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Topic: Mp3tag v2.40 released (Read 50200 times) previous topic - next topic
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Mp3tag v2.40 released

I've just released Mp3tag v2.40!

This version comes with a completely redesigned Tag Sources dialog, new action types (Export and Import), loading and saving of both column configurations and selection state of action groups, improved support for Vista and iTunes, and many other new features, changes and bugfixes.

You can download it from

The changelog contains a more detailed overview of the more than 100 changes in this version:

Thanks to all who tested the Development Builds and gave feedback on the forums!


Kind regards,

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #1

Can't say it enough.  Thanks for the wonderful program.

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #2
Seconded. The only tagger that works like I want it to work. Thank you Florian!

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #3
Wonderful news! Thanx Florian!
If age or weaknes doe prohibyte bloudletting you must use boxing

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #4
Great program -- the gold standard for MP3 tagging. Thanks Florian! 

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #5
very nice tagger, not the only one i'm using, but one i always keep handy, so thanks
may i offer just a small suggestion. imho replacing "delete..." in the context menu (and all other places in the program where this command also appears) with "remove..." or "remove from list..." would be very helpful in terms of avoiding confusion. when i first noticed this command, i wasn't sure whether it would simply delete the files from mp3tag's list, or actually delete them from the hdd, so i first made a temp folder to test this just in case, because the real delete is obviously quite a destructive command innit. btw after one uses the "delete" command the "undo" already turns into "undo remove", not into "undo delete", so you're halfway there already. methinks less confusion & more consistency is always a good thing

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #6
Thank you very much Florian.

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #7
Thank You for a great program!  will be making a donation

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #8
Big thanks Florian, excellent program.

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #9
Florian, thanks for the excellent program!

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #10
Thanks a lot for the best tagging program out there, period
EAC>1)fb2k>LAME3.99 -V 0 --vbr-new>WMP12 2)MAC-Extra High

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #11
Thank you, I love your program and use it every day.

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #12
I've tried them all and this is the one. Mp3tag the only reason I still boot XP in Fusion with my mac.

I'd be so happy for an OS X version. Would it be hard to port? I've heard some success stories with crossover/wine, but if I remeber things correctly there were some problems involved too.

Thanks for keeping this alive!

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #13
Thanks a lot for all the motivating feedback!

imho replacing "delete..." in the context menu (and all other places in the program where this command also appears) with "remove..."
Good idea.

I'd be so happy for an OS X version.
You're not the only one, but there is nothing in the making at the moment.

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #14
Florain, I'm ripping my 5000 CD classical collection and I would have given up without your program to correct inconstancies and line up my own data base with the tags.

I'll upgrade this weekend and kick in another donation. Please keep up the product!



Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #15
Thank you, Florian. Mp3tag is, without question, one of the best programs I use in my day-to-day. I'll be following m_l's example.

Keep up the good work.

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #16
This is my tagger of choice, really.
However, I would like to be able to see all available tag information (IDE3v1/2, APE etc.) for a file at once, without going through Tools/Options/Tags.
Do you plan to add something similar to Winamp in_mp3 interface (separate tab per tag format) or at least fast switching by a radio button? A possibility for cross-copying of info between the tag formats would also be useful, I believe.
Of course, that could be done by other tools (Audioshell, mp3infp, even Winamp), but adding similar functionality to mp3tag (all-in-one) would draw it near to perfection


Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #17
I've tried them all and this is the one. Mp3tag the only reason I still boot XP in Fusion with my mac.

I'd be so happy for an OS X version. Would it be hard to port? I've heard some success stories with crossover/wine, but if I remeber things correctly there were some problems involved too.

Thanks for keeping this alive!

I can run it perfectly in Linux with Wine. Havn't tried it, but I think it'll work with this version of Wine for OSX:

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #18

I've tried them all and this is the one. Mp3tag the only reason I still boot XP in Fusion with my mac.

I'd be so happy for an OS X version. Would it be hard to port? I've heard some success stories with crossover/wine, but if I remeber things correctly there were some problems involved too.

Thanks for keeping this alive!

I can run it perfectly in Linux with Wine. Havn't tried it, but I think it'll work with this version of Wine for OSX:

I have used that version of Wine in OS X. The only thing that I could get to work was albumart. It would crash mp3tag, but besides that it worked great same for foobar. But I decided it was best just to install XP, this is working much better for me.

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #19
Thanks so much. Its perfect, just what I needed!

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #20
Hi and thank you for updating mp3tag !

However, this version does not support windows 2000 anymore … (win w2k win2k win2000)

I can understand but this brings two suggestionsto my mind :
  • It would be nice to disable this warning [a href="" target="_blank"]

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #21
It would be nice to disable this warning
You just have to click on the 'Yes' button. Mp3tag will open the Mp3tag website and won't ask you again.

It would be nice to let a link to the last windows 2000 compatible version on mp3tag homepage
Yes. As soon as I find some free time.

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #22
Wow thank you!
It's crazy I did not even try this ! Or didn't I ?

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #23
Strange: the last version would load 100 MP3's in a split second-----this new version takes about 20 seconds to load 100 songs to tag.  Maybe it's just my PC........

Mp3tag v2.40 released

Reply #24
thank you Florian !