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Topic: [Bug Report] album art does not change when new track is played (Read 1045 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Bug Report] album art does not change when new track is played

Short version: folder with this structure:
01 - filename.flac
01 - filename.jpg
02 - filename.flac
02 - filename.jpg
etc.; no image files such as "cover.jpg" or "folder.jpg"

When playing the files from this single folder, fb2k mobile 1.4.3 does not display the correct album art when a new track plays. The desktop version 2.1.1 will switch the cover art to match the filename currently playing (i.e., the art for "02 - filename.flac" will display the matching .jpg filename). fb2k mobile 1.4.3 displays the correct art for the first track that plays, but it never changes.

I tried embedding the various album art images into the corresponding files and removing all .jpg files, but the problem persists. This is playing directly from the folder containing the files. Creating a playlist pointing to the same files in the single folder exhibits the same problem, perhaps unsurprisingly.

Creating a playlist of the same songs but from the folders of the various albums does not exhibit the problem; i.e., art changes as you would expect. The only image file in the album folders is "cover.jpg". None of the tracks use embedded art. The single folder containing all the songs uses different versions of the same audio files, in that they are tagged differently (e.g., all use a common Album name, vs. songs pulled from album folders, which use each individual Album name).

So while the one form of playlist does not have the album art bug, it does not display the tag info as I wish to see it.

This is the "app-armeabi-v7a-release.apk" on a FiiO M7 running their version of Android (I can get specifics, as needed). All files and playlists are on the external microSD card.

Re: [Bug Report] album art does not change when new track is played

Reply #1
Additional info:

given my fb2k mobile settings, thumbnails of the album art display correctly either when opening the folder or viewing a playlist.  That includes all scenarios referenced above; i.e., track and album art filenames matching, album art embedded in the files, and the playlist referencing tracks spread across multiple folders (the only scenario where album art switching works properly).

The FiiO M7 uses "Kernel version 3.18.14-user-g70eb6b8-dirty" and is the latest version of their firmware (1.0.8 ). To quote their FAQ:
"The M7 is running with a highly-customized Android 7.0 system."

Re: [Bug Report] album art does not change when new track is played

Reply #2
Fixed for the next update, thanks for reporting.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: [Bug Report] album art does not change when new track is played

Reply #3
Fixed for the next update, thanks for reporting.
Thanks for the upcoming fix. Is that for the next stable update, or a preview build? I tried with the 2024.02.02 preview and the problem persists, but wanted to check.


Sorry, let me clarify: the problem with file-1.flac & file-1.jpg, file-2.flac & file-2.jpg, etc., is fixed in 2024.02.02 preview when playing tracks from the folder, and using a playlist of the same.

What is still broken is the same set of files but with the album art embedded in the FLAC file and the JPGs (in my case) deleted from the folder. This is true when playing tracks from the folder, or using a playlist of the same. It uses the album art of the first track played, then never changes.

Re: [Bug Report] album art does not change when new track is played

Reply #4
As a further test I created a few folders and moved tracks with embedded album art into them (one per folder; different art for most), then created a playlist.

Same problem: only the art from the first track played is displayed.

So, definitely seems to be a bug with embedded album art, playing tracks in a single folder, or using a playlist referencing tracks in multiple folders.

People might not notice this if playing on an album-by-album basis, as the same album art is likely used. A playlist with multiple albums using different embedded art would cause a problem, though. I won't create a new bug report, as this falls under the current topic's Subject line.

Re: [Bug Report] album art does not change when new track is played

Reply #5
One more wrinkle to all this.

I created a group of "albums" under a parent folder, each track in each "album" folder using embedded art. I created two playlists: one with just the music files, sorted by "album" folder, and another with the same structure but with a file called "silence.flac" (10s of silence) leading off the playlist, separating each "album", and then again at the end. "silence.flac" has an accompanying image file "silence.jpg". Both files are located in the root "Audio" folder where I put all folders with music. The test "album" folders are located a couple levels deeper.

As expected, the first playlist (just the music) showed only the album art embedded in the first track played; when playback transitioned to the next "album" folder, the art did not update, whether in normal playback or Shuffle.

The playlist using the silence file, however, managed to change the album art when transitioning from the last song in an "album" folder, then to the next reference to "silence.flac", and finally the correct embedded art in the next "album" folder. All this when playing in non-Shuffle mode. Shuffle mode re-introduced the problem.

Then it got really interesting. Instead of using "silence.flac" and "silence.jpg", I embedded the JPG in the FLAC and deleted "silence.jpg". Given the behavior of previous playlists referencing files exclusively using embedded art, I expected the first art displayed to persist when a track with different art was played. Nope. The embedded art kept changing as you'd expect when played straight through, as the with the test above. Shuffle, on the other hand, caused the problem, except when "silence.flac" reset everything. The art from the following track then persisted across "albums" until the next occurrence of "silence.flac".

So basically the embedded art in "silence.flac", located on a different level in the file tree fixed the problem in non-Shuffle mode, and caused a temporary reset in Shuffle mode.

Lastly, I went into Advanced and cleared the image cache, then repeated the tests above. The results were the same.

What I see is that a group of files with embedded art at the same level in the file tree have the album art display problem... e.g.,

root | Folder-1 | Album-Folder-1
root | Folder-1 | Album-Folder-2
root | Folder-1 | Album-Folder-3

but if a file from outside that is introduced in the playlist, a reset is effected (for want of a better expression). That was easy enough to test by locating "silence.flac" (with embedded art) in a totally different folder (e.g., root | Folder-4 | Album-Folder-12), referencing that new location in the playlist (rather than "root") and running the above tests; same results.

The next test will be to create a playlist of files using embedded art (no cover.jpg, folder.jpg, etc.) at different levels in the file tree and see what happens. I'll get back to you....

Re: [Bug Report] album art does not change when new track is played

Reply #6
The next test will be to create a playlist of files using embedded art (no cover.jpg, folder.jpg, etc.) at different levels in the file tree and see what happens. I'll get back to you....

I created a totally different, more complex folder structure to house various FLAC files with embedded album art, distributing them at different levels amongst six folders at the same level (i.e., Audio > Test 01, Audio > Test 02, etc.). I created a playlist of those six folders and their sub-folders that contain the FLAC files.

After clearing the image cache and making sure Shuffle was off, I played the first track. It showed the last displayed embedded art from the previous playlist! Completely wrong. This new playlist for the new folder structure did not use "silence.flac", but did contain FLAC files of a different artist, also only using embedded art. When I skipped through the first three tracks and thus got to a new folder referenced in the playlist, which happened to contain the other artist, the album art changed and displayed correctly for the first track.

Playback continued in playlist order with a track from the same artist but different album. And now the problem returned for all the tracks from that artist, even though they were in different folders at different levels. When playback transitioned back to the other artist (in yet another new folder), the correct album art was displayed for the first song. The problem persisted with successive tracks after that, again spread across different folders at different levels.

So basically, the embedded album art problem persists even when tracks are in different folders at different levels in the file tree.

As far as the problem carrying over from the previous playlist goes, perhaps the first three files in their new folder, which had been used in previous testing (the device was not rebooted) were somehow linked to the last, incorrect album art that had been displayed. The files were copied, not moved, to their new location for this more complex test.

It's a strange problem, to be sure.

Re: [Bug Report] album art does not change when new track is played

Reply #7
Thanks @Peter for fixing the embedded album art issue. I tested with the latest preview (v1.5-2024-02-12) with the files referenced earlier in this thread, and a different set of files on a separate SD card. Everything works as it should  :)