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Topic: Winamp won't play WavPack files (Read 23473 times) previous topic - next topic
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Winamp won't play WavPack files

Windows XP Pro 32 bit
Winamp lite v5.581
WavPack plugin v2.8a

I'm at a loss here.  I used to use Winamp v5.35 lite along with the WavPack plugin to listen to my WavPack files.  I just installed it yesterday and it works normally for all files except WavPack files.  The .WV extension doesn't show in the file types list, but the in_wv.dll is installed in the C:\Program Files\WinAmp\Plugins folder.

I've tried Winamp versions 5.35, the current 5.581, and even an old 2.x version, and the .WV extension never shows up in the file types list despite the in_wv.dll being installed in the C:\Program Files\WinAmp\Plugins folder.

Any ideas?

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #1
Winamp 5.581 full, in_wv.dll 2.8a.
File Types: "... WMA, WMV, ASF, WV, M3U, M3U8, PLS ..."

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #2
That's what I should see, but don't.  WV isn't there.

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #3
I originally thought my using the Sandboxie program might have something to do with this issue, but the author of the program installed Winamp & the WavPack plugin in the normal fashion and he had the same problem.  I'm at a loss as to why the .WV extension isn't showing up in the file types list in Winamp's preferences.  It did in the past when I used Winamp w/WavPack files.

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #4
I just installed v5.35 lite + the plugin on a Win98 PC and it plays .WV files flawlessly.  Ugh.

Would something like Dependency Walker help me diagnose the problem?  I've used the program once or twice in the past but don't remember much about it.

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #5
I really have no idea what's going on here. I just uninstalled winamp on my XP machine and installed the exact same winamp and plugin that you specift, and it works fine. I thought maybe it had to do with the fact that it was the "lite" version (which seems to have some plugin compatibility differences with the full version), but it does not seem to make a difference here. I think I have an XP laptop that has never had winamp installed...I'll try on that tomorrow. The fact that both you and the Sandboxie developer both have the issue, but nobody else has reported it, is a little weird.

You could try an older winamp plugin. The oldest one I still have up on the site is 2.6 here, but I am not too hopeful about that.

I really doubt that it's a dependency problem, but you could certainly point dependency walker at it and see if you get any errors.

Sorry for the trouble! 


Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #6
Despite you thinking v2.6 of the plug-in wouldn't work I decided to try it.... and it worked.
Installed it and right away I saw WV in the file types list in Winamp's preferences.  Then I got v2.7 of the plug-in by editing the link you gave me, installed it, and WV was gone again.

Earlier this evening before you replied I was messing around with Dependency Walker.  I've used it before but I really don't know what I'm doing.
If I see something in red I just assume it's a file that's missing or corrupt, so I download a copy and see if it fixes the issue.
In the case of Winamp the following DLLs were listed in red and said not to be on my PC:

wzcdlg.dll (related to Wireless Zero Configuration)
msoert2.dll (related to Outlook Express)
msjava.dll (related to java)

I don't know why any of those would have anything to do with the issue but I downloaded them from some DLL website and put them in the system directory but it didn't solve the problem.
I was Googling and trying to see if I could find anyone else with this problem and I did find a couple, and one of the suggestions had something to do with putting libmmd.dll in Winamp's plug-in folder.  Did it, didn't help.
Dependency Walker also shows the icon (or whatever) for mpr.dll in red, but the file isn't missing, it's already on my PC.  This is the message it gives:

"Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module."

That's all Greek to me, and I was ready to give up because I didn't know what else to do, but v2.6 of the plug-in worked, so thanks very much for making it available.
Do you have any ideas as to why it worked though?  How do versions 2.6 & 2.8 of the plug-in differ?

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #7
Just to be clear, the message I mentioned above from Dependency Walker about mpr.dll is still there when using v2.6 of the plug-in, but everything works.  I also got rid of the other 3 DLLs I mentioned above.  Dependency Walker again notes that all 3 of them are absent from my PC, but everything still works.

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #8
you have to check the dependency walker of the wavpack plugin, not of winamp.

Could it be that you miss the microsoft C++ runtimes?

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #9
Well, like I said, I don't really know what I'm doing with Dependency Walker.   
I just checked both versions of the plug-in with DW.  I got these 2 messages for both of them:

Warning: At least one delay-load dependency module was not found.
Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module.

With v2.8 (the one that wouldn't work on my system), I also got this message:

Error: The Side-by-Side configuration information for "e:\sandbox\chris\winamp\drive\g\program files\winamp\plugins\IN_WV.DLL" contains errors.
This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem (14001).

Bryant, I don't know if that's helpful for you or not, but that's what I have to offer at this point.  If there's other info from DW you'd like let me know.

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #10
That's all Greek to me, and I was ready to give up because I didn't know what else to do, but v2.6 of the plug-in worked, so thanks very much for making it available.
Do you have any ideas as to why it worked though?  How do versions 2.6 & 2.8 of the plug-in differ?

The feature added for 2.7 was the reading of embedded cover art from APEv2 tags (see changelog). That was actually a significant change because it involved adding C++ code to the plugin for the first time (and I got much-needed help from Benski on the winamp team to do it). It seems like your problem must be related to that, but I would think that if you were missing any C++ dependency then winamp would not run either (I am no expert in this area).

But anyway, now that I know what the difference is I can investigate further (or maybe one of the winamp guys will know what's going on).

The important thing is that you're up and running; thanks very much for the help! 


edit: adding this after I read your latest post...that "side-by-side configuration" seems to the problem, but I don't even know what that means  so it will take me a little work to figure this out...but thanks again!

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #11
Well, like I said, I don't really know what I'm doing with Dependency Walker.

You can see a tree in the top-left window.

The version of in_wv.dll that I have (it's from Winamp Essentials pack) depends on kernel32.dll and user32.dll only.

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #12
You can see a tree in the top-left window.
The version of in_wv.dll that I have (it's from Winamp Essentials pack) depends on kernel32.dll and user32.dll only.
Yep, same here, but I have other issues as was noted at the bottom of the DW window.

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #13
David, embedded cover art isn't something that matters to me, so for now v2.6 is fine for my needs.  Hope you eventually get everything worked out to your satisfaction though, and thank you.

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #14
Side-by-side Assemblies.


run Winamp with its failing configuration unsandboxed and then look into the Windows Event viewer whether there can be found some hints what is missing on your system.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #15
I didn't run it unsandboxed, but I did look in Event Viewer to see what I might find in reference to the failures I've already had.  I see the same 3 messages over and over in the instances where I was trying to use v2.8 of the plug-in:

Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC80.CRT could not be found and Last Error was The referenced assembly is not installed on your system.

Resolve Partial Assembly failed for Microsoft.VC80.CRT. Reference error message: The referenced assembly is not installed on your system.

Generate Activation Context failed for E:\Sandbox\Chris\Winamp\drive\G\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins\in_wv.dll.
Reference error message: The operation completed successfully.

I searched my PC for "*VC80*" but found nothing.
Winamp v5.581 installs a "Microsoft.VC90.CRT" folder inside of the Winamp folder, but nothing with 80.

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #17
Thanks for those links.  I poked around the MS download site a bit and noticed that there's also a 2008 version of the C++ package.  Would it be preferred over the 2005 version?

2008 version

2008 SP1

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #18
No, because that packages would install the runtimes you have already (Microsoft.VC90...)

However to install the mentioned 2005 Redistributables in Sandboxie (you would need admin rights) should give you the answer whether that are really the missing files, without changes to your "real" system.

If a sandboxed installation solves your problem I would install them in normal mode afterwards. Sorry for my English. 
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #19
I just did a sandboxed install of the 2005 version and then installed v2.8 of the plug-in and this time it worked, so I guess my system not having the C++ files was the issue.  Interesting stuff.

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #20
I am glad that I was able to help and that the issue is solved now.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #21
Next time i'll try to make my answer a bit more useful, since it was really what I suggested.

(I've been developing  a c++ program in visual studio for several years, so I've had to deal with installing the runtimes. In fact, I've never understood how windows does not depend on them. What do they code windows with? .NET?)

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #22
(I've been developing  a c++ program in visual studio for several years, ...

I am no programmer, JAZ, but the problem of missing C++ runtimes with the corresponding error messages is known to me from my own personal experience and also from other posts mainly in foobar's third party plugins forum.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #23
just to mention, i just installed XP and had the same problem.
solved installing the older plugin version.


Winamp won't play WavPack files

Reply #24
You installed the latest service pack first, right? (Also, nice bump.)