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Topic: Feature Request: Shim for 32 bit DSPs in 64 bit foobar2000 (Read 4025 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Feature Request: Shim for 32 bit DSPs in 64 bit foobar2000

Reply #25
I cranked it up to disastrously high tube distortion and it still resulted in silence on the impulse provided. I must be doing something wrong in the conversion, or using the impulse wrong.

Additionally, using the resulting impulse with the convolver seems to make no difference, even though the tube sound component makes a clear and terrible difference when cranked up that high.
I may need a step-by-step walkthrough to do this. But will it work for Tube Saturation? Earlier comments seem to suggest that it won't work for this sort of thing.

Finally - I use the Convolver for EQ regularly, and the impulses I downloaded for EQ work and make a noticeable difference.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Feature Request: Shim for 32 bit DSPs in 64 bit foobar2000

Reply #26
Is the impulse supposed to have something to start with? I opened the one linked here in Audacity and it's literally just 4 seconds of pure silence. I don't see why a Tube Sound DSP that modifies the audio based on what it is fed would do anything to that. I don't think you can add harmonics if there is no fundamental.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: Feature Request: Shim for 32 bit DSPs in 64 bit foobar2000

Reply #27
You are not doing anything wrong. The impulse file has a single sample at max peak, it's not pure silence. It's just that the tube simulator worked in unexpected way (to me). I thought tubes are supposed to always colorize the sound but at least that DSP does not.

Re: Feature Request: Shim for 32 bit DSPs in 64 bit foobar2000

Reply #28
Ah. Oh well, it was worth a shot. Thanks for your help. I will try out the suggested VSTs.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.