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Topic: Bit rate riddle. (Read 25319 times) previous topic - next topic
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Bit rate riddle.

Reply #50
I realize I have been a bit quick to dismiss the possibility to detect clipping using spectrograms, but you can sure as hell not determine the bitrate from spectrograms.

I wouldn't be to quik to judge on that if I where you, take a LossLess file, create a 128kbps & 320kbps mp3 file
and haul it into a spectogram, if it is encoded with lame a 320kbps will cut off exactly at 20kHz as a 128kbps will
cut off exactly at 16kHz, it is true that you can fiddle with the bandwidth of these settings but there is little to no good
reason to do so.

Yes if you know the encoder version and which settings were used, you can figure out the bitrate.  But if you know the settings used, you already know the bitrate

You can even see the difference between vbr and cbr on it (sometimes) As vbr won't cut exactly at 20kHz but
will fluctuate in a jagged like pattern.

Actually, VBR also uses a fixed lowpass.  See the link I posted above to the lame wiki.  Its no different than CBR in this regard.

I have no idea how to view the encoded settings with a program like mp3Tag that's why I try to make sense out of the spectogram,
if this is encoded in some TAG  in the mp3 file I would appreciate if you could tell me how to view it.

Actually, VBR also uses a fixed lowpass.  See the link I posted above to the lame wiki.  Its no different than CBR in this regard.

Yes and no, most people / companies who aren't worried about size in the age of terrabytes...
Encode their mp3's as "-V 0" wich seems to have no lowpass at all. I encoded one track in it once
and it went way above the 20kHz mark wich is kind off a waste in my opinion.

Bit rate riddle.

Reply #51
mp3tag should let you add columns with these placeholders: %_codec%, %_tool%, %_vbr%, %_bitrate% ...

edit: It looks like mp3tag does not support reading encoder settings. Sucks.
edit2: Get foobar2000. 
"I hear it when I see it."

Bit rate riddle.

Reply #52
In some people's eyes I might have been seem very rude, but I wanted an anwser and I have seen a tendency of this forum to ask question why sombody is asking the question.
Here is why this happens:

Person A knows a lot. Person B knows very little.

Person B comes and asks Person A a question. Just because of the exact question person B asked, person A immediately knows that person B knows very little. If person B knew more, they would have asked a better question.

If person A answers the exact question that person B asked, person B will not learn anything because they asked the wrong question. So person A answers a different question in an attempt to improve the knowledge of person B.

If person B listens carefully and understands the response, then person B will learn.

If person B gets upset because person A did not answer the exact question they asked, then person B will not learn.

Sometimes person A doesn't know as much as they think they do, and person B knows more. It happens. But far far more often, person B doesn't yet understand just how little they know, and how much there is to learn.


P.S. It's totally out of date now, but people had fun with Encspot back in the day, doing just what you're trying to do. There are several old threads on here discussing the problems.

Bit rate riddle.

Reply #53
Just answer the exact question and hint at what the person seems to have wanted to ask instead, provide some context or insight why the question is not that good? 

(Just answering the exact question often results in the OP saying 'ok' and leaving without having learned anything, or even leaving with even more wrong ideas. I agree that that's not a good way to deal with questions.)
"I hear it when I see it."


Bit rate riddle.

Reply #54
In some people's eyes I might have been seem very rude, but I wanted an anwser and I have seen a tendency
of this forum to ask question why sombody is asking the question. I was simply searching for an anwser and @[JAZ]
provided a very well formulated anwser compared to some other people here...

Because that's how forums work. When you visit a doctor, they would ask you some questions so that they understand your problems.
A person without proper knowledge will assume that they are suffering from a certain disease from their symptoms when they may not actually.
Now if you just want an answer, that's like asking drugs for whatever disease you have assumed. Or you can let them ask few questions so that they can understand your problems better and provide you some solution.

Now imagine how it would have been if you are to consult your doctor using forums.;-)