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Topic: Columns UI - Columns vs NG playlists question (Read 2193 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI - Columns vs NG playlists question

I've been using this "Columns" playlist for quite a while, and I'd like to duplicate it with the "NG" playlist so I can use the latest "Columns UI" component.

The problem is, when the NG playlist is used, I lose certain features that I'd rather keep.  The one that I really like to keep "as is" is the blue selection highlight bar.  Is there a way to adjust it's length, so that it only highlights the track, and not the empty space on the left?  My scripts don't seem to affect it.

I also lose the burgundy highlights and the shading gradation behind the individual tracks, but that's not quite as important to me.

So, what says the community?  Is there a way to duplicate the settings of my Columns playlist in the NG playlist?  ...or am I stuck in 2007 with version 0.5.1?


Re: Columns UI - Columns vs NG playlists question

Reply #1
Break down the left and right side into individual columns and color them separately using the Style tab for each column in the foobar2000 preferences window.

Put something like this in the Style tab:
Code: [Select]
$set_style(back,background colour,selected item background colour[,selected item background colour when window is not focused])
You can set the left side's background always black, while making the right side change color when highlighted.

I think you can retrieve %list_index% or something like that as well to color each row individually (or do alternating background colors for example based on %list_index% and $mod() function as I recall).

Re: Columns UI - Columns vs NG playlists question

Reply #2
Thank you so much for the suggestions, Daeron!

I'll have a go at it tomorrow, and report back.

Re: Columns UI - Columns vs NG playlists question

Reply #3
Here is an example for the alternating background:
Code: [Select]

For some reason I used %_playlist_number% but %list_index% seems to work as well.

Re: Columns UI - Columns vs NG playlists question

Reply #4
Thanks for the alternating background script!
...but, it over-rides the Global Colors & Fonts, so that the highlite bar doesn't show (curiously, though, the active item frame does show).

Also, I don't understand how to "break down the left and right side into individual columns".  I thought I could use a splitter and have two Playlist Views side-by-side - that doesn't work, though.  Could you give a tip on how to do that?

I've gotten a step closer, though, thanks to you!  This is how it looks now:

Re: Columns UI - Columns vs NG playlists question

Reply #5
File>Preferences>Display>CUI>Playlist view>Columns>[add 2]

Make one column show this (via Display script tab, use titleformatting):
Code: [Select]
Soldier of Love
Style it so the background is always black (via the Style script tab, use $set_style(back.... ):

Make the other column show:
Code: [Select]
<Tracknumbers> <Track titles>
Style it so the background turns blue when highlighted (Style script tab, use $set_style(back.... )

If you dont want the background script to override highlights then you need to modify it with different colors:

Again the syntax is:
Code: [Select]
$set_style(back,background colour,selected item background colour[,selected item background colour when window is not focused])

Re: Columns UI - Columns vs NG playlists question

Reply #6
I got it, now - thank you for clearing that up for me.

(As you can see, I chose to display the album art, for now...  but, that may change.)

If it's not any trouble, I have two more problems that you might be able to help me with:

1) The bar at the top of the panel - the one that says "Sade / Soldier Of Love" - is there any way to modify that?  Say, ad the date to it, or even remove if entirely?  I've poked around, but I don't see any options to customize that line.

2) Below is my "Track Info" panel.  I'd like to change just the progress bar font from Segoe UI to MS Sans Serif, but leave the rest of the display untouched.  I've tried using "$set_font(font face,point size,flags)", but it just returns "Unknown Function"...  any ideas?

Thanks, again!  I don't think I would've figured this out without your help...  and now I can upgrade to the latest Columns UI.

Re: Columns UI - Columns vs NG playlists question

Reply #7
1. That part is called "Groupings". I think you can set it at File>Preferences>Display>CUI>Playlist view>Columns>Groupings or something like that, but I am purely going off my memory here. In any case should be easy enough to find it now that you know the name.

You can use titleformatting to change what is displayed and even use $rgb() etc to change the colors. Inserting $tab() at the end removes the horizontal line.

2. I dont think $set_style(font,... is implemented. And more often than not you can't use multiple fonts within a single UI element.

One notable exception is the Spider Monkey Panel component which lets you display just about anything but requires more programming knowledge.

If you want a nicer progress bar I would recommend the Waveform Minibar (mod) component (its topic on this forum has some nice examples).

Re: Columns UI - Columns vs NG playlists question

Reply #8
2. I dont think $set_style(font,... is implemented. And more often than not you can't use multiple fonts within a single UI element.

Using Item details you can...

And for fb2k 2.0, my JScript Panel 3 component has an easily customisable text display panel which offers similar functionality to the above but it's usable in Default UI, supports text over album art and coloured emoji if running windows 10 or later. No programming skills required.

It doesn't have $set_font but uses my own custom $font function:


Re: Columns UI - Columns vs NG playlists question

Reply #9
Thank you, Daeron - your advice has been invaluable.

Using Item details you can...
Thanks, marc2k3 - I'll check it out tomorrow.