component I bet marc2k3 would like to fix it too.

Re: Cover Utils - Database possibly corrupted

Reply #7
It's kind of impossible for this particular component to have an issue with upgrades because I made it exclusively for fb2k 2.1 and later. Technically, there was no reason for me to do that but I released this in March and IIRC 2.1 final was out last December.

I made sure to use different naming/GUIDs/title format fields from previous components I released with the same functionality. They were foo_cover_resizer and foo_cover_info. I stated quite clearly that this component superseded those and they should be removed first.

On the download page here:
And on the doc page here:

Nothing in this new component would have stopped the older components from working as such but I made it refuse to execute context menu items if it detected those other components by name.


Re: Cover Utils - Database possibly corrupted

Reply #8
Well, I no longer have the original setup I used in 1.6.18 - I tend to only keep what works for me at the moment.

I use Windows 10 x64, but I do not migrate to the 64-bit version of foobar2000 exclusively due to the absence of the multiple grouping levels feature in the current development stage of Playlist View. With an insane and enormous amount of files to organize (I had a CD store), the SimPlaylist component is extremely essential in this regard.

But, returning to the subject in question, for my setup, the 32-bit version of the new incarnation of the player (v2) in my opinion represents the best of both worlds: that of the legacy world (v1 series) and that of the new world (v2 series), since in the current preview version 2.2 (32-bit) I can, at the same time, have access to all the old components that I like (especially SimPlaylist and its fundamental "multiple grouping levels"), as well as the all the excellent and merciful news brought by the new generation. Having kept the 32-bit version was and continues to be a blessing!

Well then. Eager to access the new features, I installed version 2.2 preview 32-bit OVER my stable version 1.6.18. From then on, my problems with the Cover Info component started.

I backed up this unsuccessful (portable) installation and proceeded with a new, entirely clean (portable) installation of the current 32-bit previw. Once this was done, I migrated - carefully and gradually - all the components that I had been using in version 1.6.18 - but I also migrated some files that I still had doubts about their need, the "config.sqlite" file being one of them.

It turned out that the problem persisted.

I did a new clean (portable) installation. I migrated everything again but, this time more attentive to the new structure originally created by the player, I stopped migrating some files that clearly belonged to version 1.6, as well as the aforementioned "config.sqlite" file.

The player and the "Cover Utils" component now behave brilliantly.

The only (and big) misfortune is that I'm having to reconfigure - one by one - all my personal settings with the player, which were lost along with the discarded "config.sqlite".

But the cost-benefit of this work is completely favorable and I don't dare make that a complaint. Quite the opposite: I only have reason to thank both those responsible for the player and the Cover Utils component, the emergence of which I can attest that I helped inspire here on the forum, since I was tired of using TagScanner and already had great admiration for the foobar2000.

For some technical reason that escapes my average understanding, all I can say, with absolute certainty, is that, by discarding the "config.sqlite" file created from the overwritten installation and keeping the original created by the clean installation, everything went smoothly normalized.

Thank you all very much, both for the player and the component.