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Topic: A renaming problem (Read 5657 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: A renaming problem

Reply #25
You are missing a percentage sign
The filename pattern used is [%year% - ]%artist%\%album\[%discnumber]\%filename%
Should be [%year% - ]%artist%\%album\[%discnumber%]\%filename%

Re: A renaming problem

Reply #26

fixed...discnumber still not populated.

Re: A renaming problem

Reply #27
Bah, I missed that you had missed the percentage sign from another tag too:
[%year% - ]%artist%\%album%\[%discnumber%]\%filename%

Re: A renaming problem

Reply #28

Sorry! My bad. Thanks for spotting it. Looks much better...
(still wish foobar would read them values from the cue file though! - Its EAC that put them there btw.)

Re: A renaming problem

Reply #29
One more correction
move \ inside the conditional [%discnumber%]
Code: [Select]
[%year% - ]%artist%\%album%\[%discnumber%\]%filename%
to prevent a double \\ if %discnumber% doesn't exist.


Re: A renaming problem

Reply #30
Thank you!