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Topic: Chronflow (Read 482475 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #50
There is "some kind of structure". Actually you can browse any playlist you like with CoverFlow. So you can choose a playlist in "list view mode", sort it the way you want, and then go to CoverFlow.


Reply #51
First, to Jose Hidalgo's Idea: This is simply impossible. I'm already working hard on getting the current solution work on my PC - loading all those images as textures is a lot of work in such a short time. Generating anything from them is just completely idealistic. This works great with single covers, but implementing this into coverflow is just impossible.

To stampgevaar's question: Coverflow is not a good way to browse the library. It's a fun way. If you want to access a specific album quickly you do this with a tree or a text-list.


Reply #52
First, to Jose Hidalgo's Idea: This is simply impossible. I'm already working hard on getting the current solution work on my PC - loading all those images as textures is a lot of work in such a short time. Generating anything from them is just completely idealistic. This works great with single covers, but implementing this into coverflow is just impossible.

To stampgevaar's question: Coverflow is not a good way to browse the library. It's a fun way. If you want to access a specific album quickly you do this with a tree or a text-list.

Covers would still be in some order. Wouldn't it be fairly easy to implement a sort order that the user can build with default titleformatting? (Like: [%genre% %album artist% %year% %album%])

What about my suggestion?
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P


Reply #53
First, to Jose Hidalgo's Idea: This is simply impossible. I'm already working hard on getting the current solution work on my PC - loading all those images as textures is a lot of work in such a short time. Generating anything from them is just completely idealistic. This works great with single covers, but implementing this into coverflow is just impossible.

Hi chronial,

I can understand that you may don't want to do that, simply because it wouldn't look like CoverFlow for instance. But please don't say it's impossible without giving it a try. Let's think about it for a second.

Of course it may require more GPU power. Of course there might be optimizations to be found (if searched for of course). Of course older machines may not be able to handle it. And all this probably means a lot of work. But I'm quite sure it's not impossible. Take a close look at modern, affordable CPUs (dual-core and even quad-core), not to mention modern GPUs capable of massive multi-parallel tasks. They can now handle 1080p movies @50fps with real time post-processing, and extensive 3D-consuming next-gen games with zillions of polygons, lots of shades, lights, reflections, anisotropic filters and so on. And all that amount of power wouldn't be able to handle a bunch of 3D-cases moving in the same direction ?  I think that we have more power that we need, but we have to learn to use it efficiently. Remember that the original CoverFlow doesn't even require a lot of power to run : an old PC with an old GPU still can make it work to some extent !

So all right, it's easy to talk about it, and I may not have enough developing skills to do this myself (sorry about that  ), but if you are not the first one to do it, then I'm sure that someone else will. Why ? Because after all, we are all pursuing the same dream : to re-create in a PC the same "vision" that we have IRL when we look at our CD collection. It's as simple as that.

So mark my words : 2D covers were the first step in that direction. CoverFlow is obviously the second step. But the whole jewelcases in 3D with front, back and side are the next step, no doubt about it. It's just a matter of time and programming skills. And I may be wrong, but I don't think that power is really an issue here.

Cheers and good luck with your fantastic project (yeah, it remains fantastic after all, of course  ).



Reply #54
To stampgevaar's question: Coverflow is not a good way to browse the library. It's a fun way. If you want to access a specific album quickly you do this with a tree or a text-list.

It must be like browsing your cd rack. Everybody with a large connection knows that if you don't have rules for placing in a cd can dissappear for long time. So the most people use the alphabet - hopefully coverflow will use it too. 

Could a simple filter line do the job - a query that reduces the shown covers? Let's say: "genre IS Rock" and then only the albums are that match the genre.


Reply #55
My buttons as proposed:
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P


Reply #56
To stampgevaar's question: Coverflow is not a good way to browse the library. It's a fun way. If you want to access a specific album quickly you do this with a tree or a text-list.
I disagree with this statement, if it's true that coverflow is an "extra", but some albums are more known because of their covers than their names, especially for albums of the same artist, that's why the design of covers is studied..

But I'm waiting eagerly for coverflow plugin to see what it would do. Some will think that it's another plugin contributing for the bloatiness of foobar2000 but I consider it as another way to wander through the media library. Especially if covers are displayed either by directory structure or randomly or via other criteria


Reply #57


Reply #58
anddddd.... +1
To be more concrete:
i m already using Album Art Browser from Chris. If his component is nice to use, to display cover, it does not sort the display by criteria. Its unique criteria of sort is the name under the cover...(so if i want a sort by rating then date or whaterver i want, then i have to display rating date etc under the cover). [...]
I think criteria of sort is necessary.
I'm agree that many users sort their library by alphabetic order. But this is not a generality and i m not from those user. I sort my library by "autobiographic" order (using a specific tag).
I know Foobar is originaly created for a good and a quality listening.... but i am sure that a certain percent of us use it as well for its incredible powerful capability to "manage" our huge library.
Saying that
Coverflow is not a good way to browse the library. It's a fun way
is a bit restricted, no chronial? I appreciate a lot your work and for this, i am very thankful to you, to take a part of your time to make more sense to foobar, like an ... "evidence", a sort of pertinent use.
Only one ask: Is it that hard to make it both FUN and GOOD way to browse our "gold mine"... ;p
Cheers to you Chronial,
And have a nice Week-Start to all.


Reply #59
I can't imagine to use coverflow for browsing but that is everybodies own taste.

However i would stop discussion: the plugin is yet not released.  Let's wait some time and then we can see what requests we have.


Reply #60
However i would stop discussion: the plugin is yet not released.  Let's wait some time and then we can see what requests we have.
Absolutly Right ;p... (but the discussion might not stop when you want it to)

Could a simple filter line do the job - a query that reduces the shown covers? Let's say: "genre IS Rock" and then only the albums are that match the genre.
I was not asking more... but in fact only arguing with more words. lol


Reply #61

In fact the original CoverFlow works within a given playlist or selection. So if we can have playlists in foobar (Rock, etc.), then chronial's CoverFlow could work exactly the same way, either within a foobar playlist or within a bunch of selected files.


Reply #62
*push* any news? what I've seen so far looked very exciting...


Reply #63
waiting for news about this project ...

please, give us feedback : stopped ? no time for the moment for coding ? technical pb ? ... so a sign of life



Reply #64
Yes, I agree : I don't care when there will be a beta or some sort of operational version, but what I'd like to have is some REGULAR feedback on this project. Some information would help. Thanks Chronial.


Reply #65
any news?

the pi


Reply #66
I'm very sorry to say this, but this lack of news is beginning to smell like vaporware... no offense intended of course, but if foobar's CoverFlow implementation was really as advanced as we could see in the page 1 (it looked quite functional then), then we would already have gotten our hands on some beta to test. Instead of that, we have... no news at all. What can we say ? 

Sorry chronial, but you really should have given some more news on this one instead of just saying nothing. I wish I'm wrong and some real software comes out SOON. Thanks.


Reply #67
Sorry to say, but I'm getting really tired to hear complains from people who think developers have to dedicate all their life and soul for the benefit of the community. Those who are concerned should really stop thinking only about themselves. The whole aspect of development for this software is based on volunteering, so there is absolutely no place for any kind of expectations on how the output of work should be or anything. People are free to invest their free time in development whenever they like and in whatever way they like and it is in the natural order for them to expect gratitude from the others. In my point of view, arguing and putting pressure on the programmer only contribute in eating out this community by lack of gratefulness. Count yourselves already lucky to have such a generous variety of (free) components available, plus a (free) rock solid media player and a (free) support forum with well qualified members.

This might be a bit overreacted, but I have this one on my mind since a while. I'm not talking for anyone else than me expressing my point of view.


Reply #68
Sorry to say, but I'm getting really tired to hear complains from people who think developers have to dedicate all their life and soul for the benefit of the community. Those who are concerned should really stop thinking only about themselves. The whole aspect of development for this software is based on volunteering, so there is absolutely no place for any kind of expectations on how the output of work should be or anything. People are free to invest their free time in development whenever they like and in whatever way they like and it is in the natural order for them to expect gratitude from the others. In my point of view, arguing and putting pressure on the programmer only contribute in eating out this community by lack of gratefulness. Count yourselves already lucky to have such a generous variety of (free) components available, plus a (free) rock solid media player and a (free) support forum with well qualified members.

This might be a bit overreacted, but I have this one on my mind since a while. I'm not talking for anyone else than me expressing my point of view.

Well said.


Reply #69
Now, i really need a CoverFlow panel for my config ! (not finished, just started yesterday  )

[a href="" target="_blank"]



Reply #70
He hasn't been online since 18th October 2007; thats 17 days. Maybe he's busy, maybe he forgot about this place, who knows. I loved this idea, and hopefully someone makes it a reality. Even a demo with some very minor functionality would be wonderful .
Song List:


Reply #71
It shouldn't be so hard with C# and XAML. I'm just beginner in programming, but when I'll reach the next level, who knows...


Reply #72
It shouldn't be so hard with C# and XAML. I'm just beginner in programming, but when I'll reach the next level, who knows...

Here's an example from a guy called Cleb who lost interest ages ago...he'd be happy to make it opensource if a "dedicated" developer wanted to work on it...


Reply #73
Ok, I did some study, and it is really simple for anyone who knows the XAML construction and how it's linked with C#. For now I am learning XAML and C# separatly, so I don't really know how to bind it together. I don't know how the Foobar API looks like, but if it doesn't obstruct programmers work...

Well... I've made some 'not working' sample. I mean I did the black background, loaded the covers and take them into right positions. The only problem for me now is how to change attributes in XAML from C# loops or the timer component (it's necessary to make covers move).


Reply #74
Just making a panel display cover looking like a Coverflow panel for my iFoo config

[a href="" target="_blank"]
